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OK before you start getting ready to Flame me please read the points i have.

1.This game needs Something with flair and Drunken Rages add to it.

2.I like the Idea of Getting Drunk and swinging an axe at zombies.

3.we Need a way to relieve Stress like we would in real life.

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I never seen a female character in this game.

My body is not ready for the gay apocalypse.

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Epic facepalm.

Alchol - Yes.

Sex - No.

All female characters if they exisit are mostly guys. Unless of course you enjoy that.

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1) Sex,

I am sure we are all aware of a deeply hilarious thread already in existence that quite extensively covers this idea.


2) Alcohol. Sure the player can knock back a beer to relieve stress but does your character have any such issue?

Beer could satisfy hydration, hunger and temperature to a degree, although in real life it actually robs your body of heat and water. Perhaps it could be used when things seem grim, just to push the character that bit further physically whilst robbing him of the ability to aim properly?

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i had to lol a little with this

i understand your point, but i think it is also a danger xD

having "fun" in the middle of apocalypse , to die shortly after , well it is a nice way to die, but not really suited for this game (no offence)

and it is true, most people are guys ingame, and even though i don't mind it, i think a lot of others don't want that kind of "fun"

But alcohol should be in, not just to be drunk ingame, but also because in a real Apocalypse people want to forget it at times, and i think a blurry and shaky vision while trying to kill things look fun xD

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Dull ideas. These can never be adequately simulated. Have some of each in real life.

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Dull ideas. These can never be adequately simulated. Have some of each in real life.

These Idea's can be easily implemented all you do is introduce new character animation and put the near death white screen as a drunk alcohol state.

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Ummm...i dont think so. Next you'll be asking for an option to wank.

Would there be mocap for these?

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Dull ideas. These can never be adequately simulated. Have some of each in real life.

These Idea's can be easily implemented all you do is introduce new character animation and put the near death white screen as a drunk alcohol state.

So? Shitting and choking on your food could be put in easily, too.

Still dull ideas.

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Is this an actual thread? Someone behind a keyboard is actually trying to suggest this?

My neckbeard detector is going off the charts - go the fuck outside and fingerbang a slut, then see how badly you want the option to have your avatar root other peoples' avatars. Ones you can be certain are being controlled by other males, no less. Phaggot.

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What a joke, next it will be using the hatchet to gather weed.

Remember Arma II is a 16+ game.

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Ummm...i dont think so. Next you'll be asking for an option to wank.

Would there be mocap for these?

Lol No

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Sex would be a completely useless mechanic. Mind altering substances on the other hand...

But neither of these are neccessary

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there is literally no reason to turn this game into a raunchy sexcapade. though the thought of stumbling upon a couple in an.. intimate state in the woods is hilarious, especially with direct chat, lol but no.

i like the alcohol idea though. if they added a stress meter, then you could monitor that and alcohol could be one of many relievers.

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Meh i guess only alcohol will do i will change the thread.

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This game isnt gonna into a gay porn simulator

but being drunk like in DR2 would be funny as hell!!

It could.

Would you shudder at the idea of Bubba having his way with you as you bleed out on the pavement?


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This game isnt gonna into a gay porn simulator

but being drunk like in DR2 would be funny as hell!!

It could.

Would you shudder at the idea of Bubba having his way with you as you bleed out on the pavement?


Lol i changed the topic

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I was thinking alcohol would be great to reduce paranoia.Maybe an effect where you start hearing footsteps and zombies even out in the wilderness and very far from any towns.

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