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Snow biomes and Snowmobiles.(If im to late to add suggestions maybe it can be in an update)

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I think it would be cool to have a snowmobiles with  catagories of them. Here are the catagories Mountains: There should be snowy mountains that other snowmobiles wont be able to climb so there should be a mountain(or deep snow) snowmobile heres a good design: http://vickerymotorsports.files.wordpress.com/2012/08/2013-summit_x-action-2.jpg?w=1024&h=640. The other snowmobile should be a trail snowmobile they should not really do good on the deep snow or mountains because the paddles arent as big as the summits heres the design: http://stmkater.ru/upload/iblock/f66/f666d22403bee98a96cabd8319cb21e3.jpg. Thanks







P.S If you have the time can you please add engine sizes it wont have to do anything with the design just the speed and name heres what I had in mind Mountain snowmobile name: Ski-doo summit(600) or (800) and the Trail snowmobile name: Ski-doo MXZ(600) or (800). The engine sizes should be based on speed heres what I had in mind: 800 engine size should go upto 100 mph and the 600 should goto 80 mph. Thanks

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I think it would be cool to have a snowmobiles with catagories of them. Here are the catagories Mountains: There should be snowy mountains that other snowmobiles wont be able to climb so there should be a mountain(or deep snow) snowmobile heres a good design: http://vickerymotorsports.files.wordpress.com/2012/08/2013-summit_x-action-2.jpg?w=1024&h=640. The other snowmobile should be a trail snowmobile they should not really do good on the deep snow or mountains because the paddles arent as big as the summits heres the design: http://stmkater.ru/upload/iblock/f66/f666d22403bee98a96cabd8319cb21e3.jpg. Thanks


Edited by Kevsta545

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Not sure about adding say a snow biome. But a large enough mountain, or mountain range, which always has snow on it at a certain altitude would be great. Great place to add lots of new stuff, new animals, new camo for the player etc.. new weapon skins, new ways to hide etc.. and the need to stay warm!! man I wish / hope temperature could be added to standalone. anyways..

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Nice screens! Looks good. Only issue I see, nowhere to hide lol


the screens show the pure Satelite/texture map  :)  no objects have been placed yet...


My god man, that looks awesome. any more info on the project?


Map will be called "Komandorskaya", a fictive ( but based on real life geographic data) chain of islands  located in the Bering Sea between Alaska and the russian region of Kamchatka like the Aleutian Islands. Two islands will be russian  and one island will be U.S. territory.  :)


could look like this :  800px-UnalaskaAlaska.jpg

Edited by Private Evans
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the screens show the pure Satelite/texture map  :)  no objects have been placed yet...



Map will be called "Komandorskaya", a fictive ( but based on real life geographic data) chain of islands  located in the Bering Sea between Alaska and the russian region of Kamchatka like the Aleutian Islands. Two islands will be russian  and one island will be U.S. territory.  :)


could look like this :  800px-UnalaskaAlaska.jpg



So the Atka and Amlia islands eh? Great idea! Lots of room to do other maps with the other islands in the chain, if you were so inclined... 


This is why I hope there will be an editor for standalone (been talking about that in another thread..). Any chance of ya PMing me some links to resources you use to do this? I have been searching online for this stuff, but like to ask people who are actually doing it also. Thanks in advance if you are willing!

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have a look at this tutorial  :)





and also here for the basics of BI tools and map creating




This is why I ask, two new links I had not found yet. Thanks dude.

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If normal vehicles could be slower and get stuck in snow aswell while snow mobiles glide overtop giving them a distinct advantage over cars.

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