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Devon206 (DayZ)

A Gun You Never Found Before?

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I can never find Makarov clips :(

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Rocket launcher was removed a long time ago, wasn't it?

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Rocket launcher was removed a long time ago, wasn't it?


Yup, that was removed in patch back in February.

Edited by Fluxley

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Yup, that was remove in patch back in February.

A shame, the M136 was a really shitty weapon and not really worth picking up, but its fun to find those kinds of items. There needs to be more really rare things that you have to be extremely lucky to find, that aren't very useful (such as the Mountain Dew).

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Never found a Mk 48 mod 0, and I haven't found a Makarov SD yet.

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The only gun I have never found in a legit spawn point is the SVD camo, I have found plenty on players, camps, and other assorted shady places but I have never found one in its natural habitat. The only item that still eludes me is the mountain dew.

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M137 or whatever rocket launcher

SVD Camo

Satchel charge

RGO grenade

bear trap

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I have three Mountain Dews on me at the moment. Is that bad?

Flash a-ah

Savior of the Universe

Flash a-ah

He'll Save every one of us


Can not look at your avatar without hearing that song. Literally everyone I have played with has found at least one Mountain Dew and I have been playing this game forever without ever finding one.

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I have three Mountain Dews on me at the moment. Is that bad?

Inb4 killed by axe man in NWAF.

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SVD Camo and RPK.

I haven't found the new RPK either.

They need to switch it so people are saying "I've never found a DMR or an M249... plenty of SVDs and RPKs though." Then I'll be happy.

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never found a as50 in spawn before only in tents i have, but i don't know if it counts?

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