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in the current verstion I have had zombies spawn on top of me,  Warp through walls, and the most annoying charge me and run through me while hitting me then warping back to 10 feet in front of me and repeating the process.  Is this going to be fixed or is this the best the AI can do ?



It not my PC lagging I was the only person on the server

57 meg down 17 meg up cable modem  ping to server was 27 ms

16 gig ram with a 3.7ghz i5 and a 560 ti with 2 gig ram on dual sata3 hitachi 750 in raid 1 mode

Edited by Griffith
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1.8.4 isn't out yet.

You are spinning lies, little spider.

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Max thanks for pointing out my error yet ignoring the question at hand.

Edited by Griffith

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Max thanks for pointing out my error yet ignoring the question at hand.


Official or private server?

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Depends on the server Public hives will have less lag while privates with lots of addons will have lag because of all the addons, your internet might have a very low bandwith, do you get kicked for high ping a lot?

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Its not lag, but zombie pathing.  Zombies clip through walls and doors on every server, because the code isnt optimized, not to mention that zombies become sprinting maniacs as soon as they see you.  its been this way since DayZ was available, and only the small dev team can address it.

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They have yet to sort out the zombie AI but there was a devblog which described a new zombie pathing system where zombies do not avoid collisions but run straight towards the player or something. Anyway that should be released with the standalone.

Edited by Noface

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We've all suffered attacks from zombies walking through walls.  It's all part of the fun to expect the unexpected and leap before they get you! :)

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I feel your pain, seems like every time I get back to full blood, I will turn my head for 3 seconds only to have a zed spawn 5meters in front of me.  I end up running right into them.  What can you do, just got tto go with the flow.

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