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I have 2 things to say

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Their is a really good server called Game-Debate and no-one ever plays on it and i think more people should try it out :)

And i was away for a little bit and let my friend play and he download hacks and used them so i apolagize to everyone who was killed or anything etc... and i wont let it happen again Thanks :D

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The same thing happened to me, i went away and let random strangers in my house. Seemed like a good idea at the time

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I let my little brother download hacks.

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EDIT wait, reread the OP.  Goodluck with your Global ban, might want to kick your friend square in the balls.

Edited by BigMike

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 Most believable topic i have seen today.  I just chased six old ladies and three younger brothers out of my house who were trying to play dayz on my pc. It never ends. I don't feel safe. Ever.

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I caught my cat downloading hacks and trying to load Dayz...that and some really nasty german porn,,,BLOODY cats these days huh!!

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I let my little brother download hacks.

Jordan. Where have you been, my darling?

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Anyone here ever Moderated a Minecraft server? It really is mind-numbing how many times someone blames their friend or sibling when they get caught for griefing/x-raying.

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Anyone here ever Moderated a Minecraft server? It really is mind-numbing how many times someone blames their friend or sibling when they get caught for griefing/x-raying.

I have, and it's not exclusive to Minecraft, it's pretty much any game with hacks that everyone blames their little brother. 

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I have two things to say also


"irrelevant" and "bollocks"

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