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Is it a hacker that killed you when your blood remains at 12000

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When I was playing Epoch, some bandits started opening fire on me. When I killed one of their squad mates, 2 mins later I got shot by what sounded like a G36 K, and the guy killed me with one shot when I was on 12k blood. Now I guess there can be an explanation that he could have gotten a lucky headshot, but I noticed on the debug moniter, it said I still had 12K blood. Is this a hacker kill, or a glitch?


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hacker. Even with headshots you drop in blood. Or some very very wierd and unusual glitch

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I wouldn't immediately start screaming "HAX", to be honest. Enough of that has been going on already, even with legit kills. It is always possible that it wasn't registered and especially when you actually heard a shot there's a high chance that that happened.

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epoch is riddled with bugs


like the knock-out god mode bug


that is why I stay away

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epoch is riddled with bugs


like the knock-out god mode bug


that is why I stay away


The glitches and the totally unrealistic base building.


"What do you mean we're in the middle of an apocalypse? I can build a nine story building if I want to!"

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The glitches and the totally unrealistic base building.


"What do you mean we're in the middle of an apocalypse? I can build a nine story building if I want to!"

Amen... just amen.

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