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Woman Clothing

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Any idea when community will start to work on woman clothing?

I miss camo clothing for woman or other kind of clothing.

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most private hives don't even make you choose..in any case it wouldn't matter..it's sufficient if avatars can shoot and die..

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As far as I know you currently can't have both genderselection and spawnpointselection at the same time. So female skins might be redundant at this point anyway, if you can't be a female.

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I'm stuck as a female...


That's the reason why I'm not playing public hive anymore..

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I got some suggestions.


Female survivor skin

Bambi bunny, potayto potato.



Female hero skin

Lil' bambi bulked up and saves the day.


Female bandit skin.

No more KoS in the world. Win.


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AHAHAHAHA. That banditskin. Sorry for being pointless, but that was ace!

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Now all we need is nuns in latex suits with assault rifles then it'll be like Hitman: Absolution

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As far as I know you currently can't have both genderselection and spawnpointselection at the same time. So female skins might be redundant at this point anyway, if you can't be a female.

I would prefer gender selection than Spawn selection.

Its possible if you use the right body make the necessary adjustments to fit a female body, specially with use of camo clothing.

I use a mod sometimes, called, namalsk crisis and in the campaing you have a female in camo clothing, it is awesome. :)

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Now all we need is nuns in latex suits with assault rifles then it'll be like Hitman: Absolution

Who would mind that, we can always use more latex :)

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I love the devs for this game and I know they are doing all this work on their own time and I appreciate it very much. But in my opinion this is something that should really be rectified, especially given the wider criticisms of gaming these days. Plus, I just really want to play a female character who looks as badass as the male models!


The skin right now is clearly unfinished, and although it's better than many other game portrayals of women, it's BS that if we want to play as a female we don't have access to other clothing options or the hero/bandit skins. I mean this really shouldn't even have to be said - both genders should have the same wardrobe options, period. That's pretty basic. And the fact that people are suggesting ("jokingly" of course) that the female models all be sex objects is further evidence of just how important it is for developers to counteract gaming's endemic sexism with respectful portrayals.

Edited by Drewbles

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Haha. Well played, Sir. Well played. :thumbsup:


I just wanted to point out that this is still an issue, and should be even more of one as time goes on.

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