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Melee is now Pointless

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Ugh I hate the new infection system, its bloomin' awful.  Why do we still have melee in a game that now punishes it?


Is there an increased drop of antibiotics on zombies? 


I'm not sure I'm interested in this version tbh it really needs improving.  Is anyone else put off by this as much as me?

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Actually no it's not. Melee is boss. You can hit zombies 5 feet away lol, and kill them in one hit 

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Actually no it's not. Melee is boss. You can hit zombies 5 feet away lol, and kill them in one hit 

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Actually no it's not. Melee is boss. You can hit zombies 5 feet away lol, and kill them in one hit 


Yeah then they turn around and attack you. Then another 4 turn up.   It's not that melee is pointless of itself, its that melee is pointless with infection.


Do you even read posts or just the title then jump to conclusions?

Edited by disorder

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Yeah then they turn around and attack you. Then another 4 turn up.   It's not that melee is pointless of itself, its that melee is pointless with infection.


Do you even read posts?


I still don't understand what you're trying to get at. What you're saying is making no sense. Let me get this right. Since you get infected now melee is useless? Is that what you're trying to tell me? 

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I still don't understand what you're trying to get at. What you're saying is making no sense. Let me get this right. Since you get infected now melee is useless? Is that what you're trying to tell me? 


Since the rate of infection is so high, melee is pointless.. yes.. you got it.

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I read a title that said, "Melee is now pointless" I'm pretty sure you worded it wrong.

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Since the rate of infection is so high, melee is pointless.. yes.. you got it.

But how does that effect melee? I see in a sense that if they get to close you could get infected, but that's also while using a gun to? It could go both ways  

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I read a title that said, "Melee is now pointless" I'm pretty sure you worded it wrong.


It's worded fine, because now melee really is pointless.



But how does that effect melee? I see in a sense that if they get to close you could get infected, but that's also while using a gun to? It could go both ways  



I found a machete today, so I try it out and got infected after 2 hits.  How is that any fun to play melee?  It makes me not want to do any melee but instead run away. If all I am doing is running away, why did I pick up a machete and waste backpack space on it?


Why not take melee weapons out and let us run away until we get a gun.


Don't give us a lollypop and then say "if you lick it, you die"

Edited by disorder

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Eh, that's you're opinion. Melee has a really great big deal of potential in Dayz. It has tons of room to grow.  

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Eh, that's you're opinion. Melee has a really great big deal of potential in Dayz. It has tons of room to grow.  


It no longer has any potential, because I don't want to do it.  Why would I want to die using a feature that is supposed to increase my survival chances?


Also it's not just an opinion, its simple logic friend.


Think of it like this. Melee is supposed to be silent kill, the silence is there to not draw attention to myself.. I would therefore use it when I wanted to live. and you know, not die

Edited by disorder

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It may seem that way to you but I still melee the infected and have only been infected a few times since they were patched in. Maybe you're just having a bit of bad luck but it seems there are still a few of us that aren't having that issue. That's the beauty of dayz, you don't have to be tied down to 1 play style

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It may seem that way to you but I still melee the infected and have only been infected a few times since they were patched in. Maybe you're just having a bit of bad luck but it seems there are still a few of us that aren't having that issue. That's the beauty of dayz, you don't have to be tied down to 1 play style


All I know is that infection killed my main which was over 150(possibly 200 I can't remember) days old after I logged in with this new version, it has also killed me twice as a new spawn.


If the rate of infection is now 1 in 500 then there needs to be 1 in 500 chance of spawning antibiotics on zombies and other loot piles.. or even more increased rates.

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If the rate of infection is now 1 in 500 then there needs to be 1 in 500 chance of spawning antibiotics on zombies and other loot piles.. or even more increased rates.




You obviously seem to be the only one having this problem, but yet you dismiss everyone else off with an attitude.

If you're the only one that has such a problem with melee, then it is obviously your lack of proficiency in the melee area. It IS possible to use and not get infected, but since you keep failing at it you blame the whole mechanic and ask that it is removed. This is silly.

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It no longer has any potential, because I don't want to do it.


Makes thread based around part of game that is no longer valid. Takes only his opinion into consideration throughout the entire thread. Gets angry at people who disagree.


I'm sorry, I can't stop lol'ing at this thread. This is a classic case of someone not having the skills to do something right, and then coming to a forum and complaining about said thing being useless in the game. I can use melee just fine, however I haven't been able to kill anything with a tin can yet... therefore they are pointless in-game. I should go make a thread about it! Then I can get angry at people who disagree with me aswell! :O

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I've been infected once using a hatchet, that was after I accidentally shot my lee and 15 zombies flooded the pub from both entrances even then i killed almost all of them until one ran up behind me and got 3 hits in before i could turn round, in other words you're doing it wrong try doing better. (this was pre-infection nerf so you're definitely doing it wrong btw)

Edited by RekliSnipez

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The hatchet is the perfect zombie killer and with the way the mod is you just have to run inside a building and one shot zombies to the head to kill them.


It isn't hard - the only time you should be getting hit is when you are fighting a load of them outside. And that is never advised.


How will everyone react when the Standalone hits and we then have a shit tonne more zombies running indoors?

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The hatchet is the perfect zombie killer and with the way the mod is you just have to run inside a building and one shot zombies to the head to kill them.


It isn't hard - the only time you should be getting hit is when you are fighting a load of them outside. And that is never advised.


How will everyone react when the Standalone hits and we then have a shit tonne more zombies running indoors?

expect the life expectancy to plunge.

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Aim the reticle slightly above the zombies head when going for the kill. Don't run - WALK - into range (about five meters). Don't spam left-click like your playing Diablo 1, melee weapons have a slow "rate of fire," take your time to aim then backpedal if you miss/don't land the headshot.


If you're fighting infected out in the open, facepalm. Run into a building & always have an exit strat.


Getting infected has no correlation to the effectiveness of melee weapons, in fact they're probably the best way to deal with zeds as you won't attract any more like you would firing a gun, or give away your position to players in the vicinity.


Too bad about your 150-day+ survivor, sounds to me like a sloppy playstyle that got you killed though mate.

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You seem to have an attitude to other people who have a different point of view then you do. So let me tell you in the way you've been speaking to people.


You're point of view is invalid, and stupid. It makes new sense what so ever. Just because you suck at melee doesn't mean it's pointless.

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Melee is not pointless, you're just doing it wrong. With how the current zombie mechanics work, you should NOT attempt to kill them with a melee weapon outside of a building. Attract them, run inside a building and hack them down whilst they're slowly walking towards you. You will only get infected if you're not careful or run inside the "wrong" buildings. Do NOT (unless that's your only option) attract zombies inside small buildings with multiple entrances, they will either come through both entrances and hit you from behind or they will reach you before you can kill them.


Buildings of choice should be any barn, warehouse, firestation, atc-tower, supermarket or similar. Stay clear from barracks, small residentuals and small industrials.

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2b9.jpgi shall feed on your tears

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