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itamar (DayZ)

DayZ took my life

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Its like 5 dayz I'm playing... yesterday and today and maybe 2 days ago were days which i played all day.. what to do

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Keep playing, eventually you grow tiresome of dayz and play something else.


EDIT: Or do the healthy option like robert suggested.

Edited by GOD™

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Its not like I'm lifeless i just left my friends who are douchbags, they smoke and drink and i think they killed a cat and we are only 14 ... after making that choice i started playing and its not that i don't have plans for this week its just at days without nothing 2do i just play like last days

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Its like 5 dayz I'm playing... yesterday and today and maybe 2 days ago were days which i played all day.. what to do


continue enjoy this shit if this give you pleasure :thumbsup:



Its not like I'm lifeless i just left my friends who are douchbags, they smoke and drink and i think they killed a cat and we are only 14 ... after making that choice i started playing and its not that i don't have plans for this week its just at days without nothing 2do i just play like last days

maybe you feel sad to lose some friends but if they kill one cat is best decide you make for sure ;)


dayz is like all game is escape :o  is ok for this is fun and maybe best game for lose yourself in this map and so many way for find adventure :D


 just be careful don't stop to live normal life also , do something like join boxing club to keep health and make new friends who don't kill some cat for prove some bullshit :thumbsup:

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Its not like I'm lifeless i just left my friends who are douchbags, they smoke and drink and i think they killed a cat and we are only 14 ... after making that choice i started playing and its not that i don't have plans for this week its just at days without nothing 2do i just play like last days


Oh my.


I'd say playing DayZ is preferable to hanging out with young delinquents. There's nothing wrong with you.

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Turn off your computer, and go outside.

hes been playing for 5 days and you tell him to go out.



"suddenly news appears"

-possibly a kill on sight action has happened today

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Dude, your posts, I swear every one makes me lol.  Thank you.



And yea, maybe go outside for a bit.  But I'm sure you will realize outside isn't much different than dayz.  But if you get tired of zombies, go outside for sure :P

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Oh my.


I'd say playing DayZ is preferable to hanging out with young delinquents. There's nothing wrong with you.

Second that.


Itamar, you are way better off playing DayZ than hanging out with that crowd.

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Carry on at this rate and you will start avoiding people and when you do you'll ask "friendly?"


You will stock pile beans in your school bag and then get sectioned into a mental institute!


We have all been through it, get out and have some fun with your m8s.

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You will stock pile beans in your school bag and then get sectioned into a mental institute!

I wish that would happen to me (as long as they had internet access), then i would have more time for DayZ :)

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Go out and exercise. Get ALL sweaty, it's refreshing.

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Its not like I'm lifeless i just left my friends who are douchbags, they smoke and drink and i think they killed a cat and we are only 14 ... after making that choice i started playing and its not that i don't have plans for this week its just at days without nothing 2do i just play like last days


lol, this is a perfect 14yo life dude! Go hit it! Just make sure you are doing good at school. Dumb dayz.


Edit: I am double your age, so ive been there.

Edited by m.cab
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Its not like I'm lifeless i just left my friends who are douchbags, they smoke and drink and i think they killed a cat and we are only 14 ... after making that choice i started playing and its not that i don't have plans for this week its just at days without nothing 2do i just play like last days


My parents used to complain when my brother and I were your age and playing computer games.  We hunted and fished a whole bunch, but that's mainly spring/fall/winter activity.  So during the summers we would play a ton of computer games.  Reflecting on it years later (and still gaming, but not nearly as much as we were at 15-17 years old) my parents said they secretly didn't mind much.  It kept us out of trouble, they knew where we were, and we actually made great friends both in-game and in real life because of it.


Don't become a complete hermit, but if you are doing well in school and otherwise just kind of bored in the summer... DayZ sounds like a fine way to spend your time @ 14  years old compared to smoking, drinking, and killing cats.  Keep your nose clean!

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Its not like I'm lifeless i just left my friends who are douchbags, they smoke and drink and i think they killed a cat and we are only 14 ... after making that choice i started playing and its not that i don't have plans for this week its just at days without nothing 2do i just play like last days

Hello there


If you think they are hurting/abusing/killing animals you need to contact a responsible adult and inform them immediately.


Also, perhaps informing your local equivalent of the RSPCA and your locall police (not the main emergency number)


Lastly, dump those guys and find better friends.





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Hello there


If you think they are hurting/abusing/killing animals you need to contact a responsible adult and inform them immediately.


Also, perhaps informing your local equivalent of the RSPCA and your locall police (not the main emergency number)


Lastly, dump those guys and find better friends.





Yeah, Orlok, you should become a child psychiatrist....

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Sad to hear your friends do stuff you don't want to do yourself, itamar, but I compliment you on your ability to step back from all their activities. It usually ends up with you being with your friends, so you just stick to what they do as well. But you didn't want to smoke, drink or kill cats (that's just wrong) and backed off. Such self-confidence is impressive. :)

Although I am playing video games most of my free time as well, I do recommend you to go outside once in a while. Maybe there's a concert or a party or other activities in town you could attend to find new friends? You're still young, and everyone needs some friends, so while I get it that you like playing DayZ/video games, please don't jail yourself in your room until the end of days and be all alone.

You seem like a strong and nice person, itamar, and I'm sure you'll be able to find a new bunch of friends to hang around and have fun with, without animals getting killed. ;)

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Sad to hear your friends do stuff you don't want to do yourself, itamar, but I compliment you on your ability to step back from all their activities. It usually ends up with you being with your friends, so you just stick to what they do as well. But you didn't want to smoke, drink or kill cats (that's just wrong) and backed off. Such self-confidence is impressive. :)

Although I am playing video games most of my free time as well, I do recommend you to go outside once in a while. Maybe there's a concert or a party or other activities in town you could attend to find new friends? You're still young, and everyone needs some friends, so while I get it that you like playing DayZ/video games, please don't jail yourself in your room until the end of days and be all alone.

You seem like a strong and nice person, itamar, and I'm sure you'll be able to find a new bunch of friends to hang around and have fun with, without animals getting killed. ;)



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Sad to hear your friends do stuff you don't want to do yourself, itamar, but I compliment you on your ability to step back from all their activities. It usually ends up with you being with your friends, so you just stick to what they do as well. But you didn't want to smoke, drink or kill cats (that's just wrong) and backed off. Such self-confidence is impressive. :)Although I am playing video games most of my free time as well, I do recommend you to go outside once in a while. Maybe there's a concert or a party or other activities in town you could attend to find new friends? You're still young, and everyone needs some friends, so while I get it that you like playing DayZ/video games, please don't jail yourself in your room until the end of days and be all alone.You seem like a strong and nice person, itamar, and I'm sure you'll be able to find a new bunch of friends to hang around and have fun with, without animals getting killed. ;)

Thank u for ur support

Anyway, making friends is not so problem for me.. i make friends almost everywhere i want. I even made friends while a vacation at turk which is far away from home.. but thank u for ur support it rly helped :)

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I dont think that playing DayZ or any other computer game is much of a problem as long as you still got friends you play with. Social isolation on the other hand is bad and in combination with adictive games leads to no good. I would try to join a sports-team or something similar ;-)

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