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Let's discuss this idea

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This isn't a suggestion, it's just an idea I thought we as a community could elaborate on. I shamelessly stole this idea from Xeno5643 on Youtube, in the comments section of this vid (keep your opinions of Frankie out of here please, that's not what this topic is about). His comment was a reply to Krillin Son.


It's basically addressing the whole KoS mentality and how there doesn't seem to be any deterrent from being a cold hearted killer. Now I am well aware that being a bandit is part of the game, however, and this is purely my opinion, it's gotten out of hand to the point that it's almost impossible to find someone who doesn't kill on sight (a bit of context here: I stopped playing after the infection got out of hand, so if this has changed in the last month or so, take that into account).


The original comment reads:


They should make it so, that depending on where you shoot a person, it will destroy items and equipment. Like shooting in the head deals no damage to items on your inventory (in Pockets on both shirt and pants) or backpack. Shooting directly onto the backpack, will damage most items in the bag. Shooting from the front, will damage things majorly on your inventory and a little in the bag pack. This might stop bandits from shooting on sight and actually rob people, but I'll doubt it'll do much.


Xeno then goes on to reply:


Something like that combined with low humanity causing you to become paranoid and hear imaginary gunshots and other ambient noises would be good.


Personally, I think this is a brilliant idea. From a realism point of view, it's more than possible that a murderer will experience mental side effects after killing someone. Thes effects could subside over time, or they could be countered with actions such as bloodbagging (this would need to be expanded into more actions IMO).


Say a bandit kills someone, it activates a 6 (just a random number) hour timer in which the bandit hears gunshots and perhaps cries for help which is very feasible in real life, after the 6 hours the effect wanes and the bandit is able to continue playing normally.



I've got more I'd like to jot down on this but this is fast becoming a TL;DR post so what are everyone's thoughts on this?

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Personally, I think desktops should come with build-in, spring-loaded boxing gloves that automatically deploys against the arsehole's nose, once it's registered KoS behaviour.


That's quite an interesting idea though, to be honest.

I thought that humanity was gonna be removed in standalone, though?

I could have sworn that damage against items was going to be included in the Standalone anyway, so hopefully we'd see an increase in robbery as opposed to murder.

(assuming we're referring to the standalone, and not the mod anyway)

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Indeed the damage system that was said is supposed to be in SA, and as far as im aware humanity is in the standalone,it just works differently, no skins or anything like that.


i personally like this, would give bandits a hard time, so of-course im down being a hero and all.

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They should make it so, that depending on where you shoot a person, it will destroy items and equipment. Like shooting in the head deals no damage to items on your inventory (in Pockets on both shirt and pants) or backpack. Shooting directly onto the backpack, will damage most items in the bag. Shooting from the front, will damage things majorly on your inventory and a little in the bag pack. This might stop bandits from shooting on sight and actually rob people, but I'll doubt it'll do much.


Wasn't this confirmed for the standalone about 6 months ago? Lol.


Something like that combined with low humanity causing you to become paranoid and hear imaginary gunshots and other ambient noises would be good.


This one's been discussed to death on the forums and doesn't appeal to the vast majority, for me it would feel too contrived and gamey. It'd just end up like sanity in Amnesia and royally piss me off without really adding anything of worth to the game.

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^ what mZLY said.. you're a bit behind on this one Diddums :)  It's ok, i understand you had a shit ton of piss over the weekend :D

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This isn't a suggestion========================== so what are everyone's thoughts on this?


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 As an aside to that, i don't think you can stop kill on sight anyway no matter what you do, the best way to stop it is to not let yourself become a target.  You may still be shot in the middle of nowhere, but the guy was more than likely going to neck ya anyway. And he will more than likely take the chance that even if he does damage some stuff, he can still pick the bones and reap some sort of reward. Most of the kill on sight i see in game on the sidechat servers takes place in the cities and i just feel like head desking myself when they open up in side going ' why you kill me braaah..i had nothing braaah..' ..i think..wtf are you doing running around like a gimp in Cherno braaaah.. how come i can make it around the whole map and not get killed or seen ?


 People need to change their playstyle a bit is how i see it, adapt to the merciless world and take chances when you hold the cards.

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Suggestion =/= idea. C'mon 'Boys!




Oh and the rest of you? Stop bullying me.

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I like your man hugs.

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Yea, all items will be able to receive damage in the SA. And the paranoid hearing shots thing is already there in the mod.. (or was that woodpecker?) .. 

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I thought hearing noises and stuff had already been suggested and declined 0v3R N1n3 Th0SanD times before?


I'm gonna vote no, like mZLY said, it would feel very gamey and trying-to-be-scary, if you know what I mean. It would make me feel like I'm playing System Shock 2, with all the ghostly apparitions and stuff.

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Looking forward to the damaged items, will add another layer of realism. Sometimes all a bandit needs is a hug, it just takes skill to deliver it.

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I still like the idea of paranoia. I'm disappointed that the community doesn't want it :( 

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I'm going to copy and paste something I wrote in another thread a few hours ago. This is the system that I think could end some of the KOS behaviour.

There is another way. I remember seeing a post somewhere about giving players skills. For example, a player could bandage so many people his medical skill levelled up, he could now bandage faster or get 2 uses out of 1 bandage or something. If someone repaired a lot of vehicles, their mechanical skill would level up, and they would now be able to take parts off of some vehicles and put them on others. However, the thing about these skills is that when you die, their all gone. Your character gets completely reset. This would increase the value of life as well as encourage people to group up with others who have valuable skills. Since killing them would erase their skills, it would be beneficial to keep them around, as least until your skills level. Nothing overpowered, like being able to blood bag 12 times with 1 bag. It would be limited of course, but I think it would work.

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I'm going to copy and paste something I wrote in another thread a few hours ago. This is the system that I think could end some of the KOS behaviour.

There is another way. I remember seeing a post somewhere about giving players skills. For example, a player could bandage so many people his medical skill levelled up, he could now bandage faster or get 2 uses out of 1 bandage or something. If someone repaired a lot of vehicles, their mechanical skill would level up, and they would now be able to take parts off of some vehicles and put them on others. However, the thing about these skills is that when you die, their all gone. Your character gets completely reset. This would increase the value of life as well as encourage people to group up with others who have valuable skills. Since killing them would erase their skills, it would be beneficial to keep them around, as least until your skills level. Nothing overpowered, like being able to blood bag 12 times with 1 bag. It would be limited of course, but I think it would work.

I know everyone is really resistant to any sort of "skill system" for characters.  But I sorta think there's some potential for this... might need to be seriously thought through... 

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I say first no man hugs for me please :o


and if any guy make fight with diddums he make fight with me >:( he is good guy and always say fair thing, respect this please :thumbsup:  :)


I agree each item in player inventory should have some location on player, example toolbelt should be real tool belt with tool visible in game so if you shoot this place where is gps for sure gps is dead :P


backpack same things also :thumbsup:

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i like things getting damaged by bullets, i don't like the madness effect of killing..i don't kos, i'm not a bandit, but everytime i go to a major town i have to kill someone in self defence..so why should i have allucinations? i'm fine with killing mindless maniacs who enjoy only finding a makarov in elektro to use it on the first survivor they see again and again..

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I'm going to copy and paste something I wrote in another thread a few hours ago. This is the system that I think could end some of the KOS behaviour.

There is another way. I remember seeing a post somewhere about giving players skills. For example, a player could bandage so many people his medical skill levelled up, he could now bandage faster or get 2 uses out of 1 bandage or something. If someone repaired a lot of vehicles, their mechanical skill would level up, and they would now be able to take parts off of some vehicles and put them on others. However, the thing about these skills is that when you die, their all gone. Your character gets completely reset. This would increase the value of life as well as encourage people to group up with others who have valuable skills. Since killing them would erase their skills, it would be beneficial to keep them around, as least until your skills level. Nothing overpowered, like being able to blood bag 12 times with 1 bag. It would be limited of course, but I think it would work.



this will only increase combat logs, butthurt and rage quitting the game..

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this will only increase combat logs, butthurt and rage quitting the game..

I really don't understand how it will. When the standalone is released all combat logging should be prevented, and if people are rage quitting over dying its their own problem. The point of this idea is to increase the value of life. Think about it, people KOS right now because there's no reason to have them around. There's no real benefit to keeping someone alive, other than the social interaction but that's not enough for some people. This idea gives a reason to make new friends, the fact is that in a real apocalypse everyone would be good at something, and making friends with particular skills would make life a whole lot easier for people.

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i think that that perk idea can maybe stop some kill, as voice chat does..because you can make a person more valuable for something, but you cannot be sure that everyone will recognize that value..i can always kill the mechanic and spend some more time fixing a vehicle..and the mod becomes deathmatch out of the coast no matter what you do..

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I really don't understand how it will. When the standalone is released all combat logging should be prevented, and if people are rage quitting over dying its their own problem. The point of this idea is to increase the value of life. Think about it, people KOS right now because there's no reason to have them around. There's no real benefit to keeping someone alive, other than the social interaction but that's not enough for some people. This idea gives a reason to make new friends, the fact is that in a real apocalypse everyone would be good at something, and making friends with particular skills would make life a whole lot easier for people.


Increasing the value only to the person playing the given character.  If you see someone running around you don't know if they're a high level mechanic or medic or whatever.  Are you going to stop someone and ask them?  And would they seriously tell the truth if they knew it was life/death?  Nope... and no one is going to take the time or risk associated with asking anyone.  KoS is here to stay, I don't see a non-crappy game mechanic changing that much.


Sure maybe massive base building projects will require a lot of bodies, but let's be honest.  99% of those "teams" of people will be found on forums and outside of the game.  It won't be some random you ran into who bandaged you when you were bleeding. 





A friendly, lone-wolf.

Edited by Soupee
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Don't really like that idea. DayZ is whatever you make it, and  you shouldn't be punished too severely just because you like to play the bandit lifestyle, so hearing random gunshots would just be annoying rather than a fun challenge. Also I've come to realize that so long as the possibility exists to shoot someone, they will do it if they are that kind of player (which most DayZ players are).  And just because you might damage some gear while killing someone, doesn't mean they will say "O fuck it, I don't want to shoot him because I might damage stuff in his backpack". Do you really feel safe knowing that the only reason someone isn't shooting you is because they don't want to damage your gear? They could just kill you when you stand still. 


IMO it's too late to introduce something in the game that will reduce KOS without drastically changing the dynamic of the game. It's either you make changes to drastically reduce KOS (not going to happen), or you keep it as is (lots of KOS), it would be really difficult to come up with something in between. 

Edited by PooPoo

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Increasing the value only to the person playing the given character.  If you see someone running around you don't know if they're a high level mechanic or medic or whatever.  Are you going to stop someone and ask them?  And would they seriously tell the truth if they knew it was life/death?  Nope.


 My thoughts too.




*pew pew*  ...really...and..?

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and don't forget that if people are afraid to die because they just find matchboxes or a new rifle, imagine how they'll react if they must save an achievment gained by repairing like 4-5 cars or dozens of medical treatments..

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