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Whats your theory

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Hey guys sorry if there is another discussion on this but meh. I just want to know what every one does when they spawn for example what do you get and where do you go?

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Ok. If you look at the top right on the page. Are you looking there? Great.


There is a search bar.


You use it when you want to make sure nobody else has made a thread about the same thing you want to make a thread about (Breath).


It's very clever, isn't it?

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Ok. If you look at the top right on the page. Are you looking there? Great.


There is a search bar.


You use it when you want to make sure nobody else has made a thread about the same thing you want to make a thread about (Breath).


It's very clever, isn't it?

aha -_- ok thanks but answer the question?

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Ok. If you look at the top right on the page. Are you looking there? Great.


There is a search bar.


You use it when you want to make sure nobody else has made a thread about the same thing you want to make a thread about (Breath).


It's very clever, isn't it?

Link ?

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if i have understood correctly the topic: i search for barns to find a weapon and then straight to nearest town..

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Find two cans of food and two cans of drinks. Loot a barn/warehouse/cattle house for a weapon. Camp Stary. Kill a better equipped player. Loot said player. Find a car. Drive the car to the northern border. Loot tents. Thrive.

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Link ?


I can't find it, but not long ago, some guy asked us what our route was when we spawned.

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depends on where exactly I spawn...example....

spawn in otmel= up the hill to Rog looting the deer stand on the way, they north for Polana hitting Msta and Dolina on the way.  Hit the Factory then over the hill and into Berezino.  After that it is off to NEAF.

kamenka= deer stands on the way to Zele, then up to Pustoshka, Vybor and Lopatino as I circle around to the north side of NWAF.

several other routes for other spawns but all include getting off the coast fast.  No Elekiro or Cherno until after I am geared unless I spawn there, but those spawns tend to be short lived.

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First things first, I go the the nearest building and hopefully find me an axe or other means of defense.. after, I go where the wind takes me. 

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First i see where i spawn. Not near Elektro/Cherno? Find a zombie or jump off a cliff to get a better spawn.

Then run to the nearest city. Go through houses and supermarket to find some decent loot and run fast through the firestation then go north.

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I head for a nearby industrial or farm area, looking for a hatchet, crowbar, or machete. Gun is a bonus. Next up is residential spawns, I'll hit little towns, castles, and such. I'll then start hitting Deer Stands as I travel inwards and north. Deerstands will finish off the map/matches/machete/knife issues you might have. Then it is time to try and hit some military spawns. Unfortunately the major ones are in Cherno, Elektro, Stary, NWAF, and NEAF focusing players into those areas. If you are poorly armed stay out of them. How do you get armed? Go into them... conundrum huh?

Solution to that is try hitting some of the smaller one shot little spawns like the Factory near Orlovets, Berenzino, and Green Mountain.

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step 1 - spawn make straight line sprint to closer area for find guns


step 2 -  go there search for gun basic survive things :) don't stop until find


step 3 - make straight line sprint to closer area of high active player like elektro and have fun hunt down players :thumbsup:  :P


step 4 - die go to step 1

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Run in town, get a melee weapon, raid the hospital, and head inland.  I can get everything else more safely inland and I don't need a map anymore.

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1. Find the closest town.


3. Loot Food, Drinks, weapons.

4.Hopefully find a car

5. Drive around looting other places.

6. Hopefully find a tent

7.Set up camp

8.Hopefully live and thrive


Or you can just go around killing people for equipment or just for fun....

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I usually bust it straight for Polana. I like to get geared up there since it's less traveled, generally speaking. Like to head to Berenzino after that.

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Head straight for cherno or elektro and hit the clubs. It can get a bid rough but nothing a few painkillers wont sort out.

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Find two cans of food and two cans of drinks. Loot a barn/warehouse/cattle house for a weapon. Camp Stary. Kill a better equipped player. Loot said player. Find a car. Drive the car to the northern border. Loot tents. Thrive.

Sound's good

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I always head north/inland. Lately I've been hitting zub castle along my route and then around stary. It's more dangerous, but like someone just said, there's a chance one might stumble upon a kitted dead player or surprise a kitted player. I like hitting zub now because occasionally it spawns a cz or dmr. I like doing this instead of hitting up multiple red barns along the way to only get a winny, etc.

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