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Different foods

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Something that has bothered me about water bottles (if this counts as food) is that you can only drink out of them once and then they are empty. When you take a sip or 2 out of a full water bottle, you still have a lot left over. I hope they implement something like this into DayZ Standalone.

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Am I the only person who wants to see agriculture in this game? I want to be able to grow vegetables and collect them as a renewable food source.


Also carbine, watch the latest dev blog. This is implemented. You eat and drink items 25% per use.

Edited by SalamanderAnder
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Am I the only person who wants to see agriculture in this game? I want to be able to grow vegetables and collect them as a renewable food source.


Also carbine, watch the latest dev blog. This is implemented. You eat and drink items 25% per use.

i would say harvesting yes, to plant and let them regrow again idk... it's autumn in Chernarus, so i say, grapes, apples, pumpkins...and all sorts of grain or corn

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Idk wtf you guys are going on about. The only thing I've ever seen grow in Chernarus are sunflowers and pumpkins.

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Thee food suggestions:

   1. Eggs - there are so many chicken coups about but no eggs to be had that I am aware of 

   2. Mushrooms - this could be a interesting add - make some that kill you, some that help you, and some that have other effects. maybe make it so you need a guide to know which is which

  3. Harvestable Veggies like pumpkins, tomatoes, etc ( I know this is a repetitive but there are few things more aggravating then starving to death in a field of unharvestable pumpkins) 

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