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Most of the suggestions for reducing KoS

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  On 8/10/2013 at 11:43 AM, PooPoo said:

You can say that about nearly every aspect of DayZ. How do bandages heal gunshot wounds? How do you fit a helicopter rotor in a backpack and carry it around? Like I said in that post. Any change that is going to dramatically shift the game towards PvE is going to be too drastic and go in the opposite direction that DayZ is heading now.


Precisely bandaging isn't unrealistic. You stop the bleeding, not heal the gunshot, this is done by eating/bloodbag (there's what the unrealistic part is). Or being able to run with a gunshot in your leg, totally unrealistic. But is still far away from Safe Zones with Field Forces. (And still I would change a lot of the actual medic system, as it is done in the SA).


BTW about the rotor, the name says rotor PARTS, problem is the 3D object. However the wheel is indead a wheel and I can carry 4 Truck wheels inside a Czech Backpack? wtf? This already exceeds what I would like, I would rather be able to carry items with your hands and having to drop them if you need to do any other action. This seems more reasonable to me.


If you want to change the pvp mentality of this game, start by reducing the over population of Cherno and Elektro, big cities should be an ultimate and endgame achievement. Not a newspawn schoolyard. Oh, and fixing all the dupe bugs. Because the gear is actually hard enough to get (didn't see a NVG/RangeFinder in MONTHS after literally hundreds of heli crashes, but im always finding bandits with them....). And when people is full geared, there's only one thing left to do. I myself became a sniper hill once I had everything posible in this game (however, I was only shooting bandits. still have a heart I guess).


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  On 8/10/2013 at 11:48 AM, lobo said:

check out my edit


Better. But still don't like your idea. A far more limited inventory? Turn out as the game is right now I can only carry 24 epinefrines in a Czech Backpack? kidding my right?? I could fit 24 epinefrines in one single pocket from my jacket!!! You want to make medics more valuable? same as I said with the helis, the medic system should be complicated enough for medics to be the ones who took the time to learn all of it.

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  On 8/10/2013 at 12:07 PM, p4triot said:

Better. But still don't like your idea. A far more limited inventory? Turn out as the game is right now I can only carry 24 epinefrines in a Czech Backpack? kidding my right?? I could fit 24 epinefrines in one single pocket from my jacket!!! You want to make medics more valuable? same as I said with the helis, the medic system should be complicated enough for medics to be the ones who took the time to learn all of it.


Yea but you sure can shove a light machine gun in your Czech Backpack yea? :D :D


That's what I am getting at. Lone wolf play should be viable, however you should not ever be nearly as good as a dedicated player. Let's go with medic.


Someone who has in this example his inventory dedicated to "A medkit, antibiotics, bandages, morphine, painkillers, cauterizes, forceps etc should be able to treat injuries far more effectively. For the medic role to work you can't have players just popping a morphine and their broken leg disappearing. Sure a lone wolf should be able to get them self back up, but they should take longer to fully heal from the injury than if they were treated by someone who has all the items needed to be a true medic. I'd go so far as to say that players lone wolfing or not working with a dedicated medic player should have a chance to fail at treating their wounds, or perhaps a zombie ripped you a apart and the lone wolf used a bandage, sure the bleeding stopped, but there is a chance of ripping the wound back open.


This restricts inventory in such a way that you have to choose what you want to bring with you to preform a function in a group to it's fullest. 


In this manner not everyone can a mechanic, medic, sniper, driver, cook. The sandbox still provides the tools and choice for the player, but the player has to really choose carefully how they want to play. 

Edited by lobo
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  On 8/10/2013 at 11:29 AM, PooPoo said:

What possible game changes could encourage that?


By playing around with the consequences of killing on sight, both immediate and long-term.

Here are some I could think of:



-Zombies alerted to any gunshots you make, if you're indoors (as most of the buildings in SA will become enterable :D) you'd essentially be trapping yourself and 'digging your own grave'.

-Teammates of whoever you just shot could be lurking around.



-The intensity of the situation could fatigue your character quicker, requiring more food/drink to be ingested and making you a little bit more vulnerable to illness if you're not covered up which leads me to:

-Scavenging the bloodied body exposes you to risk of infection.



-Ammo is so scarce that you'd wonder if it was really worth that shot to kill someone and that magazine or two to fend off those zombies.

-Loot from the survivor could also be mis-labelled/poisoned, and you wouldn't even realize until you're out of the area, you think you're all safe and you sit down to drink some clean-looking water...


I'm not suggesting to make the zombies impossible, but maybe they become more aggressive from hearing gunshots and extremely aggressive from the scent of human blood (e.g. from a murder) become worse the more gunshots are fired, however the proportionality between amount of gunshots and zombie aggressiveness would penalize heroes trying to help clear-out a city, but also promote teamwork and stealth.


I'm sure there are more subtle features which could be implemented like this, but please don't suggest gamey features such as safe-zones or disabling friendly-fire for certain people, DayZ is what it is because the original idea was so unlike anything in the games market, and specifically didn't have any goals/xp/levels/you name it, I don't have to tell you why you're playing dayz, that's for you to answer, but if you want safe zones etc. you can play 'that other game'.





  On 8/10/2013 at 11:43 AM, lobo said:

I think the only true way to discourage KOS through cooperation is to limit what everyone can do. If everyone cant fix a car, be a pilot, treat wounds, grow food, etc people become valuable. 


I'd like to add this is perfectly possible without adding a class system. With a far more limited inventory, the choice of having to keep a medical kit to treat wounds with or a toolbox, or more ammo, etc would go a long way to forcing people to work together. 

POV of a bandit: If for example I wanted to fix a car near a factory what would stop me from killing said mechanic, and taking two trips to the car to transport the gear instead of risk them taking my car?


POV of a hero: Sure I'll ask this guy if he can help me fix my car and in-return I'll give him a lift somewhere.


Both seem like logical options right? Imo the current regular DayZ player will take the first option 99% of the time because they get what they want sooner, the hero is still tied down after getting what they need.

Edited by R3con

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Try to avoid forcing players to do something. So "Safe-zones" and not allowing players to shoot people are something to avoid. Telling someone they can't do something "Because we said so" isn't good. Saying "You can only carry that much because that's what's fit in your backpack" is reasonable.


However maybe the idea of tools to make jobs more efficient with limited toolspace may be an idea. A medic carrying the appropriate tools could be faster at giving treatment than someone without those tools, making them valuable if you need patching up, The right toolbox would allow faster vehicle repair and refueling. If there's any kind of base building/Fortification you could have tools appropriate to those and for crafting. Everyone would be capable without them, but those with them would be better/faster, more efficient. Of  course someone could feasibly carry alternate kits in their backpack, but then they're sacrificing inventory space for the flexibility. Space that could have been used for supplies, building materials or ammunition/weapons.

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  On 8/10/2013 at 12:38 PM, R3con said:



POV of a bandit: If for example I wanted to fix a car near a factory what would stop me from killing said mechanic, and taking two trips to the car to transport the gear instead of risk them taking my car?


POV of a hero: Sure I'll ask this guy if he can help me fix my car and in-return I'll give him a lift somewhere.


Both seem like logical options right? Imo the current regular DayZ player will take the first option 99% of the time because they get what they want sooner, the hero is still tied down after getting what they need.



You're right about that Bandit part. However the real bandit rather than kill the mechanic would wait until the mechanic does the work and then betray him. This is a perfectly valid play-style choice. The point being though is that in order for a single player to do any labor intensive task like fix a car, much more time is required. Wasting all that time shoving your bandit gear in the car, to pull the mechanic stuff out, puts the bandit at risk. You could have things like "lvl 1" toolbox having a moderate chance to fail or break the part. Dedicated mechanics could upgrade their toolbox for less chance to fail and faster repair speeds. If the upgrades to the primary kit item are extremely intensive to accomplish but provided great benefit I could see this working. As a balance however, killing that expert mechanic and taking his tools shouldnt make the bandit suddenly an expert. He should be back at basic toolbox signifing his lack of knowledge on the tools and processes

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  On 8/10/2013 at 1:09 PM, lobo said:

You're right about that Bandit part. However the real bandit rather than kill the mechanic would wait until the mechanic does the work and then betray him. This is a perfectly valid play-style choice. The point being though is that in order for a single player to do any labor intensive task like fix a car, much more time is required. Wasting all that time shoving your bandit gear in the car, to pull the mechanic stuff out, puts the bandit at risk. You could have things like "lvl 1" toolbox having a moderate chance to fail or break the part. Dedicated mechanics could upgrade their toolbox for less chance to fail and faster repair speeds. If the upgrades to the primary kit item are extremely intensive to accomplish but provided great benefit I could see this working. As a balance however, killing that expert mechanic and taking his tools shouldnt make the bandit suddenly an expert. He should be back at basic toolbox signifing his lack of knowledge on the tools and processes


And whats's the difference between this and classes? And why I have to depend on my good/bad luck instead of some sort of PLAYER skill to decide if I can or cannot repair a car? Why people insists in turning this into a big casino?


Go play Lineage 2, a game where EVERYTHING is fucking random. And then come back and tell me you still like the success/fail chance system.



  On 8/10/2013 at 12:59 PM, Antjenks said:

Try to avoid forcing players to do something. So "Safe-zones" and not allowing players to shoot people are something to avoid. Telling someone they can't do something "Because we said so" isn't good. Saying "You can only carry that much because that's what's fit in your backpack" is reasonable.


However maybe the idea of tools to make jobs more efficient with limited toolspace may be an idea. A medic carrying the appropriate tools could be faster at giving treatment than someone without those tools, making them valuable if you need patching up, The right toolbox would allow faster vehicle repair and refueling. If there's any kind of base building/Fortification you could have tools appropriate to those and for crafting. Everyone would be capable without them, but those with them would be better/faster, more efficient. Of  course someone could feasibly carry alternate kits in their backpack, but then they're sacrificing inventory space for the flexibility. Space that could have been used for supplies, building materials or ammunition/weapons.


The limited tools space sounds good, though better if not that limited I would say, but more than adding a lot more of tools. Problem is, everything that is in the character can be steal. Like someone already stated, a bandit will just kill you and get your tools to heal herself.


I would go for knowledge. Its not that you need special tools to pilot a heli, it is that you need to actually take your time to learn to do it, and that makes YOU valuable. Not your character, not your gear. There before a bandit cant kill you to take profit, the only way someone can benefit from you is by keeping you alive.

Edited by p4triot

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I just came up with an idea. What about a mini-game to repair cars? like having a 2D image of an engine with some parts to connect, and you have to connect it properly depending on whats broken and whats not. And ofc different car types would have different engines, so if you want to be skilled repairing vehicles you would need a lot of expierence doing it. This way it would be player-skill based. Doesn't depend on classes, levels or ingame-skills, nor tools which can be stolen (and probably getting you murdered in the process).

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Reduce inventory space or separate it like secondary ammo and bandages, make food less of a constant need.

That way having an ally allows the group to be better off than killing a dude and taking his beans.

Also make all logging off have a long wait period and crashing or alt f4 causes your body to persist in game for a minute. A major tool of bandits is ghosting and combat logging to avoid both zombies and players. I think an alert if a player logs in within 30m would be a good thing, it doesn't tell you where they logged in, only that they are about to appear.

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Also a way of detaining someone or slinging their weapon, not just lowering it.

There are times I'd help someone, but he has a long gun. I don't want to get shot in the back, so I'll generally kill him on sight for safety and ask questions later.

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  On 8/10/2013 at 1:48 PM, p4triot said:

And whats's the difference between this and classes? And why I have to depend on my good/bad luck instead of some sort of PLAYER skill to decide if I can or cannot repair a car? Why people insists in turning this into a big casino?


Go play Lineage 2, a game where EVERYTHING is fucking random. And then come back and tell me you still like the success/fail chance system.


Really? Because chance does not affect real life outcomes? I guess all tools never break. Silly me, my wrench didn't break when I was turning that bolt. Not sure how it ended up in pieces but it sure according to you my skill is the fault. I suppose I should go out and shake my Philips head screw drive at my firebird and it will suddenly restore itself. 


Point is a class system is a restricted choice that you are locked into. Item combinations that can be picked up and down at any moment and that you can augment through additional items located in the game are dynamic and allow for freedom of choice. 

Edited by lobo

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It's funny how none of the discussions about "Kill on Sight" ever revolve around the "Sight" aspect of the problem. Learn how not to be seen and you will never get killed on sight. =P


The fact is, we're all too anxious for one reason or another to play at a pace that will limit your chances of being seen by another player. When you first start playing the game you are all too happy to prone around every corner, always take the long way around. Then, after endless days of enjoyment and fear, you realize you just wasted an hour to crawl through a small town that no one showed up at anyways. It doesn't take long before you start to take the mentality of; Fuck it, if someone sees me they see me. I guess people tend to forget what lead them to where they are now, and instead long for some external force to protect them from their own failures.


KoS is not a problem, the way we play the game, is.


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltmMJntSfQI (I seem to have forgetten how to embed here)

Edited by JubeiDOK

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  On 8/10/2013 at 5:04 PM, JubeiDOK said:

It's funny how none of the discussions about "Kill on Sight" ever revolve around the "Sight" aspect of the problem. Learn how not to be seen and you will never get killed on sight. =P


The fact is, we're all too anxious for one reason or another to play at a pace that will limit your chances of being seen by another player. When you first start playing the game you are all too happy to prone around every corner, always take the long way around. Then, after endless days of enjoyment and fear, you realize you just wasted an hour to crawl through a small town that no one showed up at anyways. It doesn't take long before you start to take the mentality of; Fuck it, if someone sees me they see me. I guess people tend to forget what lead them to where they are now, and instead long for some external force to protect them from their own failures.


KoS is not a problem, the way we play the game, is.


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltmMJntSfQI (I seem to have forgetten how to embed here)


You're misunderstanding the point here. It's not to avoid being killed, it's to encourage people to play with each other, instead of blasting someone in the face the second the spot them.

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Well if you tell the PvP crowd they can't shoot everything that's moves, they get upset and tell you that you are ruining their fun, if you tell the PvE crowd that your hive has full on PvP they get upset because the game should be played cooperatively. My point is neither side is going to agree. So let's all just agree to disagree on this subject

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  On 8/10/2013 at 7:31 AM, Antjenks said:

Most of the suggestions for reducing KoS wont work because they focus on wither punishing death, punishing killing or just making the game harder.


The long and short of it is this, Gear is more valuable than life currently.

His gear is worth more than his life, I'll kill him for it.

My gear is worth more than his life, I'll kill him to protect it. 


Until someones life is worth more, things will stay the same. Making the game harder wont change the relative value of life and gear, adding things that encourage co-operation (Not punish being solo, there's a difference) will help tip the balance.


I don't want KoS gone altogether, I don't want bandits gone. They add something to the game you just can't get elsewhere. But seeing reasons to co-operate and more players co-operating is something I do want to see.

Life of some guys I don't know never become more value than gear :P

life of other guys never becoming more value than pleasure from pvp win :D


some time I don't kill on sight, maybe guy is say funny shit and we decide to make a team B)

maybe guy is do one favour for me like some foods or blood and my code say don't kill guy who make favour :thumbsup:  I decide this after feel too much guilty after shoot hero guy after he give blood :blush:


but is rare this shit :rolleyes: thanks to god :D

Edited by KoS

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  On 8/10/2013 at 12:32 PM, lobo said:

Yea but you sure can shove a light machine gun in your Czech Backpack yea? :D :D


That's what I am getting at. Lone wolf play should be viable, however you should not ever be nearly as good as a dedicated player. Let's go with medic.


Someone who has in this example his inventory dedicated to "A medkit, antibiotics, bandages, morphine, painkillers, cauterizes, forceps etc should be able to treat injuries far more effectively. For the medic role to work you can't have players just popping a morphine and their broken leg disappearing. Sure a lone wolf should be able to get them self back up, but they should take longer to fully heal from the injury than if they were treated by someone who has all the items needed to be a true medic. I'd go so far as to say that players lone wolfing or not working with a dedicated medic player should have a chance to fail at treating their wounds, or perhaps a zombie ripped you a apart and the lone wolf used a bandage, sure the bleeding stopped, but there is a chance of ripping the wound back open.


This restricts inventory in such a way that you have to choose what you want to bring with you to preform a function in a group to it's fullest. 


In this manner not everyone can a mechanic, medic, sniper, driver, cook. The sandbox still provides the tools and choice for the player, but the player has to really choose carefully how they want to play. 


This and other posts like it miss the fact that I do not need to interact with anyone in the game socially. So what, you limit my inventory space and force me to accept a role? Okay, well, I'll just have my squadmate on TS pick up the mechanic tools, someone else will carry food, another ammo, etc.


I'm part of a near 500 subcommunity of a near 200,000 primary community. At no point will I ever have to not shoot on sight because I don't need random players whom I can't trust, when I can play with people who I already know outside the game. It's like everyone is lookintg at this as if you're all lone wolves or are not part of a larger community. So yes, even after implementing your class idea, I'd still KoS because it's still the best choice.


The only way you will slow or stop people from KoS is if you actively punish the action for doing so. Thus, KoS will never be fixed within the framework currently that will satisfy anyone.

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  On 8/10/2013 at 10:46 PM, FaustianQ said:

This and other posts like it miss the fact that I do not need to interact with anyone in the game socially. So what, you limit my inventory space and force me to accept a role? Okay, well, I'll just have my squadmate on TS pick up the mechanic tools, someone else will carry food, another ammo, etc.


I'm part of a near 500 subcommunity of a near 200,000 primary community. At no point will I ever have to not shoot on sight because I don't need random players whom I can't trust, when I can play with people who I already know outside the game. It's like everyone is lookintg at this as if you're all lone wolves or are not part of a larger community. So yes, even after implementing your class idea, I'd still KoS because it's still the best choice.


The only way you will slow or stop people from KoS is if you actively punish the action for doing so. Thus, KoS will never be fixed within the framework currently that will satisfy anyone.


So you partly cheat yourself out of the game, but then complain that there is no incentive to interact with others? I really think it is you that is missing the point.


You see, isolation is supposed to be part of the game, but most players' insecurities lure them away from playing the game without the assistance of side chat or 3rd party comms. Without these types of crutches, running into another player is often quite welcome, if just to kill the silence for a few. As far as needing other players, are you kidding me? What better reason to team with people than to help combat being killed on sight all the time. KoS is really just the bane of the lone wolf, nothing to be done about it but start over. In a group however, things change. Revenge becomes a greater possibility, as when one goes down the others have a chance to react and counter. Not to mention seeing a group of 4 out there will often cause the killer to think twice. Power in numbers can act as a deterrent.


Want more incentive to team up? How about the time you were running around and spotted a team of 5 guys leaving the Starry tents, heading south? You are just one guy and now know there is a team of at least 5 out there. You have a pretty good idea of where they're heading and what they'll be up to. So what do you do? Seems to me that finding other people to team up with might be a good idea.


I'm sorry, but no exterior mechanic is needed. Police the streets yourselves or get the fuck out of the streets.

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  On 8/10/2013 at 7:31 AM, Antjenks said:

Most of the suggestions for reducing KoS wont work because they focus on wither punishing death, punishing killing or just making the game harder.


The long and short of it is this, Gear is more valuable than life currently.

His gear is worth more than his life, I'll kill him for it.

My gear is worth more than his life, I'll kill him to protect it. 


Until someones life is worth more, things will stay the same. Making the game harder wont change the relative value of life and gear, adding things that encourage co-operation (Not punish being solo, there's a difference) will help tip the balance.


I don't want KoS gone altogether, I don't want bandits gone. They add something to the game you just can't get elsewhere. But seeing reasons to co-operate and more players co-operating is something I do want to see.

kos will not ever stop people need to realize this.


people like to kos. also its quicker to get gear by doing so than getting it yourself. so people as said will always do it. when those who try and stop kos work this out maybe we can just get on with playing.


heres how i play for eg.


i spawn i have nothing see player with better gear. i run to nearest place that has a weapon to kill player with better gear.i get axe or makarov shoot or chop him in face take gear.


that is the basics of what happens.


now idiotic people will say wooow woooow woooow no kos please ! thats not polite and ? im trying to survive a zombie apocolypse i havent got time for please and maybes, this is what people need to acknowledge.


basic manners isnt a survival trait ! so please guys and girls stop trying to change game mechanics to suit unbeleavable situations.


in a real life zombie stand off people would stomp you down to take anything. no manners would be used prime directive of survival first is active not oh nice day take my gun i have a spare . people living in lala land and trying to force the game into a none realistic system.


making bandits punishable or different is also a stupid idea. when its a natural thing to do.


such game mechanics with kos bandits and such really does need to be thought about alot as its basically half of the game.

Edited by dgeesio

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  On 8/10/2013 at 7:31 AM, Antjenks said:


The long and short of it is this, Gear is more valuable than life currently.

His gear is worth more than his life, I'll kill him for it.

My gear is worth more than his life, I'll kill him to protect it. 


So make gear disappear upon death by murder.  Murderers won't get squat.

They'll still KOS, but won't have the "gear" excuse.

Death by zed could be excluded from that, or not.

As many here are always saying, "Don't get attached to your gear."


Also, the devs could have 20 zeds spawn near  a killer.

His location is exactly known to the game.

That could also reduce KOS.


It's all very easy to do.  Very simple, much more so than the new "infection."

But that's not what the devs want.

I don't know why it isn't obvious to everybody.

They devs like it exactly how it is.

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  On 8/11/2013 at 12:07 AM, JubeiDOK said:

So you partly cheat yourself out of the game, but then complain that there is no incentive to interact with others? I really think it is you that is missing the point.


You see, isolation is supposed to be part of the game, but most players' insecurities lure them away from playing the game without the assistance of side chat or 3rd party comms. Without these types of crutches, running into another player is often quite welcome, if just to kill the silence for a few. As far as needing other players, are you kidding me? What better reason to team with people than to help combat being killed on sight all the time. KoS is really just the bane of the lone wolf, nothing to be done about it but start over. In a group however, things change. Revenge becomes a greater possibility, as when one goes down the others have a chance to react and counter. Not to mention seeing a group of 4 out there will often cause the killer to think twice. Power in numbers can act as a deterrent.


Want more incentive to team up? How about the time you were running around and spotted a team of 5 guys leaving the Starry tents, heading south? You are just one guy and now know there is a team of at least 5 out there. You have a pretty good idea of where they're heading and what they'll be up to. So what do you do? Seems to me that finding other people to team up with might be a good idea.


I'm sorry, but no exterior mechanic is needed. Police the streets yourselves or get the fuck out of the streets.


I'm sorry if metagaming for a superior experience is something you can't comprehend, nor why thousands of other groups do so. I also never complained about KoS, I'm literally stating facts, don't be dense.


Isolation is basically the pubbie way of playing the game, I almost exclusive run with squads and it's the most fun one can have. So yeah, I do prefer/need other players, but I'll never bet on a pubbie instead of someone I already know from my community and in the same vent/mumble/TS, it's stupid to do otherwise, and the best players already do this. There is nothing DayZ or spinoffs can do to remove or allievate KoS.

Edited by FaustianQ

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  On 8/11/2013 at 1:05 AM, Vicco said:

So make gear disappear upon death by murder.  Murderers won't get squat.

They'll still KOS, but won't have the "gear" excuse.

Death by zed could be excluded from that, or not.

As many here are always saying, "Don't get attached to your gear."


Also, the devs could have 20 zeds spawn near  a killer.

His location is exactly known to the game.

That could also reduce KOS.


It's all very easy to do.  Very simple, much more so than the new "infection."

But that's not what the devs want.

I don't know why it isn't obvious to everybody.

They devs like it exactly how it is.


Again the force field argument. How do you explain your gear disappearing when you die? what sort of Magic is that? O.o

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  On 8/11/2013 at 1:51 AM, FaustianQ said:

I'm sorry if metagaming for a superior experience is something you can't comprehend, nor why thousands of other groups do so. I also never complained about KoS, I'm literally stating facts, don't be dense.


Isolation is basically the pubbie way of playing the game, I almost exclusive run with squads and it's the most fun one can have. So yeah, I do prefer/need other players, but I'll never bet on a pubbie instead of someone I already know from my community and in the same vent/mumble/TS, it's stupid to do otherwise, and the best players already do this. There is nothing DayZ or spinoffs can do to remove or allievate KoS.



If you are running with squads you're already playing the game coop. This thread isn't for you. Threads like this are for the lone wolf players who are not squading up with mates on TS. It's the pubbies that need incentive to group. 

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  On 8/11/2013 at 9:48 AM, p4triot said:

Again the force field argument. How do you explain your gear disappearing when you die? what sort of Magic is that? O.o

How you explain the magic "respawning" of gear and PEOPLE?"  Zeds teleporting 10 feet through solid walls?

You best leave "magic" alone.  That argument doesn't work.  Just be honest and say, "I don't like it."

And like I said, you get what the devs want you to have.  It's a game.

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Drastically reduce the ridiculous amount of guns and ammunition in game.  You can't fire what you don't have.  Don't want people mistaking this zombie sandbox survival game for a badly disguised military first person shooter, do we?


Alternatively, socially cleanse the player base of people likely to shoot others in a first person shooter game, by imposing a long ban for achieving bandit status.


Though just as likely to reduce KoS, perhaps option one would be simpler to implement and less likely to be commercial suicide for a developer of first person shooter games.

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  On 8/11/2013 at 9:51 PM, RN_Max said:

Drastically reduce the ridiculous amount of guns and ammunition in game.  You can't fire what you don't have.  Don't want people mistaking this zombie sandbox survival game for a badly disguised military first person shooter, do we?


Alternatively, socially cleanse the player base of people likely to shoot others in a first person shooter game, by imposing a long ban for achieving bandit status.


Though just as likely to reduce KoS, perhaps option one would be simpler to implement and less likely to be commercial suicide for a developer of first person shooter games.


And thus you impose tyranny on less organized players who now have  amuch harder time aquiring gear vs roaming groups, and people become more paraniod about protecting thier weapons - scarity will only worsen KoS. Supply is not the issue, basic risk v reward and the ability to guage and trust the intentions of another player is.

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