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Petition to spawn with a weapon!

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Since this new patch has come out, starting a new character can be next to impossible. Here's my main beef with the patch: You start out with only a bandage, flashlight, and painkillers. To find food, water, weapons, etc. you need to search zombie infested areas. The zombies are line of sight now, so if you're spotted (Which you almost always will be) you're only option is to run. At least with a melee weapon we could fight one or two at least!

Now, I know there's a way to lose the zombies in the buildings, but it doesn't work most of the time (At least for me).

If you would like to start spawning with a weapon again, please post a comment.

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definitely no, this game needs a little more difficulty imo, if u r on a server with nice people or a low player count the game is all too easy as is, starting u off with less and changing the zombie ai is a great way to curb that

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Right now in patch problem not in line of sight of zombies, but in they possibility to hear you from very long distance. if you runing crouching they hear you in very large area (something like 70-100m) if you accidently move without hold shift inside building you will argo zombies in 20-30m outside building. Definitly right now they hear you before see most of the time (behind trees, bushes, doors and etc)

but in general patch do right things.

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Right now in patch problem not in line of sight of zombies' date=' but in they possability to hear you from very long distance. if you runing crouching they hear you in very large area (something like 70-100m) if you accidently move without hold shift inside building you will argo zombies in 20-30m outside building. Definitly right now they hear you before see most of the time (behind trees, bushes, doors and etc)

but in general patch do right things.


Patch was released today and changed audibility levels.


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I don't really care either way. It just saves me some time to actually spawn with a weapon. So many people say it was a good change, but no one really ever says why. It just makes the game more tedious and makes more road runner cartoon reenactments.

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Could this thread be revised and a web-site poll be taken?

I have 2 friends that won't play because the weaponless spawn-in.

I whole heartedly agree with every bodies points of view. I have made it off the beach and found everything again, it was indeed TOUGH!, but I've been an Arma 2 player since this game came out. I understand how it works, the way the game feels, and sounds. New people do not. No I don't want it made easy to attract console players they can stick to there under stimulated box.

Can this subject be put to a poll?

Thank you, Jay

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I've come to find out that zombies are not a threat whatsoever. A player with an automatic weapon (75% of survivors I come across) or a person with a rifle (~10% I come across) are the real danger. Starting with a weapon just means that you can't defend yourself from another player.

To quote another player - "Disregard zombies, acquire weapons."

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Honestly,I find weapons ALOT, I really haven't seen any real noticable difference in weapon spawns.

My suggestion, run north and find a barn, they almost always have something you can you use to defend yourself.(Shotgun,Winchester,Lee enfield,CZ,Xbox,hatchet.)

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YES - Spawn with a melee weapon.

Just a stick would be adequate. A month ago, I'd say fine, no weapon, no big deal. But with the weapon drops, zombie spawns, and zombie aggro the way they are now, spawning without even a melee weapon is unbalanced, unfair, unfun, and unrealistic. I'm in a forested country and I can't even have a stick to defend myself? How is that realistic?

The repeated, spawn, creep into town for crappy or no loot, get caught, runaway, die cause they're never going to stop following you, before you even find a hatchet is getting tedious, frustrating and boring.

Either that or turn down zombie hearing, to the point that they don't hear movement below a sprint. I don't want a return to "prone = invisible", but slow walking around one side of a house should not send a zombie on the otherside into a full tilt sprint on the attack. Going through towns has gone from being a stealth challenge to simply a game of luck. With slot machine odds

Last night I found a winchester in a barn in Prigorodky farm, and almost 50 shells. One Zed heard me walking from outside the barn and came in. Shot him, and then about 20 more came running in. Shot them all, and figured the area should be fairly clear. Walked to a house beside the barn to check it out. Zombie inside, no chance for stealth, so I shoot him. In an area that should be clear, about 20 more zeds come running in. After killing 44 of them, I ran out of ammo. I could see maybe 44 in Cherno or Elektro, or maybe even in one of the smaller towns or villages. But on a freaking farm?

So yeah, please, either give us a melee at start, or turn down zombie hearing enough that stealth with no weapon is viable.

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10 chars.


Spawning without a weapon hurts no one for any reason. Only reason it would is if someone is spawn camping. They can just get banned. That's a non issue really.

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Not really.

Spawning without a weapon is one of the biggest incentives for teamwork early on. Almost every time i bump into players on the coast, at least one of us has already found a hatchet.

This guy usually takes the role of "protector" while the rest work as zombie bait, at least until we all find hatchets, but by then we already trust each other.

I think spawning AS IS is spot on, and should not be changed under any circumstance.

Especially with zombies are much easier to loose (just run into a building, wait a little, and crawl out through other entrance). If you run into a house with only 1 entrance, then you deserve to be zombie food.

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Could this thread be revised and a web-site poll be taken?

I have 2 friends that won't play because the weaponless spawn-in.

I whole heartedly agree with every bodies points of view. I have made it off the beach and found everything again' date=' it was indeed TOUGH!, but I've been an Arma 2 player since this game came out. I understand how it works, the way the game feels, and sounds. New people do not. No I don't want it made easy to attract console players they can stick to there under stimulated box.

Can this subject be put to a poll?

Thank you, Jay


No, this is never going to be implemented and that's their loss not Rockets.

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