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About jpk

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  1. jpk

    Wanna play some mod again.

    Dayzcommander or dayzlauncher? Struggling to download with dayzcommander. Just installed the launcher.
  2. Hey people. Just want to know which mods are still good to play? Servers in Europe? ( I don't think there will be any in South Africa as all are now standalone.) I am really enjoying standalone, but after getting shot up last night i thought of playing some mod again. Of course it's pvp, but maybe there are at least still people who talk, even when they deceive? I miss the zombies. Thanks.
  3. jpk

    New(ish) loot system help

    I just saw my horrible spelling. Sorry. Can't wait for a bigger phone.
  4. jpk

    New(ish) loot system help

    Think of it as spinning a wheel to try and win the jackpot. It's really all it is. I myself struggle a lot to find anything. A backpack seems highly elusive. I did a test last night to see how i as a player affect loot. I found some mty cans and left the scene. Went to another, picked up the loot. I then ate a can and lefy it in the spawn. After 15 mins i went to the first spawn. Those same cans were still there. At the second spawn mu empty cam was still there. Basically I didn't trigger another engine-generated spawn. Basically my conclusion was that I took loot and lefy trash wherever I go, and you come along the same route, all you'll find is mu ttash. You will have to clean it out and amd wait. Soundz like a dirtu yactic, but effective, so now I play like that. I only clear out if i plan to come back the same way. And all things beinh random, and so many possibilities for loot, there really is only a small chance for anything to spaw. Like 40% or so. Just don't hang around too much in one place and weigh the risks. And where yhete are loads of zombies, I found thT there's usually very good loot, with a high chance of dying.
  5. jpk


    Sounds interesting. Gonna give it a try for sure. With my life expectancy I can't imagine how hRd ot' gonna be lol.
  6. jpk

    New Vanilla Server

    Of course lol. Thanks a ton.
  7. jpk

    New Vanilla Server

    Cool. I'm actually in South Africa, so connection not a problem. The IP doesn't show on my search on dayzcommander though. maybe i u give me the server name i can find it?
  8. Afyer my few hours of play I decide there are only 3 things u need to survive. Eat, drink, and don't get caught by eithsr players or zombies. Period. Everything else is secondary. Patience is key. You can' simply just go from building to builxing trying to find something. Besides, there's half a chance of spmeting spawning, amd it may not be something usefull. Finding a pack, weapon or anything else than food is a bonus. But u habe to eat and drink. It's called mmo survival for a reason....
  9. Been ther a few dayz. Highly reccomended. Had first three surviver contacts last night, all of them highly stressful. All the players seem like good guys, but still no one can be fully trusted. A truly epic place to be.
  10. jpk

    New Vanilla Server

    Europen or us server? Cant't check yet, Im at work.
  11. AWA HARDCORE - If you're somewhere near the UK. Go to http://awkack.org/index.php?page=whitelist to register and whitelist first. I Started there a couple days ago, and it's a really fun server. There were about 5 new players last night and ther are 16 playing right now (soon 17 with me included) Except for the fact that you can commit suicide if you do posess a pistol, and choosing a spawn point( if u click Chernarus it's one of the normal random places), it's 100% vanilla.
  12. jpk

    Dayz: Your Favourite moments

    Last night, when I finally found a backpack. have been searching for 4 hours. And it was an Alice pack! The moment was short-lived, however. In my excitement to get to the pack I ended up with like 4 zombies chacing me, and I only had about 1000 blood left. Died quickly and had to start over again lol.
  13. Thanks for the replies guys. I foun the awa server(whitelist at awkack.org) Its a great private hive where u star with basically nothing at all. And the people are cool. Would really like to see more people there.
  14. jpk

    60+ frames eludes me

    What is your current specs? You may just need a minor upgrade. I still rin a core 2 duo amd ddr2 800 setup with hd6850 and get 45 fps. Also upgrading now caise i onlu get 20 on bf4 with low settings. Going the fx 6300 route with msi gd 46 and 8 gig ram. The amd build gets me an extra 1 tb 65meg cache hdd and new case compared to an intel 3570 build.