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Been playing on Balota Buddies AU46 "Weapons+" for a while now since it always seems to have dozens of players online, most fully geared up due to the extra barracks and "remove clothes" option... very fun PvP server with lots of action at all times.


Anyways I played less than an hour  tonight and got a lot of action compared to usual... 


Started out with an M16 ACOG (4 mags) and a CZ (5 rounds), new spawn (collected the weapons from my former body). After scouting around I made my way up Dobryy in a large circle and surveyed Elektro... saw a ghillie with a DMR in the firestation and killed him with a shot from  the CZ at 600 meters.


Then per usual I ran away immediately and came back some time later, saw a ghillie with an M24 surveying the town accompanied by two survivors, killed him from above with the M16 as well as a survivor who was crawling towards his body, presumably to get his M24 (his body was out of sight). By the time I flanked around the other survivor had gone and the guns had been taken, but someone far away fired a full magazine at me with a DMR... no hits.


After going around in another big circle to a different location (pattern here) I spotted an unarmed survivor far away running towards a treed area with lots of bushes. I took out the CZ to watch him and saw he was heading directly for a body... moments later he picked up a DMR and started scouting around. He was behind some bushes so I didn't want to take the shot, and I wasn't sure how far away he was due to the CZ reticle. Estimated 500-600 and zeroed the CZ at 500 meters. After he scoped out his surroundings he got up and started running, I tracked his movement, fired once and hit him in the head. Then I looked around, quickly ran down and got his DMR (at this point my CZ only had three rounds, needed to change).


As I picked up the DMR I heard lots of shots from various rifles and a 7.62mm machine gun, so I started weaving... a few seconds later I realized they weren't aimed at me. Reading side chat and listening to the shots II assumed it was probably a squad of 2-3 players, so I went back up and around the mountain in a huge circle...


As I was preparing to scope out Elektro I heard machine gun fire fairly close by and saw two ghillies lying behind trees, facing the town. One was reloading an M240, the other was looking around with his M24. I watched them for a short while but then they got up, so I shot the M240 gunner as the guy with the M24 ran away. I changed positions and saw him running through some bushes so I fired, hit him and when he was down shot him again. Then I put another bullet in the guy with the M240.


Running down the hill a guy with a CZ550 popped out from behind a tree and fired at me point blank. I ran right up to and around him before he could fire another shot and put several rounds in him. Then I took a couple supplies and hid all three bodies. At this point I figured that was it and I started moving away. Fortunately I usually freelook when I'm running and I saw yet another guy step out from behind some trees about 100 meters to my left. He was pointing some kind of assault rifle at me so I quickly spun around and shot him unconscious before he could do anything nasty. Ran up, looked at him and shot him in the face. Hide body. Whole squad gone, happy.



A far more successful play session than most of mine. :unsure:  Anyways if you like action this is quite a fun server, it's easy to rack up many kills in a short amount of time, yet you can hide in the woods and be a hermit if you like, too. Barracks in Elektro will do that...

Edited by Gews
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What is this magic? Where is he coming from?

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what is this shit?


I DIDN'T READ? :lol:


some guy take time to make some story and you stop to say you don't read? :blush:  


for what reason tell everyone you are stupid guy? you don't make original joke or some comment to explain, just one meme? :huh:


is lazy troll bullshit



OP is good play for sure - you need to make some movie of this shit for youtube :thumbsup:

Edited by KoS

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How do I join Balota Buddies?




Most of their more popular servers are public now, including US46.

Edited by Gews

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So many words, it'll take me abit to read.


I'll start tomorrow.

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what is this shit?


I DIDN'T READ? :lol:


some guy take time to make some story and you stop to say you don't read? :blush:  


for what reason tell everyone you are stupid guy? you don't make original joke or some comment to explain, just one meme? :huh:


is lazy troll bullshit



OP is good play for sure - you need to make some movie of this shit for youtube :thumbsup:


what is this shit?


I DIDN'T READ? :lol:


some guy take time to make some story and you stop to say you don't read? :blush:  


for what reason tell everyone you are stupid guy? you don't make original joke or some comment to explain, just one meme? :huh:


is lazy troll bullshit



OP is good play for sure - you need to make some movie of this shit for youtube :thumbsup:


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g000gle motherfucker.

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Been playing on Balota Buddies AU46 "Weapons+" for a while now since it always seems to have dozens of players online,...


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