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Coastal crabs..

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No not the sort you'd get from some cheap Cherno hooker..


I just can't seem to leave the coast, and the main reason isn't because I die often, though I do often enough for probably obvious reasons.

I am happy to mill around Elektro and Cherno sniffing out bad and helping others I encounter with blood or meat.

I've been to 'zino, nwaf and Zelenogorsk and the townships along the ways but there's not enough up north to drag me away from the sea.

The 'High' end gear I can't be bothered with, an Enfield or Whinchester ,  a knife, matches, hatchet and meds and I'm good. Also any camps I create I've hidden to an extent but their contents a hardly worth stressing over if they get raided.

Its a game you play as you will but I feel sometimes I'm doin it wong.


Just curious if anyone else is just happy chilling on the coast?

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I very rarely leave the coast in the vanilla mod now.  I generally do the Balota/Cherno/Elektro runs until i inevitably get killed.


Fun times.


Now if i could just nab a boat i would be very happy indeed.

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yea, I dont really leave the coast anymore either




because you cant find meds north and with the new infection system its like a death sentence going north anymore.

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The coast is where is go to watch the madness of killing and the silliness of sidechat 'why you kill me brah ?' type stuff until i have had my fill, most of my lives are spent in the top two thirds of the map. Elektro is just too small and i am well bored of Cherno :) 

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I've been playing as an extreme hermit as of late. I spawn, grab what a need, and sulk my way north, hitting deer stands, small towns, and the occasional camp I sniff out. I've gotten luck this life, as I play on decently high pop servers, I got an Elektro spawn, shot a sniper on Dobry with an enfield, and escaped with a DMR + Coyote + NVGs, etc.


I continued my usual ways, keeping to the forest, hitting the occasional hotspot in the dark of night, in and our, lickidy split. I managed to knick a motorbike from Novy Lug today, but it ran out of fuel just west of Ostry. As I moved in to the Kras, NEAF area, I turned a corner, and there was a fully kitted player not 5m away. I shit myself, and shot him dead. Topped my loadout off with RFs, and a Mk 48. Found some fuel, and I've just been sulking around the map, hoping for a UAZ and/or a tent.


So unless I'm in a very "killy" mood (which I don't seem to be lately, I wish to keep my Hero skin), I grab what I need on the coast (starter gun, as many tools as I can get, and med supplies), before I move in land, and I top up my kit on deer stands and such. As of now, I've been spending the majority of my time in the North to North East section of the map. It's quiet, there's lots of cover, lot's places to loot, the occasional camp, and minimal player traffic. Just what I like on the public hive.

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Is the main reason I enjoy it I think. There's something happening more often.

I'm a hero hermit as well. I now hunt murderers (and inevitably heal other murderers I'm sure but) and my skin was something I was initially proud to get but It became a burden to surviving for any great length of time in that environment.


I don't kill willy nilly,  If I'm shot at or witness / suspect a player killer is about I react but being a constant a pacifist made me an angry brah and eventually have less regard for humanity in general.



@ leviski

Seems an oddity that AB's aren't scattered about the map.

Not something I was aware of. I have had a hard time finding blood when I have ventured further around the map, just my bad luck or timing perhaps.



..and a sea kayak would handy dandy

Edited by RogueNZ
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That is all. 

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despite of the infection rate i prefere to starve to death ,cause of the blurry vision, and even leave without morphine, but i'll always follow the call of the wild..


i understand your feeling and i played also like you, because i didn't find what i wanted or pulled by some action going on..not having so much time to play i'm ok with some animal hunts and short deerstands runs..

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I mostly do the same.... Run around stalking/scaring people, Giving food and bloodbags until I get shot.lol

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I check out northern spawns and come down to help/kill people because of my boredom.

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I play dayzero now so I don't have the infection problem - either way it still wouldn't stop me from leaving the coast. I spawn, make a quick stop to get some gear and then always head north, deciding where me and my mates are going to go. By doing this we get to see the whole map (Pobeda Dam is quite nice to sit by and eat some lamb chops and enjoy a mountain dew), find crash sites, get some better gear to come down south again. Everyone has a different way to play the game.

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Ugh, I hate the coast. Unless I've just netted an easy spawn with good loot and a safe route North that can easily supply me(Balota or Komarovo), and after I've cleansed I split for the North. The South is nothing but death, banditry, and a easy way to get sniped. I generally stick around the Mid West strip though.

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