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Squad Play How?

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How do people have good squad play? I roll with a 14 man squad (at max) 8 people usually and we can't really do much since are communication sucks. Just some tips and what not on squad play would be nice, we use skype to communicate what would you guys say is the best for squad play? Just tips for squad play and doing well in the squad.

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So I'm assuming you're trying to be serious.


First off, playing tactically with an 8+ man squad is going to be a pain in the ass.


Here's what you need to to:


1. Establish with everyone in the call/channel that you're going to be playing tactically (i.e. if you're going to fuck around, step out)

2. "Clear comms" - Try to keep pointless talk to a minimum

3. "Clearing comms" - Don't waste time, if you need people to be quiet, tell them to stop talking. Don't sugar coat it.

4. Make sure you're all sober


You all need to be on the same level, you can't have half the group wanting to fuck around, while half wants to actually play. You just need to keep on topic, or if you're going to have a casual conversation, you need to be able to stop it immediately when someone says "break", "clear comms", etc.

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Proper Communications will make your squad.  Otherwise you and your team are just sniper bait.

Make sure you know EVERY one on the team, that way when a 15th person shows up you aren't running around like headless chickens. "Wait, whos the guy with the SAW?" *gunshots, Tim dies* "WHO THE HELL JUST SHOT ME! DAMNIT DAVE! *moregunshots, Dave dies*  "WTF JIM!  Why'd you shoot me I have a crossbow!" ect ect.

As said above, make sure everyone knows it's time to be serious, this isn't time to dick around and bitch about how your dad wants you to start paying rent, or if you wanna know if this one girl really likes you.  Any comms should either be commands or reports.  "Tom, Dick, Harry, go flank from the right side of the brick building.  Larry and Howard, spread out and overwatch." "Movement spoted in the tree line South Southwest of us." Ect.

Make sure there's a proper command structure and keep it as small as possible, if 6 people are barking orders different sets of orders no one knows who the follow and what to do.

*Edit* I would actually recommend ditching Skype for Teamspeak or Ventrillo.  I have not heard much good about Skype for gaming and would imagine there would be a lot of lag with a 14 person call.

Edited by BigMike
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Use some program that uses push to talk, and make sure to have a "Squad leader" which basically is the only one that talks unless asked a question. And make sure to have no Jibber Jabber in the chatting, you don't want to hear "I found a tin-can" every 4 seconds. And lastly, DO NOT run with a squad more than 6.

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split it up into fireteams, 4 per fireteam and fireteam leader for each fireteam. Have an overall commander who explains wthe main objective or what ever it is.

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Agree with everything said here.  Anything over 4 people is a pain in the ass.  You are basically sniper bait.  From bad experience  we've had large geared teams go down badly to a couple of guys who know what they are doing.  On the flip side I've experienced 2-3 man teams do really well against disorganized mobs because we've communicated and coordinated even with mid-level military guns (i.e. M16, AKMs, etc...).

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4. Make sure you're all sober

This is probably the hardest one to achieve with all 14 people, good god that is a lot of people.

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This is probably the hardest one to achieve with all 14 people, good god that is a lot of people.


2 many if ya ask me...

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group of 3 is optimal, 4 max. If you have a larger group, divide it into sections and keep operations in separate areas to reduce risk of accidents. Move to different groups in your VIOP program and assign one person in each group with cross-com duties. Set a HQ point and a couple other rendezvous points for emergency.


I've had the most fun running with a 3 man squad personally. My clan has about 12 people that played DayZ at the hight of it, and its too much of a mess with that many people.

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From planetside 2 expericance, with over a platoon and a 1/2 running at one time (60ish ppl) there are some things you can do....


Use Teamspeak, push to talk helps here


then split your groups into fire teams in diffrent channels, 4 people a group or 5 I think is best (for Dayz that is)


each fireteam leader has channel commander enabled and a wisper list set to the other channel commander (basicly they have a private line to each other only)


also I would recomned the fireteam leaders have priority speaker in the sub channel they are in, so if someone else is talking and they speak, the voice of the others is cut down and the volume of leader is enhanced


this set up allows the squad to still chat and everything while hiking thru the forest, but if contact is made, snaps into tactical style play easy


you can even make a secondry wisper key to speak to the whole Teamspeak server, ie inform all squad members the general plan etc

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Besides what the other guys say, get your landmarks, terminology and directions straight.

I've seen plenty of teams talking apples and oranges.

"I'm on the north side of the orange house."

"What orange house?  You mean the red one?"

"I'm at the south wall of the barn."

"Yeah, me too.  But I saw you duck behind the north wall of the SHED." 

Stuff like that.


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Use military squad / team formation.

I can do it with 6/7 players but we have played a lot of ArmA2/CO before.


There is always one or two wandering off in the wrong direction but someone has to be the cannon fodder so that the rest can survive :D .


Skype/TS or Mumble, with only the necessary comunication.

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You probably want to lower your squad size, unless you have really solid comms it's just going to be a mess with that many people.

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