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37 day old char + sunrise moment = death

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Log in to my dude who i try and put at least a couple of hours every day or two, Mr Lone Wolf Serious on a pub vanilla. 




 Ginned around a bit looking for a vantage point to get a nice sunrise shot and appreciate the apoc..





One minor step in the wrong direction and a thirty minute run later and i am reunited with my corpse..back to day Zero.





 First time i have fallen off a crane, what an idiot.

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First time?...every time I've even when on anything like a crane (catwalks too) I have either randomly exploded or been 'pushed' over the edge by stepping on something.

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 I have done the stupid slow animation when getting up from prone and watched my guy slowly walk off the edge of a few roofs but i have never committed crane death until yesterday. My partner has heaps and i always piss myself so she will be most amused, the cranes in Elektro are out of bounds for her. Insta death.

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 I have done the stupid slow animation when getting up from prone and watched my guy slowly walk off the edge of a few roofs but i have never committed crane death until yesterday. My partner has heaps and i always piss myself so she will be most amused, the cranes in Elektro are out of bounds for her. Insta death.



Why didn't you open your parachute?

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No more tears, only dreams now.



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 148 , nice work..must have a Sausage King beard ;) Best i got was 128 on a pub server and then hacker killed in the fields near Stary. Had a few 30 odd day guys but this dude was my one i was hoping to keep for a bit yet... but nooooooo..he has to sidestep and break his face, after getting infected three or four times, broken bones and nearly bleeding out, surviving a couple of firefights and a foot chase with a mental guy in a Candy Van. Idiot.

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I thought the same :D maybe he just loves the winnie.  

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First time falling off a crane?  Get use to it.  


I managed to fall off the ground.  Landed in hell after half a hour of falling.

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I don't go on those cranes unless I absolutely have to. My character has enough trouble keeping his footing on a hospital roof let alone those fragile scaffoldings.

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