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Choking persons from the back!

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i'd like to see when you are behind a person to choke him from the back

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I used to know someone who was "into" choking.

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I don't think anyone will let you choke them in silence.


Realistically you're gonna take a knife to the belly.

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Well why they are camping I think you can


Not with the magical reaw view mirror called 3P view...It was already difficult enough to sneak up on a tank and plant a bomb under it in clan wars, what makes you think you can do the same to a player? An instant choke button perhaps? Not happening.

Edited by Enforcer
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Maybe a butt of a gun would be efficient  enough...

I would have done that if i could on different occasions when i was sneaking up on "snipers" who stick to one position or ran past me while i was sneaking around. The funniest was one player sniping away for 10 minutes as if he had a machine gun who saw my shadow in front of him ( the sun was in our back )...he only turned his head towards the end of my barrel and waited for the inevitable... Others were quite surprised on how close they got to me and still didn't find me only to get shot in the back from up to 10m.

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I would have done that if i could on different occasions when i was sneaking up on "snipers" who stick to one position or ran past me while i was sneaking around. The funniest was one player sniping away for 10 minutes as if he had a machine gun who saw my shadow in front of him ( the sun was in our back )...he only turned his head towards the end of my barrel and waited for the inevitable... Others were quite surprised on how close they got to me and still didn't find me only to get shot in the back from up to 10m.


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I used to know someone who was "into" choking.

Who isn't into choking?


speaking of choking 'ain't nobody got time fo dat' should be able to smack them over the head or something more efficient.

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reminds me of The Last of Us


I wouldn't mind this to be an option and maybe have the knife in the belly as a trade off for those who have managed to find one. 



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Or... you could just pull your knife out and stab them 37 times, bathe in their blood, choke YOURSELF (because that's more fun) and flood Elektro with your... how do I say this politely... expellations. Yeah. That works. In fact Google spell check even says it's a word.

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So, instakill by clicking one button? Sounds like Battlefield 3 to me.



Well you just add counter knifing, and counter-counter knifing, and so on and so forth.

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I already have a grenade in my trousers. *wink wink*

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the standalone needs instakills from behind and choking would be awesome.

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the standalone needs instakills from behind and choking would be awesome.

Imagine what would happen to poor bambi's (Hacker sees innocent bambi admiring the flowers, TPS and instakills)

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Imagine what would happen to poor bambi's (Hacker sees innocent bambi admiring the flowers, TPS and instakills)

well he shouldnt be looking at flowers, if you stay still and let someone get behind you its your fault and you should get instakilled.

also i dont know why you brought up hackers, they would just tp to anyone with god mode and instakill them anyway

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well he shouldnt be looking at flowers, if you stay still and let someone get behind you its your fault and you should get instakilled.

also i dont know why you brought up hackers, they would just tp to anyone with god mode and instakill them anyway

You are right, but i think there should be some kind of chance for a counter-kill if someone try's to do a takedown on you, perhap's a random button prompt, if it succedes then your character will do some kind of counter kill.

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Why would it have to instakill? or even kill at all, i think they should first of all disable thirdperson, then you could make people able to choke eachother, it should then make them 

unconscious for 2 mins (or a lower number maybe?) And while someone is unconscious you should be able to take ALL his gear (cuz right now you can only take things from his backpack
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yeah it shouldnt be to just kill. you should be able to knock people unconscious without having them bleedout from gunshots.  that way you can loot people without actually having to kill them, new kind of play style right there from one mechanic.


but dont worry guys, we have motorbike helmets soon.  any other new features wouldnt even be worth mentioning compared to the motorbike helmets and their infinite coolness. so cool they make up 50% of dev interviews and videos lol :D

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I prefer the idea of using the butt of your gun to render them unconscious. Think of the possibilities! Imagine if you could put dragged bodies into vehicles. Haha. Kidnap your foes! I want THAT kind of functionality. I'll just hatchet that fool in the head if I want to insta-kill him.

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