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meat pie

How do you get around?

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Most of the time I'm on foot, but when I find a car and have the time, I get it fixed up ASAP.


Preferred method of travel? Huey. Fast and scenic.

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Just the same as my real day to day, biking.

No need for gas, doesn't make much noise and it's a lot faster than walking.

 I didn't properly acknowledge this.


In real life my bike is my horse, my gym (I've lost 80+ pounds cycling), my therapist.


I ride somewhere around 500 miles a month, mostly NYC riding.


In DayZ I never had great luck even finding the Old Bike and I could never keep one.....





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I like piloting a heli :)


I do too, but they tend to vanish overnight so I go for more reliable transportation. 

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If I was to try and explain it using words it would sound a little strange, the only way to truly understand is by watching this video.

This is me making my way to Elektro last week:

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