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My detailed DayZ standalone report from Gamescom 2013

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I think rocket has forgot what masde the mod so popular.


Its had so many changes and i bet the game will flop because of it.


The mod is so popular because of the premise; an open world with no rules and a focus on player interaction.


The could replace the zombies with monkeys on unicycles for all I care, it wouldn't change squat.


I fail to see how adding tools to the sandbox will have an adverse effect? The majority of complaints about the mod is that there's nothing to do..

Edited by CapricornOne
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Thanks for your report, it's nice to see an "ordinary player" write about what he experienced with the SA build.


I was at GC as well, on thursday, but I didn't queue to play the game since I was there with my gf and one of her friends, and when I revisited the booth 2 hours later I recognized some of the guys waiting in line from 2 hours earlier so I didn't want to "waste" my time to just get some minutes of gameplay, even though I'm really excited for it. So it's really nice that you wrote that report.


I'm really looking forward to all the additions that will make the game more complex. In my opinion complexity is one of the main factors for success. I played EVE Online for quite some time, and that game has never been beaten in terms of complexity, and it's really borderline, if you get into it, it's actually somewhat mindblowing. So I'm hoping for some complexity in the SA, since it also brings across realism way better than fancy graphics or stuff.


And to all the people complaining about complexity, I'm not going to join the bandwagon telling you to rather go play COD, but take a look at what Rocket intended this game to be, if you expect anything else from the real game, not "just" a Mod, it's simply your fault for expecting anything less.


I for one am still eagerly awaiting the SA, and will definitely try to be one of the first to get it and support them by purchasing it.




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Weapons should be very, very rare. Being able to craft them is not just totally unauthentic and weird, it would be also having impact on the gameplay.

The word was maintenance.


I like dayz pure gameplay and immersion being hard and violent as hell.  And unlike many (from my last read of the forum a year+ ago, I could be wrong) I actually love zombie-killing and being killed by zombies (if it were up to me zombies/zombie gore/player gore would be more prevalent and way more gruesomely real).  But "very very rare" firearms does not sound authentic.


Rare yes, or it even gets to the point they feel cheap.  But IMO their regulation would be better via other gameplay factors than extreme spawn rarity.  IOW balance firearms' pros (lethality, reach, etc) with cons: more than just attrition.. I can't think of any others off-hand, but that is a better formula for good gameplay.


Just plain rare firearms is not hairier, more difficult gameplay, it's less gameplay.

Edited by Hermes

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