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IDK if it been mentioned but I think players should influence the price on a supply/demand scale. Maybe a city that you can build/buy a building for your clan. Make it so you can hire ai to guard your stuff. 

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Yeah this has been suggest quite a bit.  Not the ai thing, but the trader cities and such.


I'm not sure what Rocket thinks about the idea but I personally don't care about it.  If they decide to add something like that into SA, then cool.  However I couldn't care less if they didn't.

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IDK if it been mentioned but I think players should influence the price on a supply/demand scale. Maybe a city that you can build/buy a building for your clan. Make it so you can hire ai to guard your stuff. 

EvE Online has the most realistic in game economy, so realistic in fact that several international think tanks study it for clues about the nature of commerce. 


I know Rocket has been in contact with these guys to pick their brains on several issues including larger player numbers on servers and  territorial sovereignty, it would be mad if he didn't investigate just how they managed to develop this economic model with a view to introducing something similar in the SA. 


Post apocalyptic societies would eventually develop a simple trade based economy, based on resources and access to them, not unlike simple bronze age economies.


The key is making sure things have real value and genuine scarcity and eliminate things like duping and other forms of cheating.

Edited by (MUC) Feral

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Post apocalyptic societies would eventually develop a simple economy for sure, based on resources and access to them, not unlike simple bronze age economies.

That's exactly the point. In DayZ, PLAYERS decide what does or doesn't hold value.

I seriously doubt Rocket would create an in-game monetary system, considering his view that he's giving players the tools to do such things themselves.

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I seriously doubt Rocket would create an in-game monetary system,

quite, I don't see cash machines springing up in cherno =p


but if a clan managed say to take control of a key water/fuel source it is not beyond the realms of possibility to imagine players turning up with empty bottles to be filled and loot to exchange.


this is a pretty poor example but i'm sure you see what I mean.

Edited by (MUC) Feral
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Eh. I do enjoy Epoch, but I feel vanilla shouldn't really have a currency system, it's should be 100% player controlled .

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 it's should be 100% player controlled .

although this is a nice idea it requires support from the devs to work,


they need to create an environment where resources and access to them is fairly limited, or at least can be limited by players, and also they need to strike the right balance with the loot tables.


then leave it in the hands of the players to see where things go from there.


for example make fuel stations have a limited supply of fuel, give players the possibility of poisoning a rival clans water supply therefore pushing up the value of their hold on the network of dams, this monopoly will encourage other groups to try and contaminate these dams and so on, it will encourage cooperation, hostility and add some realistic elements to survival aspects.


of course servers will refresh and everything will begin again but with increased optimization there is no reason why a server can't generate it's own trade networks, territories and other great aspects of how life might be in a post apocalyptic world which continue for a few days, maybe even indefinitely if base building works the way it should.

Edited by (MUC) Feral
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I think getting your hands on an armored vehicle should be a very big deal. Kind of like getting a carrier in eve online. Weapons should take damage when shot and individual pieces of clothing/armor. I'd def like to see an auction house and a bounty system. Say someone you don't like is on. Put a bounty on them. 


There should be a way to ID another player from a distance. Maybe their name pops up if you have photo of them or wanted poster?

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I think getting your hands on an armored vehicle should be a very big deal. Kind of like getting a carrier in eve online. Weapons should take damage when shot and individual pieces of clothing/armor. I'd def like to see an auction house and a bounty system. Say someone you don't like is on. Put a bounty on them. 


There should be a way to ID another player from a distance. Maybe their name pops up if you have photo of them or wanted poster?

all this and more =)

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although this is a nice idea it requires support from the devs to work,


they need to create an environment where resources and access to them is fairly limited, or at least can be limited by players, and also they need to strike the right balance with the loot tables.


then leave it in the hands of the players to see where things go from there.


for example make fuel stations have a limited supply of fuel, give players the possibility of poisoning a rival clans water supply therefore pushing up the value of their hold on the network of dams, this monopoly will encourage other groups to try and contaminate these dams and so on, it will encourage cooperation, hostility and add some realistic elements to survival aspects.


of course servers will refresh and everything will begin again but with increased optimization there is no reason why a server can't generate it's own trade networks, territories and other great aspects of how life might be in a post apocalyptic world which continue for a few days, maybe even indefinitely if base building works the way it should.


I'd love to see an eve-online setup where everyone plays on same world rather than a WoW type setup.

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I'd love to see an eve-online setup where everyone plays on same world rather than a WoW type setup.

the dream game, world would need to be 1000's of sq km's and would take years to build, but omg it would be the greatest game ever conceived by a human mind

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the dream game, world would need to be 1000's of sq km's and would take years to build, but omg it would be the greatest game ever conceived by a human mind


I don't think it'd take that long. Most could be computer generated. Just hand model major cities and/or important areas.

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quite, I don't see cash machines springing up in cherno =p


but if a clan managed say to take control of a key water/fuel source it is not beyond the realms of possibility to imagine players turning up with empty bottles to be filled and loot to exchange.


this is a pretty poor example but i'm sure you see what I mean.


Most likely a larger group of players or even other clans will group up and mop them floor with the people blocking the source either because


a) they don't want someone sitting on a free resource or

b) they just want to KoS or

c) they want to pvp, which is basically b)

d) also a possibility: go to another server thanks to server hopping...so "owning" something doesn't really mean anything.

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so "owning" something doesn't really mean anything.

of course, the way things stand now.

rocket didn't discuss sovereignty with ccp for a giggle.

attempting to control territory and resources is something real humans do in real life and EvE has proved can work in games.


there needs to be major changes and of course it can never work in exactly the same way because EvE has a single server, but who knows what tricks rocket and co have up their sleeves.

why not invest time and energy into trying to hold a piece of valuable territory, or indeed try and take it from a rival group? sounds like fun to me

Edited by (MUC) Feral
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I'd prefer if (as said above by some others) Rocket gives us the tools to do so.  Rather than add in an auction house or a bounty system, add in a message post in towns where players can post a message saying, "Camouflaged Ural with reinforced windows and mounted PKM, starting bid 1,000 rounds of 7.62 Ammo.  Bidding starts at Noon local time on frequency 89.910." or "Wanted Dead: Bandit Stinky Bob, 10 MREs and 300 rounds of 5.56 upon proof of death.  Radio Frequency 721.054."

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