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What's your Favorite MOD for this MOD

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Breaking point when it still had players. Atm I don't even play DayZ, just waiting for the standalone.

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simple vanilla DayZ Mod. can't stand all this custom base building shit


EDIT: also, can't stand the abundance and huge variation of weaponry available in most mods

Edited by Gwraspe
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Vanilla and Origins. Lingor isnt bad becase the map looks awesome.


Havnt tried some of the mods others listed but will try soon.

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For me it has to be Over watch.  I love all the loot, there's so much to collect.  Then there's the great variety of weapons and vehicles, and on top of all that there are usually crowds of AI to tackle too.


It's not just the baddie bandit AI, I also love the friendly AI.  I end up squealing about how cute they are when they rush over and get in my helicopter or car.  Sometimes they won't get out and I have to fly around with them.


A friend of mine almost had his heli pinched by an AI.  He jumped in the heli and they kidnapped him, driving around with him for about half an hour.  I'm amazed they didn't crash and kill him.  They're quite good at that. :huh:

Edited by Sula

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So I was looking thru DayZ Commander, and then later- Thru the forums and realizing thers so many mods for this mod. They would of course take a Ton of time to download all of them, let alone play thru and try out every single one. So heres my question- Which mod (or even original) is your current favorite and why? (Features/fixes/etc)?


Currently Im really liking DayZero. Personally it feels and plays Imho like a refined version of one of the earlier iterations of official DayZ with a lot of the bugs and laginess fixed. I have always Like the official version until I come back recently to find that they totally screwed up the loot distribution (in my opinion) while adding a (way to high) probability of infection from getting hit by zombies who still  lunge thru walls and stairs. It has just become extremely annoying to even get the most basic of supplies if you get certain spawns in official now.


In DayZero I find it fairly easy to get "Basic" supplies and weapons like a pistol or shotgun and some food, but the more fancy stuff like sniper  and SD weapons, or GPS, NVGs etc. are still challenging to get and often take you to high-risk areas.



DayZ Redux.  It's more hardcore than vanilla.  Venthos created the mod and added a lot of nice features to it, a lot of which made it's way into vanilla.  Unfortunately, the masses prefer mods that dumb the game down and make it easier as opposed to mods that make good changes but preserve DayZ's hardcore nature.


DayZero's added building interiors are nice, as well as some of the new building placements.  But they add a little too much military for my tastes.  And the mod was built off a vanilla version of DayZ that caused me to quit playing, where the zombies are basically useless, and no threat at all.  There's no infection.  They also removed the tall grass.  And though I don't mind custom loot tables as long as they preserve the balance, DayZero actually mods weapon stats in a way that feels like it's devs had a grudge against certain weapons and favored others.  Not sure why they couldn't have just left weapon stats alone.  When it's all said and done though, I'd choose DayZero 100 times over before I'd choose Epoch, Overwatch, Origins, Aftermath, or any of the other mods that dumb the game down from hardcore to easy mode.

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*sheds a tear for Iron Front*

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Aftermath. I find it harder than other mods and more realistic. If you haven't tried it yet, do yourself a favor and do. You're missing out.

(I've played DayZero, DayZ, Origins, Epoch and Redux)

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Favourite mod for DayZ?


No mod at all, just plain vanilla.

Edited by RN_Max
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DayZ Despair.




close to vanilla dayz, but much more realistic. no overppowered weapons, amounts of loot and a guns in every barn. and 1st view only!

Edited by igar

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