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something that could add some diversity to SA's gameplay is adding more features relating to naval gameplay. things like being able to shoot from and build defenses on boats would encourage some people to base on sea rather than land. there could be some as small as fishing boats and house boats and things as large as yachts and cruise ships.

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something that could add some diversity to SA's gameplay is adding more features relating to naval gameplay. things like being able to shoot from and build defenses on boats would encourage some people to base on sea rather than land. there could be some as small as fishing boats and house boats and things as large as yachts and cruise ships.


Remember, this is set in/around the old Soviet. They didn't have yachts, cruise ships or house boats.

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something that could add some diversity to SA's gameplay is adding more features relating to naval gameplay. things like being able to shoot from and build defenses on boats would encourage some people to base on sea rather than land. there could be some as small as fishing boats and house boats and things as large as yachts and cruise ships.

Yes, but I don't want fishing, or else you won't have to go to shore for shit!

I don't want to see armed military boats.

They should act as a chassis on a tank, you supply your own guns by either mounting them or just having a massive firing squad on board.

Sea should be the opposite of inland IMO, massively PVP. With so few islands to store your stuff on it might be better to keep most of it on the boat.

I wanna see proper piracy boat warfare stuff.

Maybe even have, anchored cargo ships, they wouldn't be able to leave the area because of the infection.

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Yes, but I don't want fishing, or else you won't have to go to shore for shit!

I don't want to see armed military boats.

They should act as a chassis on a tank, you supply your own guns by either mounting them or just having a massive firing squad on board.

Sea should be the opposite of inland IMO, massively PVP. With so few islands to store your stuff on it might be better to keep most of it on the boat.

I wanna see proper piracy boat warfare stuff.

Maybe even have, anchored cargo ships, they wouldn't be able to leave the area because of the infection.


You can't live on sea forever. If rocket decides to add disadvantages for one sided nutricion or you need mdeication you would have to go ashore. The small boats you see are not high seas capable anyway ( sea sickness ).

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You can't live on sea forever. If rocket decides to add disadvantages for one sided nutricion or you need mdeication you would have to go ashore. The small boats you see are not high seas capable anyway ( sea sickness ).

That's a good idea, sea sickness.

Bad nutrition off just fish.

You would have to go ashore and stock up on sugary treats and sea sickness pills.

Maybe ginger flavoured foods can slightly reduce sea sickness aswell.

Main downsides of sea sickness can be moral destroying and dizziness (swaying aim) aswell as loosing your lunch D:

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I don't see this being too much of a problem. There's nothing you can do there anyway and wouldn't harm anyone with their gameplay.

Question is, though: would you want to live WAY out in the ocean on your own? Nothing to do there. Yeah - it might be safe. But what exactly do you want to there? Might as well not play the game at all if you're just going to sit there staring at the ocean and absolutely nothing else.

Remember - this is a game. You're supposed to do things.

Edited by kichilron

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Couple of points - fishing vessels, even the small ones that are already in the mod are absolutely capable of going on the 'high seas' (I don't think anyone nautical has actually used that term for a long time. :p). They're designed to cope with terrible weather, because when you're three days from land and a storm blows over, you don't have much choice. :p That's why they're generally pretty slow - they're built for stability and endurance. Sure, you'd probably still get sick as a dog on one in bad weather (and sea sickness in itself can actually be life-threatening if severe enough - mainly through dehydration, I believe).


The second point is regards modifying boats (I think the example used was to mount a gun on one and use it like a tank) - stability on boats is a huge deal, and I can't off the top of my head think of anything you could do to make a boat more likely to capsize than by mounting a giant-ass heavy gun to the top of one. I'm no marine engineer, but I know a little about stability, and doing something like that would change the centre of gravity so much that a small wave could easily turn the thing over. Generally, any extensive additions to the superstructure of a vessel (ie anything built on or above the main deck) is going to add weight, and the more weight you have on the top of the vessel, the easier it is for that weight to get knocked off-centre and pull the whole thing over. There's a lot more to it than that, but long story short: modifying the kind of boats likely to be found in the DayZ universe to serve as bases: fairly unrealistic.

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Remember, this is set in/around the old Soviet. They didn't have yachts, cruise ships or house boats.


Apparently in the Czech Republic they don't have anything. Period. Cars? Nope. They don't have money. Guns? Nope, they don't make bullets in Eastern Europe. Canned food with ENGLISH labels? Apparently, they have that.



Look people. Just because they have a Cryllic alphabet doesn't make them fucking retarded and poor. Other countries have modern infrastructure too. We live in a global economy for crying out loud. I love how people are like "There's no way you'd find an m4 or a .50 caliber rifle in Europe" When in fact the United States is the world's largest exporter of guns. They get around. There are fucking boats in the Czech Republic. You don't think there are fishermen in other countries?




This is a Czech site for house boats.




Here's a site to charter powerboats in the Czech Republic.




Boats in the river in Prague.


/Rant over.

Edited by SalamanderAnder
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Couldn't agree more about all this thinking that people in Chernarus are all poor. I mean seriously, think about it. Theres office blocks in Chernarus right.....those offices must have a manager.....and in turn a CEO. You don't really think that the boss of a company is gonna show up to work in a old yellow hatchback do ya. Not to mention its all farmland.....farms aint cheap...not by a long shot. I think the problem is what id call "residual propaganda" left over from the bad blood between the US and Russia.


Anyways back on topic. More boats would be great. I already like to store my best gear in a fishing boat then drive about 2-3000m out to sea to log....no ones ever found my boat so far hehe. Theres small boats with MG guns on in arma, maybe add one of those, wouldn't be much different to having the huey.  There are a few good civilian boats out there on the community sites for arma eg. armaholic. Including Yachts, Sailboats and even a Sea Cat.... Hell theres even working submarines (not that im saying they should go in ;)).

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Couple of points - fishing vessels, even the small ones that are already in the mod are absolutely capable of going on the 'high seas' (I don't think anyone nautical has actually used that term for a long time. :P). They're designed to cope with terrible weather, because when you're three days from land and a storm blows over, you don't have much choice. :P That's why they're generally pretty slow - they're built for stability and endurance. Sure, you'd probably still get sick as a dog on one in bad weather (and sea sickness in itself can actually be life-threatening if severe enough - mainly through dehydration, I believe).


The second point is regards modifying boats (I think the example used was to mount a gun on one and use it like a tank) - stability on boats is a huge deal, and I can't off the top of my head think of anything you could do to make a boat more likely to capsize than by mounting a giant-ass heavy gun to the top of one. I'm no marine engineer, but I know a little about stability, and doing something like that would change the centre of gravity so much that a small wave could easily turn the thing over. Generally, any extensive additions to the superstructure of a vessel (ie anything built on or above the main deck) is going to add weight, and the more weight you have on the top of the vessel, the easier it is for that weight to get knocked off-centre and pull the whole thing over. There's a lot more to it than that, but long story short: modifying the kind of boats likely to be found in the DayZ universe to serve as bases: fairly unrealistic.


I wouldn't mind having the arma 2 boats. the main thing I would like to see added is being able to walk around on, shoot from, and even live on.

and while a tank cannon would through it off balance, something like a pkm would work good fro mounting guns.

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I don't see this being too much of a problem. There's nothing you can do there anyway and wouldn't harm anyone with their gameplay.

Question is, though: would you want to live WAY out in the ocean on your own? Nothing to do there. Yeah - it might be safe. But what exactly do you want to there? Might as well not play the game at all if you're just going to sit there staring at the ocean and absolutely nothing else.

Remember - this is a game. You're supposed to do things.

while this seems like it is another way to camp, it would actually add some action to the game by introducing piracy in a way. imagine a boat with a couple of survivors desperately trying to escape a boat full of bandits chasing after and shooting at them.

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Remember, this is set in/around the old Soviet. They didn't have yachts, cruise ships or house boats.


 it is set in modern day. and cruise ships could be from tourist, and yachts from rich people.

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I wouldn't mind having the arma 2 boats. the main thing I would like to see added is being able to walk around on, shoot from, and even live on.

and while a tank cannon would through it off balance, something like a pkm would work good fro mounting guns.


I do see what you're saying, but there's a lot of difference between mounting a KORD or a PKM or something like that on the foredeck of a fishing vessel and turning a boat into a 'sea base' which was the original suggestion. Even something as simple as a sandbag wall could drastically alter the balance and stability of a vessel if put in the wrong place.

I do agree that perhaps a little more freedom in being able to at least walk around on the deck of boats would be an improvement, but I think technical limitations would prevent being able to go below decks and into the hold etc. To be honest, the vessels in ARMA 2 aren't really big enough to have anything worth having below deck anyway, so unless they're planning on adding larger seagoing vessels like supply boats and/or commercial fishing boats, then there's not really much point giving us the ability to go below deck.

One thing I am intrigued to know though - what exactly is the point of having a 'sea base'? Perhaps I've not been playing on the right servers, but generally I've not seen many times in DayZ where someone has actually set up a 'base'. I know most people will have a 'hiding place' where they'll pitch a tent and hide their car/heli, but I've not really ever seen someone log in with the express intention of holding a specific area for an indeterminate amount of time, so I'm not really sure what the point of adding a specific 'sea' alternative is.

Edited by Target Practice

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I don't see this being too much of a problem. There's nothing you can do there anyway and wouldn't harm anyone with their gameplay.

Question is, though: would you want to live WAY out in the ocean on your own? Nothing to do there. Yeah - it might be safe. But what exactly do you want to there? Might as well not play the game at all if you're just going to sit there staring at the ocean and absolutely nothing else.

Remember - this is a game. You're supposed to do things.

That's why I suggested that boats largely favour the KOS piracy and robbing kind.

Give the new spawns two immediate options, go inland or back into the sea.

Inland will offer friendships and campfires while the sea will offer piracy and fighting for every last bean.

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make so is big boats like fishing boat


not too much fast bit big for hold loots and maybe 10 player ;)


add also small inflatable boats no engine oars for row :)


put anchor on big boat so you can put this in one place and is staying


now we have system for ocean base :thumbsup:  :rolleyes:


use inflatable for ferry player and loot to fishing boat base, after finish put out air from inflatable and put in tent or backpack for later


now we use ocean more is make usable map double size and give new player role PIRATE :ph34r:

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make so is big boats like fishing boat


not too much fast bit big for hold loots and maybe 10 player ;)


add also small inflatable boats no engine oars for row :)


put anchor on big boat so you can put this in one place and is staying


now we have system for ocean base :thumbsup:  :rolleyes:


use inflatable for ferry player and loot to fishing boat base, after finish put out air from inflatable and put in tent or backpack for later


now we use ocean more is make usable map double size and give new player role PIRATE :ph34r:

Yar, dats pretty good.

I'd love if they could make boat interiors.

I wanna see fishing boats that go up to the size of those crab fishing boats.

It would be nice to have some sea-nerey HUEHUEHUE out there like a large anchored cargo ship like I said before even if its not drivable due to the lag it would be lots of fun to try and fortify.

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 it is set in modern day. and cruise ships could be from tourist, and yachts from rich people.


Do you see any tourist hotspots or villas in Chernarus...? Of course you could go to the Cherno factory and watch russian forced laborers build a light cruiser just for you.

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Do you see any tourist hotspots or villas in Chernarus...? Of course you could go to the Cherno factory and watch russian forced laborers build a light cruiser just for you.

Good idea, we can first develop zombie undoing potion.

Then we can fix power grid and economy and pay new brain dead people for their labour.

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I do see what you're saying, but there's a lot of difference between mounting a KORD or a PKM or something like that on the foredeck of a fishing vessel and turning a boat into a 'sea base' which was the original suggestion. Even something as simple as a sandbag wall could drastically alter the balance and stability of a vessel if put in the wrong place.

I do agree that perhaps a little more freedom in being able to at least walk around on the deck of boats would be an improvement, but I think technical limitations would prevent being able to go below decks and into the hold etc. To be honest, the vessels in ARMA 2 aren't really big enough to have anything worth having below deck anyway, so unless they're planning on adding larger seagoing vessels like supply boats and/or commercial fishing boats, then there's not really much point giving us the ability to go below deck.

One thing I am intrigued to know though - what exactly is the point of having a 'sea base'? Perhaps I've not been playing on the right servers, but generally I've not seen many times in DayZ where someone has actually set up a 'base'. I know most people will have a 'hiding place' where they'll pitch a tent and hide their car/heli, but I've not really ever seen someone log in with the express intention of holding a specific area for an indeterminate amount of time, so I'm not really sure what the point of adding a specific 'sea' alternative is.

base probably wasn't the right word. I was thinking more of puting your gear in it and hiding it away as far as "basing" goes. but if some larger ones are added like an aircraft carrier or a cruise ship there could be some larger groups that actually build bases. look up dayz origins bases and you will see what I am talking about.

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I wouldn't mind having the arma 2 boats. the main thing I would like to see added is being able to walk around on, shoot from, and even live on.

and while a tank cannon would through it off balance, something like a pkm would work good fro mounting guns.

One thing I've always kinda wanted is one of those WW2 anti tank guns manned by like 5 people with wheels and a big bit of cover.

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That's a good idea, sea sickness.

Bad nutrition off just fish.

You would have to go ashore and stock up on sugary treats and sea sickness pills.

Maybe ginger flavoured foods can slightly reduce sea sickness aswell.

Main downsides of sea sickness can be moral destroying and dizziness (swaying aim) aswell as loosing your lunch D:

yeah loosing your lunch could deplete your food meter to nearly empty

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I hate all these people sayin' Chernarus is third-world. Sure, it's shabby. But they've got Electricity, Running Water, Hospitals and airports. There is nothing poor about Chernarus apart from the Low-budget Army. Shabby buildings and shabby cars don't make it poor. I'd say it's a little bit slow compared to other countries.

Did I forget to mention that Chernarus is not part of the Czech Republic? It might be based off a Chernarus town in the Czech Republic but it's a country itself.

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I hate all these people sayin' Chernarus is third-world. Sure, it's shabby. But they've got Electricity, Running Water, Hospitals and airports. There is nothing poor about Chernarus apart from the Low-budget Army. Shabby buildings and shabby cars don't make it poor. I'd say it's a little bit slow compared to other countries.

Did I forget to mention that Chernarus is not part of the Czech Republic? It might be based off a Chernarus town in the Czech Republic but it's a country itself.

I still get confused about this chernarus country, Czech Republic, Russia, Opfor, US, Blufor, Aircraft carrier stuff.

I think we should have a pinned thread about the history and lore of in game chernarus as I'm sure I'm not the only one. .

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