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King of kong

The bronie rebellion!`

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Rise up! rise up my fellow bronies! fight the racist scum! bronies will dominate earth! along with our allies the Carebears we will destroy wolfensteinsaurus and his undead dino army! Rise my fellow Carebears and Bronies! it is what the leaders of the 1916 rising would have wanted! bronies unite! bronies rights! do YOU want food for your kin? do YOU want the imperialist undead dinos to rule the earth? then join us!  :bandit: :bandit: :murder: :murder:

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Brony isn't a race and this post doesn't accomplish anything but attracting more of childish idiocy.

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Pointless thread, attempt to start a flaming war. Lock please.




Edit: Also not even in the right section.

Edited by OfficerRaymond
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