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Inception, can we please be civil about this?

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Thats nice.



Edited by GOD™
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You're being banned because you have broken the rules.



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I invented the Matrix, I'll have you know.





Thats nice.



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Inception must be afk again since I'm not banned yet :(


He's offline.

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He's offline.

I doubt it.  The forums actually make your name disappear from the logged-in list if you idle on the same page for more than 5 minutes.

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Successful troll is successful


I really hope mods can IP ban. I feel this fellow is worthy.

Edited by Statik
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Successful troll is successful


I really hope mods can IP ban. I feel this fellow is worthy.

IP bans only work on static IPs

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I'm not breaking any rules here.  Lets take it easy with the banhammer, shall we?

11) Multiple Accounts:

Multiple accounts are not tolerated and may result in a Ban for each instance.


Now I can dig up 6 accounts, lets start of with Stings2pee, warned 3 times by different Moderators including one from Top Den one of the Russian Moderators !

No point in me going into the details with the other accounts (you know already).


So now we have 9 accounts in total.

I'm going to put you on hold  while I go through your posting history and consult with my three wise men.


Do not make any more accounts while I'm going through this process.


I've got your N°'s.

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Thats nice.


Oh, I see what you did there.

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