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How to do the Bandit / Hero System in Standalone

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*Sniff* All your arguments fallen, so you try to get(dont even know word for that shit, its when you try to beg out sth by tricks). Noone is going to change this game for a minority you are. Arrivederci Roma, Sayonara,Tschus, Wypierdalaj, Goodbye. Find a game that suits you(enter silly title here) and better dont bother playing standalone.

Crap, I need to prepare some sour cabbage and bigos.

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I have seen your clan recruitment thread. It states that Ye do COD AND BF! Hypocrite much?.

It also says "Tired of Being Sniped by Bandits?"

" Tired of having your vehicles stolen?"

Seems like a case of Butthurt Syndrome. We'll have to quarantine you..............

I would expect better from a U.S Paratrooper. Or I dare say ParaPooper.

Edited by King of kong
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You've enticed me out of hibernation Airborne. Damn you. Damn you to hell! A plague o' both your houses!

Now that I've got that out of my system... DayZ is riddled with KoS. Do I like it? No. However, something to be aware of is the simple fact that every single fps regresses towards KoS, regardless of - and sometimes due to - forced countermeasures. You could make a claim that DayZ defies traditional fps boundaries, and it does, but at its core it is a survival game and guns are a core aspect. I'm not saying that DayZ will forever have KoS and we should just accept that and move on. But banditry and honourable banditry (robbing w/o killing etc.) are essential aspects of DayZ. Should there be - as you say - a 95% KoS ratio? No, but as anyone I'm sure will agree a healthy ratio of KoS makes the game better. Without it, there would be no point being a hero. If everyone only kills people who are a distinct threat to them, then everyone would just learn not to be threatening and DayZ would be a happy land with rainbows and smiles and no one would play.


As for actual suggestions as opposed to commentary, humanity is flawed. It creates as many problems as it solves - arguably more - but when it comes down to it, it's plain unrealistic and quite immersion breaking IMO. Let someone's observable actions determine how you perceive them, not some piece of clothing. It's a bullshit system and one of the few things I hate about DayZ. Going back to how I said countermeasures to KoS can actually induce it, the only plausible suggestion I can make is to strip back DayZ, and make it more about survival. Make the zombies tougher. Remove high-end weaponry, or at least severely limit how many there are on the map. Remove helicopters. Lower ammo spawn rates. These suggestions probably won't be popular, and too much change will destroy DayZ's popularity (personally I would rather a game that catered to my niche but let's be honest DayZ would be nowhere without the huge community that loves it so let's not alienate the majority too much). But I think this is the general direction it should go. As someone said - I think applejaxc - I would also love to see TS, Skype etc. blocked, but that won't happen. So these are the general ideas that would make it better.


Also dude, stop with the constant references to WarZ. It's like you want people to hate you.

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Of course a lot of players are going to be playing by TRADITIONAL DayZ rules. Every encounter with another person is suppose to be nerve racking, and of course not everyone is shoot on sight. 


This is suppose to be a simulation, not a fairy tale with sparkles and rainbows rofl

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I was hoping DayZ wouldn't be KOS just like WarZ.  I was hoping that there might be some depth to the humanity system.  That you could actually conceivably play as a hero.  FYI the hero / bandit system in WarZ is severely flawed as well.  Nobody plays as a hero or bandit.  Everyone is a bandit.  Everyone is KOS.


I guess the community here is the same KOS, as much as it screams that "NOT LIKE WARZ"!!!!!!!!  Two sides, same coin.  With all the responses in this topic, I hope they don't waste time on a flawed crap humanity system.  Maybe focus that effort on melee weapons or something useful.  Why waste time on something that won't be fully implemented or work anyways.....lol


Unfollowing topic, go ahead and keep up the "KOS is so cool, don't change a thing" chat in my absence.  Don't care anymore.


FYI for those that keep saying Rainbows and Little Pony games.  Eat it.  I can KOS with the best of them.  Prepare to die.......lol

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