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Classes in DayZ (let the shitstorm commence)

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I support this idea a lot,

But I do not think that classes should be restrictive. In my opinion all should be able to increase the proficiency in several classes through use of it. The classes would give a initial advantage on some proficiency. For example a soldier might be able to reload the weapon quickly and a doctor might be able to use medical items more quickly. A hunter could extract more meat carcasses and an engineer would be able to repair an engine faster. Etc..

But I think there should be actions that could only be performed by certain class. other classes should spend much, much more time trying to accomplish these things. One thing is to fix the engine of a car, another thing is to fix the engine of a helicopter. One thing is to clean a revolver, another is to fix a thermal scope. Just wondering.

It will add variety to the game. And promote team-play.

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I think it would destroy the balance of the game. To be a survivor in an apocalyptic world you also need to be a jack of all trades' date=' specialisation won't help you survive imho.


Actually, you're 100% backwards on this. Having valuable skillsets is the only reason you're more valuable alive instead of dead to someone else, which is why the current winning strategy is killing everyone on sight. In a modern apocalypse medical training and the ability to fix (modern) vehicles would be incredibly valuable. Older cars were simpler.

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i think classes are something should be serious considered, it would definitely add a new element to the game. in particular, it would certainly encourage teamplay, and it would also help your individual "story" to develop. both versions, (i.e spawn as or teach yourself) would be interesting, with or without custom skins (not sure the skins are a win - what about lying about your skill :)

It is even possible to go one step further with the "skills" system, to the point where each class can "craft" something or another. A master hunter that can make build a lean-to, deploy a traps, or build a crossbow? An engineer that can "harvest" scrap metal from wrecks and build barricades? A medic that can make methamphetamine? :) (ok, the last one is probably a bad idea..)

having never played WoW or other games I can't comment as to what the gameplay there is like, but character classes (and skills) would certainly make the cooperative game play element stronger

+1 to the OP

EDIT: oh, as one of older players, let me point out that some of us just aren't that good at shooting-with-mouse anymore (especially when it involves balancing laptop, watching other computer screens, listening to news and screaming kids). Us old farts NEED a skill system...otherwise we just get selected out....


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Haha Siddhi methamphetamines... "friendlies?! got some crack?!" , I like your suggestions though, the engineer/mechanic being able to take metal from wreck seems like a top idea!

It's amazing how many people see the word "classes" and turn on this-isn't-WoW-o-vision.

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Haha Siddhi methamphetamines... "friendlies?! got some crack?!" ' date=' I like your suggestions though, the engineer/mechanic being able to take metal from wreck seems like a top idea!

It's amazing how many people see the word "classes" and turn on this-isn't-WoW-o-vision.


In that case I see a whole new subclass and mod evolving...

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Classes would be nice, but to have a profession is silly.

You should be able to do everything, but be limited to gear abilites.

I suggested this as a alt for classes a while back http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=10471

I'll Ctrl C the post thro

Medic: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=706 - Defibrillators

Electrician: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=6791 - portable generators

RTO: Long Range Radios' date=' All military vehicles have one included by default. It should also be a portable version that you can carry like in ACE. I believe long Range Radio is a must.

As suggested by Deuzerre.

Support: LMG and AT4

Mule: Backpacks to carry more items then normal inventory.

Disclaimer: these are just place holders, don't based your opinion on the list above. through I would like to see long range radios, Electrician, Mule and Difibs (if they found a good way to use the difibs)

The post isn't about those, if you have a idea based on those go to that post lol


All these promote group play as a stand alone item. but this isn't where the idea could end. If you had these items take up the back pack slot, it would promote group play even more with out harm of lone wolf style.

It is also a alternative to player classes. In player class you chose your class, get some perk and you're stuck with it till you die. Well in this if you want to be a medic, then drop your back pack and become a medic.

BAZINGA you went from a mule to a medic! (or visa versa)

for exp, 4 guys, 1 with a gen. another with a defibrillator. and then the other two mules that extra carried food/water/ammo in their back packs. if 3 died leaving 1 guy with a gen, he could just drop the gen and pick up a back pack since that's the idea item for lone wolf play.

causing the backpack to indirectly promote group play.

You still start off with a backpack and you can upgrade that backpack if you want. So there isn't any threat to lone wolf gameplay. It would be the exact same as it is now.

the only difference is that you have the option to drop the backpack for a generator, Radio, etc.


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how about a REAL mule, or horse, to carry gear?

I can see the caravan now!

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No revive sh!t and it will be a great idea!

And you cant chose class, its generates randomly with option to be just a normal survivor or to have a random class.

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I agree there should be a class system, and I dont think that every survivor should be capabaly of doing everything. I dont think it will inbalance the game any more then it already is. I think it would make it more balanced. As of right now all you need is a group of two or three people on a server who then find the cars, fix em, get all the good loot and kill every new player before they get a gun. If theres classes then at least you need a team to get a car up and running, and those people lucky enough to have a group have to think and be careful. I would even goes as far as saying the mechanic would need to cary the engine (note a bare engine block, the lightest would be about 300lbs) in there hands, so they would need a armed escort. And if your the player that plays alone then you really wont be getting a car, and most often killed trying to get some beans so you would pick a soldier or reg class. And just like theres servers that have 3rd person on and off this could be turned on and off so the people that think classes is a bad idea can go about there way pretending everyone one plays the same, has the same skills, and thinks the same.

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Nothing is stopping you from assigning "classes" or "roles" to members of your group. A class system only benefits a group-based game, so a lone wolf has no incentive to pick a class, they have to be a different thing at all times.

You can already have a class system, all it takes is about 3 mins of coordination and then each person in your group has a class.

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OP: This, is actually, a really good idea. Added investment into your character's background. A little more to connect with.

I like it.

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OP: This' date=' is actually, a really good idea. Added investment into your character's background. A little more to connect with.

I like it.


I always read into it as "your character is supposed to be you." You don't need to draw up some background because you have a background, use your life experiences and your personality as your guidelines to how you want to play this game.

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I'd prefer passive, behind the scenes 'skills' getting better. No classes, no professions, and only minor buffs that make you slightly better at something you've done a lot. It'll keep a level playing field while giving people something to achieve. Alternatively, we could provide an incentive for racking up zombie kills if you could actively choose which little passive abilities you wanted to be better at. Slight run speed bonuses, faster reloading, quickly applying bandages, slightly more max blood.

I've done some searching and I've seen other threads on the topic, but the ideas to implement skills are varied. Some people propose books to get skills, (I think that's silly) and others want actual classes that make you good at a certain role. Most people don't want class-based systems, and I agree. Everyone should be able to do everything without dramatic differences or a need to be a class to fulfil a role.

I don't think implementing skills would increase people robbing others rather than just shooting them. For bandits, their goals are probably the thrill of hunting you and getting more player kills added to their score. Any good loot you have is just an added side benefit. The thought "this guy will give me his items because he will want to save his character" will never cross the bandit's mind, because the next thought is "That is too risky."

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No revive sh!t and it will be a great idea!

And you cant chose class, its generates randomly with option to be just a normal survivor or to have a random class.

It was just a place holder used to get the point across ;) I accomplished it improving group play so i added it in to help make the point.

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Not trying to highjack this thread, but most complaints do not apply to my version of this. my page:

After reading some of the other threads, it is appearant that we are all pros at everything. Need to fix a car? I got it. Need a Doctor? Sure, I can do that, too. Oh! Look a helicopter! Yea, I pilot on the weekends...

Suggestion: It can be randomly given or an option to choose(preferably an option as you do choose what career you have in life --and people will just spawn/die until they get what they want), but have a list of careers to choose from that would make since in a survival situation (aka your job before the world went to crap). All skills can be obtained over time/practice, but until skills are honed, the effects are limited or in some cases not available. Only one skill can be mastered, the rest could earn up to the expert level. average>skilled>expert>master --Just an example. Depending on what career you choose depends on how long it takes you to level up an opposing skill or may even disable other skills. (Doctor studies medicine, no way hes got a straight shot; or Chef cooks a mean meal, but can fix a car to save his life --no pun intended)


Chef- Cooked food heals more. Takes longer to become hungry. Cooks food fast. Has no chance of burning food.


Average Joe- Will get hungry faster. Takes much longer to cook. Cooking food has a chance to burn. Over time, can get better at cooking, but can't become master. So, there is always a chance to burn food.

NOTE: In this case, a system where the grade of food matters should be added and all canned foods should be heated before consumption. can of pasta(average), burnt meat(poor), cooked meat(excellent).


Chef - Cooked food heals more. Takes longer to become hungry. Cooks food fast. Has no chance of burning food. Enables the ability to gut animals.

Doctor - Can apply bandages faster. Enables the ability to give blood transfusions.

Mechanic - Can repair vehicles faster. Enables the ability to repair engine and rotor (and fuel tank?). --everyone can replace a tire or put gas in a car

Soldier(or Cop) - Can shoot farther and more accurate with any weapon. Also, more accurate when recovering from running. Reloads faster. Enables the ability to use the high end weapons at start. --Other professions require expert to equip say a M16, skilled to use a shotgun.

Pilot - Enables the ability to fly. Longer to become thirsty(Years of flying has taught you to conserve drinking as to not urinate as much). Less fuel consumption while flying. --Pilots take quickest path and smoother turns while flying, those little extras save gas.

NOTE: Some tasks are fine as is, so some of them would need to take longer as to provide a balanced benefit. Others currently take forever and would need to be faster as the skill increases. (Ex: Cooking speed is fine currently(I say expert level), increase the time so that the Chef career becomes desirable. Bandaging takes forever(average), reduce the time as this skill increases making the Doctor career more desirable. ETC.)


This would promote teamwork as one skilled profession would rely on the skills of another. Also, would give players something to work at other than the current search and destroy (scavenging and killing). What do you guys think? Any other jobs need to make the list? Or perhaps an adjustment to the current ones? Keep in mind that there needs to be a balance to each and that I tried to give each career an edge that no one else would have.

original: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/29134-career-skill-sets/

Edited by Nem3sis

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After reading some of the feed back from people, instead of choosing at the beginning, let it be something to work towards and when you've mastered one you become known as a dr. or mechanic.. etc.

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Not trying to highjack this thread, but most complaints do not apply to my version of this. my page:

After reading some of the other threads, it is appearant that we are all pros at everything. Need to fix a car? I got it. Need a Doctor? Sure, I can do that, too. Oh! Look a helicopter! Yea, I pilot on the weekends...

Suggestion: It can be randomly given or an option to choose(preferably an option as you do choose what career you have in life --and people will just spawn/die until they get what they want), but have a list of careers to choose from that would make since in a survival situation (aka your job before the world went to crap). All skills can be obtained over time/practice, but until skills are honed, the effects are limited or in some cases not available. Only one skill can be mastered, the rest could earn up to the expert level. average>skilled>expert>master --Just an example. Depending on what career you choose depends on how long it takes you to level up an opposing skill or may even disable other skills. (Doctor studies medicine, no way hes got a straight shot; or Chef cooks a mean meal, but can fix a car to save his life --no pun intended)


Chef- Cooked food heals more. Takes longer to become hungry. Cooks food fast. Has no chance of burning food.


Average Joe- Will get hungry faster. Takes much longer to cook. Cooking food has a chance to burn. Over time, can get better at cooking, but can't become master. So, there is always a chance to burn food.

NOTE: In this case, a system where the grade of food matters should be added and all canned foods should be heated before consumption. can of pasta(average), burnt meat(poor), cooked meat(excellent).


Chef - Cooked food heals more. Takes longer to become hungry. Cooks food fast. Has no chance of burning food. Enables the ability to gut animals.

Doctor - Can apply bandages faster. Enables the ability to give blood transfusions.

Mechanic - Can repair vehicles faster. Enables the ability to repair engine and rotor (and fuel tank?). --everyone can replace a tire or put gas in a car

Soldier(or Cop) - Can shoot farther and more accurate with any weapon. Also, more accurate when recovering from running. Reloads faster. Enables the ability to use the high end weapons at start. --Other professions require expert to equip say a M16, skilled to use a shotgun.

Pilot - Enables the ability to fly. Longer to become thirsty(Years of flying has taught you to conserve drinking as to not urinate as much). Less fuel consumption while flying. --Pilots take quickest path and smoother turns while flying, those little extras save gas.

NOTE: Some tasks are fine as is, so some of them would need to take longer as to provide a balanced benefit. Others currently take forever and would need to be faster as the skill increases. (Ex: Cooking speed is fine currently(I say expert level), increase the time so that the Chef career becomes desirable. Bandaging takes forever(average), reduce the time as this skill increases making the Doctor career more desirable. ETC.)


This would promote teamwork as one skilled profession would rely on the skills of another. Also, would give players something to work at other than the current search and destroy (scavenging and killing). What do you guys think? Any other jobs need to make the list? Or perhaps an adjustment to the current ones? Keep in mind that there needs to be a balance to each and that I tried to give each career an edge that no one else would have.

original: http://dayzmod.com/f...eer-skill-sets/

I really like the idea of a profession like project zomboid but just tone them down a bit (so 'useful' rather than 'necessary', something like:

Nurse - can heal +300 when bandaging other players (not usable on self)

Military - can range-find or navigate without the use of a compass

Police officer - can auto remove panic and disarm weapons with melee

Short order chef- can convert beans/sardines to slightly higher value food +400

Tradesman - can assemble/disassemble wire/sandbags/fence without toolkit

Fisherman - can fish, gut and clean them

Mechanic - gets a x2 repair for each item used

Cab driver - improved vehicle handling and speed

Pilot (as you mentioned) - faster take off and whereas everyone can fly a chopper maybe only the pilot can use the auto stabilize

Accountant (bean counter) - can combine/split ammo stacks

but yeah i don't think there should be any "leveling" of skills and learning others - this game isn't about character development, more about player development.

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IV) I came up with this solely because it seems odd that everyone in Chernarus before the breakout was a fit helicopter mechanic, trained in guns and first aid, that when shit hit the fan thought the best idea was to grab a bandage and a box of Panadol before heading to their local beach.

this made me laugh, and i've had this thought alot too

not to implement and extremely complicated system, but to add subtle advantages and disadvantages to the type of character you would wish to create

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Decent idea, and it may actually have some application in end-game. But I think in larger squads, (excluding abilities), people naturally transition into these roles.

You can still have my beans though.

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First of all thanks to the OP and special thanks to Hendrix's post, beans for the both of you. With the unveiing of the proposed player construction, and I am an electrician, this idea has definite potential.

However perks/skills, looks way to hard to implement into the game and would lead to huge balancing issues. But in almost every zombie survival horror flic I have seen there is the inevitable line "What did you do before all this $#!+ went down?".

My idea is in the ballpark on this topic and thought I would share. So it is just a decision in what you did before the ZA, however it does come with a single benefit the ability to use a certain tool, this should be easy enough to implement. And a whole forum thread could be started on it, and actual people with said proffessions could give input.

I'll go first.

Proffession: Electrician Tool: Digital multimeter Benefit: Maintenace of generators, for player owned bases with other possabilities electric fence?. Assuming they will degrade like proposed weapon degredation.

Now you ask why do I need that. This is just a thought but for a player base to be a spawnpoint for your cabal/clan/coproration/guild some requirements have to be met ie:

running water, plumber w tool


form working, carpenter with tool I think carpenters should also be able to make deerstands, heh.

There is endless possibily and the playability has potential to. "Hey our generator broke down. I heard of a guy Mr. Mashpotatohead he used to be an electricain lets go kidnap him and get him to fix it." lawls.

The idea here would not to give tactical advantages, mechanics would fix vehicles just as fast, but with their tool maybe they can make vehicles offroad by giving them a suspension?? This would need to be looked at a little closer, with developer interest and player involvement (forum posts on tools and proffessiosn). But so easy to implement and very intriging. I have played a lot of MMO's and pve does have it's place, in most cases to give you an edge up on pvp.

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Alright, I got an idea from one of the replies, and I'll post it tomorrow.After a quick search though.

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Some sort of skill system definatly has a place in dayZ, and Im liking the general approach to this idea in this thread. I Particularly like the simplicity this:

Nurse - can heal +300 when bandaging other players (not usable on self)

Military - can range-find or navigate without the use of a compass

Police officer - can auto remove panic and disarm weapons with melee

Short order chef- can convert beans/sardines to slightly higher value food +400

Tradesman - can assemble/disassemble wire/sandbags/fence without toolkit

Fisherman - can fish, gut and clean them

Mechanic - gets a x2 repair for each item used

Cab driver - improved vehicle handling and speed

Pilot (as you mentioned) - faster take off and whereas everyone can fly a chopper maybe only the pilot can use the auto stabilize

Accountant (bean counter) - can combine/split ammo stacks

But I also agree with Ceeps view on "passive, behind the scenes 'skills' getting better" - if you were able to gradually invest in your skills it would add significant worth and connection to you character - you can't store this skill set in a Tent! But then comes the issue of level grinding...

Edited by Hoik

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I say stick with everyone is the same at spawn but add in character progression but with a twist in that you find books in game to add class stats.This would make losing your current fully geared/plus highly educated character a pain in the ass.Also it would help force a stay and play mentality to the new infectious diseases aspect that longer lived players will be dealing with in SA.Spawn rates rare to push for exploration and to add to endgame.Put an ingame timer in so that you must survive set amount of time while you learn the skill like in MMO's.Example is 8 hours after finding a medical dictionary you get a pop up stating "you finished studying and now are seemingly proficient in medical practice ;) ".

MEDICAL BOOKS IN HOSPITALS=ability to give blood transfusions and to easily diagnose infectious diseases

HUNTING BOOKS IN CABINS=peripheral dots for animals only added in to game with ability to craft traps

MECHANICAL BOOKS IN INDUSTRIAL=ability to repair vehicles


Edited by wolfstriked

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i like the idea, but i'd prefere if every class spawn with the same stuff, a.k.a. nothing...and more chance to find something is a bullshit.

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