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killed by friendly fire?

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so i spawn into the Chicago 50 server in the middle of stary sober and head to the hills north of the military tents, just proning through the grass. i see this random guy running around looking like he had no clue what he was doing; he ran up right to me and missed three shots of his revolver before i no-scoped him with my m24. the death message appeared as "n9kshek was killed by thuglyfe (friendly fire)" or something like that, and his body instantly disappeared so i couldn't loot him.

so i just shrug it off and run to check a tent i saw in the distance and i see this same mother fucker running through the grass i had just came from. i snipe him AGAIN and the server broadcasts the same death message, only this time i could actually loot him. he had a DMR with 4 mags and a coyote backpack with a pp-19 bizon sd with ammo in it, so i take all his shit. while i'm looting him this fucking guy spawned again the same spot and kills me.

there was no friendly fire message this time and i wasn't able to magically spawn where i died like this guy. anyone know what the fuck is going on?

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I've done this to someone before, being killed twice by them, and respawning a third time in the exact same location with all my gear and eventually killing them. I definitely wasn't cheating.

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Had this happen to me tonite, guy spawns in a building I'm searching and pulls out his gun, I shoot him, he starts to run out the room and he dissapears with the player disconnected message. Thats ok It happens and I wasn't out to kill anyone anyway.

Moving to another room I see the same player connected message so I grab a spot and happen to look out a window and see a guy crouched in a bush looking at the building I'm still in so I hose him with the M16 through the broken window. Player name killed by Friendly fire pops up, so I decide I may as well see if he has any beans on him and as I reach the bush he was peeking out of all of a sudden bam! theres a guy running next to me and spinning at me, quick burst of the M16 again and the same guy dies again by my Friendly Fire.

At that point I decide it's a bit too sketch and disconnect my own ass out of there.

I didn't get any murders so I don't know if it's a bug or if it's a hack, one thing is for sure, each time the guy reconnected he knew what he was up to by his actions, I didn't stay around for him to try a 4th time.

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i no-scoped him with my m24.

Did you get a M249 SOPMOD 4 w/ M203 SD Holo 6x Scope for that kill?

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you where both playing on a server with the wrong version of dayz...

Nope, was our own server,play on it everyday without issue. However, I have no idea what version the other guy was running.

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This once happened to me. Was in Elektro, got sniped by some guy while I was looting the firestation, then respawned exactly where I died, only I was unconscious for at least 3 minutes. From there on, every time I logged back into the game, I would be unconscious for a few minutes.

Only fixed itself after I died.

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i think i saw this happen on a server, forgot which one. a little backstory.

we (a team of two, sniper and spotter) sniped a guy in berenzino on top of the hospital. i went down to investigate our prey, and just as i reached the top of the hospital where the guy died, i get shot at from the east side, i heard the ricochet bounce of the wall really close to my head. i drop down in an instant, calling my sniper buddy to look out for any hostiles.

the guy we killed had a shiney akm, which i trade for my ak, also i looted myself a matchbox (whoohooooo) and a tent. my life is complete \o/.... now i just need to get off that roof. while i am actually save up on top, i don't really like the idea to put myself up as a target on the ladder.

then it starts raining, and my sniper buddy is loosing sight so i decide its time to get in gear. just as i am about to climb the ladder, i see wierd kill messages spamming the server chat, one guy is dying like 6 times in a row within like a minute, too fast to go with the usual respawn time, given that you usually dont have another survivor pointing his gun at you right when you spawn. then i see the friendly fire message and i know something fishy is going on. i don't want to lose my stuff to a cheat scum, so we drop off the server and i will just make my way out of berenzino another day. kind of sad that i couldn't finish my mission there though.

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Yo Thuglyfe, I'm pretty sure we're already added on steam, my friends picked you up in a bus and hung with you and your friends once, if this is the same thuglyfe. Just made a massive haul, so if you need any gear, hit me up, I'm carrying an extra primary currently, although I really like both these primaries. I'll help you loot though, like, tonight or tomorrow, Going to bed pretty soon.

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If you're playing on an old version server, and someone joins with the later version you can kill them as much as you want and they will keep respawning in the same place with all their gear.

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If you look closely in the briefing screen you'll see 100 entries for player slots, in the standard ArmA game these are used to assign players to Squads/Teams.(DayZ just uses standard player slots without any grouping between them). Sometimes when you login to the game you might see green messages at the bottom left like "1: 68, Return to Formation!" (Squad/Platoon Leader telling Soldier 68 to rtf). I believe that due to a weird glitch some players might be assigned to a Squad with some other player/s and since Respawning is activated on the servers the friendly fire killed people will just respawn after a short interval. Would be nice to hear from the developer regarding this, haven't had this happen so far (thankfully!).

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hi everyone. i was playing on the correct version at the time so it couldn't have been that.

i no-scoped him with my m24.

Did you get a M249 SOPMOD 4 w/ M203 SD Holo 6x Scope for that kill?

no, he just had every tool possible, food + drink, bizon and DMR.

and yeah Friendly Mike, we do have each other added on steam but you never respond when i message you lol.

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