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tired of getting ripped off by anti hack sellers, please help

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Hello all.


I run a server, and so far I have been ripped off 3 times with anti hack sellers for dayz


Can someone please, tell me, pound for pound, what is the best ANTI HACK for DAYZ, period?


No, I am NOT talking about ADMIN tools, which if you ask me, is a hack menu to spectate people, I need an ANTI HACK to stop hackers BEFORE THEY HACK.


I can not spectate 50 people at once.


Hackers are still able to mass kill everyone and destory buildins for example today we were playing the game, and I was going to electro to meet my friend taking cover in the church, all of a sudden he says he heard an explosion and all the buildings in electro go "bombed" or destroyed. this was happen with the other anti hack I had, I personally seen the buildings in cherno being destroyed but no one was around there, so I didnt know who did it. It became a frequent thing, the destruction of buildings, which in turn, makes the server EXTREMELY laggy to the point where I have to restart the server... now I had put the server to 4 hour restart and its working now going forward from 1700 until night time, and everyone was exciting and wiating for night, then the hackers came in started destroying solsincy and then lagging the server.


then anyone who joins gets the receiving data hang. so now on restart it goes back to 1700 and no night time, people dont have hours to play, some people work or cant stay up to late because of school.


so far I have spent over $100 on anti hacks, and NONE OF THEM do anything, most times I believe its false positives


so I would like to try 1 more anti hack before I just give up on dayz.

Edited by piffkush

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Have you tried this http://antihack.nullbyte.me/ and blurgaming antihacks?

blur gaming is one of the ones I bought that didnt work as described. Support on their site is bad, hackers loggin in as super admins ...  all kinds of issues...


I have no tried nullbyte, Is this the best anti hack? I dont want to keep "trying" anti hacks, as its very expensive, and I feel like 3 sellers have ripped me off already, or possibly, resell the same code... because that nullbyte anti hack has the SAME menu as blur gaming one I bought for $50 :|

Edited by piffkush

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Well your first mistake was paying for an antihack.


Your second mistake was not coming here first.

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I don't know if it's best or not, I'm also looking for a GOOD antihack to buy.



Well your first mistake was paying for an antihack.


Your second mistake was not coming here first.


Paying for antihack is not a mistake if it's really working and if it's being updated.

Edited by Edgu

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Try TSW (The Silent Warrior). They are pretty good, and only cost around ten bucks. I have never personally used them, but I hear good things.


The best "anti-hacks" you can have, are a good team of responsible admins that you can trust with spectate abilities, and regularly checking the logs and adding filters to battleye. Too many people nowadays want a DayZ server, but aren't up to the responsibilities that come with owning one. Believe it or not, there are no anti-hacks out there that can do everything for you, you have to be willing to put forth some time and effort.


I had a server that averaged 45-50 people every hour of every day for 3 months, top of the rankings on gametracker. We had barely 1-2 major hack attacks a week at most, and minor ESP and weapon spawning problems. Why? Because there were good admins, friendly people, and server logs were frequently updated. What anti-hack did we have? Arguably the crappiest of them all... Gotcha, Battleye, and DaRT RCon. It's about putting time forth and being responsible.



Well your first mistake was paying for an antihack.

Totally disagree. There are anti-hacks out there that make things sooo much easier than what people get with free anti-hacks. But again, it all comes down to how you use said anti-hacks. People with less experience with using panels and codes, should buy an anti-hack to make it simpler.

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Blur gaming has version 3 which is pretty good.  All the new version written by Infistar have problems and they have yet to fix them.  I'd avoid until the issues are resolved.  That's just my opinion.


If you are running up to date vanilla dayz the remote execution anti-hack on the player mission file stops most of the hacks.  From the admin bans posted here it has calmed down quite a bit since patch.  I remember back then you would get a mass teleport and thunderdome almost every other night.   :(


That being said it is a multi-player game so no matter how protected you might feel you will get the odd hacker slip in and cause mischief.  Even games that are not easily as hackable have their own problems.

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Agreed the best defence is active admins.  The tools allow the admins to do their job easier.  

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I'm not sure which one he uses, but the one that Steak and Potatoes uses is extremely good.  I have never had any troubles with hackers when playing on servers that are admined by him.  Try messaging him http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/user/110591-steak-and-potatoes/ and see if he can let you know which one he uses.

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Totally disagree. There are anti-hacks out there that make things sooo much easier than what people get with free anti-hacks. But again, it all comes down to how you use said anti-hacks. People with less experience with using panels and codes, should buy an anti-hack to make it simpler.

I know this sounds like a super nerdy/elitist/snobby reply, but I stick to making my own. I opened up the coding that is specific for DayZ (the most hilarious line being "...killing hacker" when spawned in helicopters auto-explode. The best thing I've learned to do from this, is go on a website like (well, I'm not going to name it. Too many cheaters lurking) and download all the popular, working scripts and see what makes them work, and then write up my own .sqf to counter specific, common cheat methods.


For example, blacklisting all game animations not specific to what is normally in DayZ. Namely, that god-awful dancing animation hackers love so much.

Edited by Applejaxc

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Blur gaming has version 3 which is pretty good.  All the new version written by Infistar have problems and they have yet to fix them.  I'd avoid until the issues are resolved.  That's just my opinion.


If you are running up to date vanilla dayz the remote execution anti-hack on the player mission file stops most of the hacks.  From the admin bans posted here it has calmed down quite a bit since patch.  I remember back then you would get a mass teleport and thunderdome almost every other night.   :(


That being said it is a multi-player game so no matter how protected you might feel you will get the odd hacker slip in and cause mischief.  Even games that are not easily as hackable have their own problems.

blur gaming was one that the hackers bypassed.  And how so? Infistar MAKES hacks... so basically, the way I see it, someone releases an anti hack, a hacker gets  it , gets the code, makes a bypass..... I do not want taking my hard earned money and then  put money in the pockets of people both making hacks and anti hacks, all the while Im trying to have a good time when I am NOT working...


so server admins are at the mercy of hackers 24/7.


Agreed the best defence is active admins.  The tools allow the admins to do their job easier.  

The tools to be honest, are nothing more then hack menus themselves...teleporting to people, breaking legs....come on now, and it can stop people mass killing the server


if someone nukes the server and kills everyone, you cant tell who did. Same with the destruction of buildings

Edited by piffkush

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I know this sounds like a super nerdy/elitist/snobby reply, but I stick to making my own. I opened up the coding that is specific for DayZ (the most hilarious line being "...killing hacker" when spawned in helicopters auto-explode. The best thing I've learned to do from this, is go on a website like (well, I'm not going to name it. Too many cheaters lurking) and download all the popular, working scripts and see what makes them work, and then write up my own .sqf to counter specific, common cheat methods.


For example, blacklisting all game animations not specific to what is normally in DayZ. Namely, that god-awful dancing animation hackers love so much.

But, what I'm getting at is that not everyone has those skills. I probably couldn't do that kind of stuff either, but didn't have to. I just took what I knew to be hacks or was suspicious about from the server logs every 4 hours, and added that to the Battleye filters, restarted, and saw what happened. If it worked, awesome, if not... then I put forth the effort to fix it. Paid anti-hacks can make this much easier for non-tech people, because many give the options to add certain things to filters, without entering walls of text that is confusing and overwhelming to someone that can't understand them. Hell, veteran server owners can't even read some of those lines of text.


One time I found a particular line in my setpos log for a player that stated "secretN*****string" (not gonna repeat the very racist word, but I think most can decipher it). Needless to say it was added to the filters, but still, who on earth knows what the fuck it exactly was and did.

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The tools to be honest, are nothing more then hack menus themselves...teleporting to people, breaking legs....come on now, and it can stop people mass killing the server


That may be so, but you have to be able to trust yourself and your admins with that responsibility and power. If you can't then you shouldn't own a server in the first place. Our old server has canned several idiot admins that couldn't cut it, some people just can't handle it. As per the breaking legs thing. Nothing made me happier than when I caught a hacker than fucking with him. I remember when As50s were removed from our server, some moron spawned one in and sat on sniper hill. What he didn't know, was that I was in elektro and he shot me. I fucked with him for about ten minutes making noises in direct chat and throwing tin cans at him. He finally called hacks and I called him out on being one himself (him not knowing the entire time I was an admin). He made some lame excuse about how people always assume you're a hacker if you have a sniper, and I went on to tell him, and I quote: "Really? Well, next time you probably shouldn't shoot and admin in the face with a gun that is banned on his server." He immediately logged, and I banned him.


Things like that I honestly don't feel guilty about doing. Sure, it probably was abusing my power... So what? If someone feels the need to judge me that harshly about pissing off a hacker and ruining his day, then so be it, judge away.


if someone nukes the server and kills everyone, you cant tell who did. Same with the destruction of buildings

False, your server provider should keep a log of files in-between server restarts that log coding. It'll be a players name, GUID, IP, and what action of code they executed (or something similar). You NEED to sit down frequently and read these codes. Get familiar with what is normal (what you see often), and what you think may or may not be suspicious. If something is suspicious, take it to google and research if this is a hack or not. Usually it isn't to hard to dig up some info if you are diligent enough. Or, if something appears several times and isn't normal... Example:













^That would tell me someone went ape-shit with satchel charges, and that I needed to ban that person for hacking in explosives. (Yes, that IS a real line of coding, just there is much more to it than just 'pipe_bomb'). It's all part of YOUR job as an admin of a DayZ server. You took this responsibility when you agreed to pay for one, it isn't a mandatory one, but it is the morally right one.

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That may be so, but you have to be able to trust yourself and your admins with that responsibility and power. If you can't then you shouldn't own a server in the first place. Our old server has canned several idiot admins that couldn't cut it, some people just can't handle it. As per the breaking legs thing. Nothing made me happier than when I caught a hacker than fucking with him. I remember when As50s were removed from our server, some moron spawned one in and sat on sniper hill. What he didn't know, was that I was in elektro and he shot me. I fucked with him for about ten minutes making noises in direct chat and throwing tin cans at him. He finally called hacks and I called him out on being one himself (him not knowing the entire time I was an admin). He made some lame excuse about how people always assume you're a hacker if you have a sniper, and I went on to tell him, and I quote: "Really? Well, next time you probably shouldn't shoot and admin in the face with a gun that is banned on his server." He immediately logged, and I banned him.


Things like that I honestly don't feel guilty about doing. Sure, it probably was abusing my power... So what? If someone feels the need to judge me that harshly about pissing off a hacker and ruining his day, then so be it, judge away.


False, your server provider should keep a log of files in-between server restarts that log coding. It'll be a players name, GUID, IP, and what action of code they executed (or something similar). You NEED to sit down frequently and read these codes. Get familiar with what is normal (what you see often), and what you think may or may not be suspicious. If something is suspicious, take it to google and research if this is a hack or not. Usually it isn't to hard to dig up some info if you are diligent enough. Or, if something appears several times and isn't normal... Example:













^That would tell me someone went ape-shit with satchel charges, and that I needed to ban that person for hacking in explosives. (Yes, that IS a real line of coding, just there is much more to it than just 'pipe_bomb'). It's all part of YOUR job as an admin of a DayZ server. You took this responsibility when you agreed to pay for one, it isn't a mandatory one, but it is the morally right one.


well when anti hack sellers are selling anti hacks for $50, can you please tell me what I am paying for if I need to spend hours looking through logs, which, from what I understand, someone without FULL KNOWLEDGE of what for example this is from a log

#36 "[this, 8.0339, 4206.13,false,true]spawn BIS_Effects_Burn"

not everyone knows what that is.. or if they really are banning hackers. I think most people think admin-tools is anti-hack. admin tools is just a "legal" way for admins to teleport people, break legs, god mode...I mean, none of these things actually CATCH hackers. They are hack tools and thats what they are.

I am taking about a TRUE anti-hack, where you buy it, and you dont have to go through logs, and have to spectate 50 people....

this is the second time I have tried at running a DAYZ server and to be honest, the hackers keep ruing the experience. people dont want to spend 6 hours looking for antibotics and have a server nuke and have the admin say "please give me a couple of hours while I go through the logs" also, spectating people does nothing, as you cant tell whos nuking the freaking server!! this is my issue, mass killings of everyone on server....

Many of my favorite servers where completely ruined do to hacking. They went from always full; to now a wasteland of 0 players.  

yep, its true, my server was one of good, it was in the top 100 servers world wide....., but I gave up on it because of hackers. I brought it back this month, and tried 3 different anti - hacks, and the only advice to me is to read logs, after paying over $100 for anti hacks that just dont work, I really just thought I could just pay for an anti hack and sit back and enjoy dayz... but I dont think its possible

Edited by piffkush

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Don't buy antihack tools, and use the default files provided.

You should post your problems in the server section of this forum.

I hope that your massive explosion issue will be addressed in the next patch.

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Don't buy antihack tools, and use the default files provided.

You should post your problems in the server section of this forum.

I hope that your massive explosion issue will be addressed in the next patch.

what defualt tools provided? are you talking about battle eye?


From what I under stand, hacking has always been a major problem with dayz.


if they cant fix the hacks, dont release the stand alone, because whos going to want to spend hours looting only to have someone mass kill the server? And to make people pay for a game, and then whos going to pay for a game, and then never be able to have a stable hack free server?

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what defualt tools provided? are you talking about battle eye?


From what I under stand, hacking has always been a major problem with dayz.


if they cant fix the hacks, dont release the stand alone, because whos going to want to spend hours looting only to have someone mass kill the server? And to make people pay for a game, and then whos going to pay for a game, and then never be able to have a stable hack free server?

Default files = default filter files, default mission file.

There is less hacking since june.

DayZMod and DayZ SA are 2 different dev teams, and the SA is not a mod and will work more serverside.

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I'm not sure which one he uses, but the one that Steak and Potatoes uses is extremely good.  I have never had any troubles with hackers when playing on servers that are admined by him.  Try messaging him http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/user/110591-steak-and-potatoes/ and see if he can let you know which one he uses.

We use a special made one, it will not be released outside our community :)

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If you were going to buy a $50 anti-cheat and expect it to stop all the hackers on arma (or even a large amount) then you are a fool.

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well when anti hack sellers are selling anti hacks for $50, can you please tell me what I am paying for if I need to spend hours looking through logs, which, from what I understand, someone without FULL KNOWLEDGE of what for example this is from a log

#36 "[this, 8.0339, 4206.13,false,true]spawn BIS_Effects_Burn"

You don't need 'full knowledge', it's a learn as you go basis. I was in your boat when I started, I just put forth the effort to LEARN what I was doing. That line of code you posted is the fire from the wreckage of a blown up car/chopper, basically when someone destroys a vehicle.


not everyone knows what that is.. or if they really are banning hackers. I think most people think admin-tools is anti-hack. admin tools is just a "legal" way for admins to teleport people, break legs, god mode...I mean, none of these things actually CATCH hackers. They are hack tools and thats what they are.

I am taking about a TRUE anti-hack, where you buy it, and you dont have to go through logs, and have to spectate 50 people....

That is all part of learning what is what. I totally disagree with you. Yes, they are similar to hacks in-game, but they are useful features in an admins arsenal. When you can spectate or even teleport invisible to a possible hacker, it keeps everyone in the server calm, and you can say that you're actually doing something instead of sitting on your ass hoping that your 'anti-hack' is working correctly. They are only 'hack-tools' if you abuse them and make them be that way. If you can't trust yourself to use them correctly in the first place, then you shouldn't be admining a server, let alone owning one. It's called old-fashioned administrating.


As I have said before. There is no REAL anti-hack that allows you to sit back and do nothing with your server. Sometimes the anti-hacks just don't catch what a good team of admins could catch.



this is the second time I have tried at running a DAYZ server and to be honest, the hackers keep ruing the experience. people dont want to spend 6 hours looking for antibotics and have a server nuke and have the admin say "please give me a couple of hours while I go through the logs" also, spectating people does nothing, as you cant tell whos nuking the freaking server!! this is my issue, mass killings of everyone on server....


If you immediately go through the logs, or have people tell you when it happened, then it can be dealt with in much less than an hour. No, you can't tell who is nuking by spectating, spectating is for catching TP'ers and weapon spawners. But you can catch them by reading log files. I guarantee you the best anti-hack in the world wouldn't solve this issue, as they can always find a bypass to it. As I have said a million times before, you need to look into the logs, catch suspicious lines, and research them. It's becoming pretty apparent that you don't want to listen, even though I'm answering your question with the past knowledge and experience of a top ten server.


What you choose to do with your server is your business. I can't force you to do anything with it that you don't feel like doing, and I won't try to either. But I will tell you that your server will remain a hacker infested shit-hole (no offense) until you start involving yourself more in-depth with the responsibilities of an owner/admin. If you don't have time, then teach one of your admins to do it.

Edited by OfficerRaymond

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We use a special made one, it will not be released outside our community :)

a "special made one"


how nice.


Even a special made one, wont be special if someone releases a bypass.


I think it works like this.


anti hack gets released, hackers get code, make byass, and sell hacks.


am I wrong? Every time a anti hack gets release to the GENERAL PUBLIC, the code goes public and then hacked.


so unless I have someone make me a "special made one" Im just spending money for no reason....


I find it strange, no anti hack sellers mention "will not stop mass server kills"

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You don't need 'full knowledge', it's a learn as you go basis. I was in your boat when I started, I just put forth the effort to LEARN what I was doing. That line of code you posted is the fire from the wreckage of a blown up car/chopper, basically when someone destroys a vehicle.


That is all part of learning what is what. I totally disagree with you. Yes, they are similar to hacks in-game, but they are useful features in an admins arsenal. When you can spectate or even teleport invisible to a possible hacker, it keeps everyone in the server calm, and you can say that you're actually doing something instead of sitting on your ass hoping that your 'anti-hack' is working correctly. They are only 'hack-tools' if you abuse them and make them be that way. If you can't trust yourself to use them correctly in the first place, then you shouldn't be admining a server, let alone owning one. It's called old-fashioned administrating.


As I have said before. There is no REAL anti-hack that allows you to sit back and do nothing with your server. Sometimes the anti-hacks just don't catch what a good team of admins could catch.



If you immediately go through the logs, or have people tell you when it happened, then it can be dealt with in much less than an hour. No, you can't tell who is nuking by spectating, spectating is for catching TP'ers and weapon spawners. But you can catch them by reading log files. I guarantee you the best anti-hack in the world wouldn't solve this issue, as they can always find a bypass to it. As I have said a million times before, you need to look into the logs, catch suspicious lines, and research them. It's becoming pretty apparent that you don't want to listen, even though I'm answering your question with the past knowledge and experience of a top ten server.


What you choose to do with your server is your business. I can't force you to do anything with it that you don't feel like doing, and I won't try to either. But I will tell you that your server will remain a hacker infested shit-hole (no offense) until you start involving yourself more in-depth with the responsibilities of an owner/admin. If you don't have time, then teach one of your admins to do it.

my problem is most people selling these anti hacks are using someone elses code and using it as their own..... all the menus look the same...


either way, none work as advertise, they sell them as "admin tools" but to be honest, if they didnt have these "admin tools" they would be pointless


they would not work.


as for admins, sadly i have to rely on people telling me how many people are using god mode, or something like that. making me more mad, the anti hacks dont work.... I feel ripped off, any I think anyone in my situation would feel the same way


I think anti hack sells should release a detailed way to read these logs, or make a program to scan the logs, and then bring up read flags..... and advise people their anti hacks dont work

Edited by piffkush

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my problem is most people selling these anti hacks are using someone elses code and using it as their own..... all the menus look the same...


either way, none work as advertise, they sell them as "admin tools" but to be honest, if they didnt have these "admin tools" they would be pointless


they would not work.


as for admins, sadly i have to rely on people telling me how many people are using god mode, or something like that. making me more made, the anti hacks dont work

Sadly at this point it's only a mod, and there aren't going to be fixes for a lot of things. DayZs bane has been hackers since it released, that'll never change in the mod tbh. We'll have to wait til' the SA to see any real results as per getting rid of hackers in Chernarus

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