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How do you perform your acts of banditry?

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Personally i would bring them in with promises of OP weapons, bloodbags etc.

Give them the stuff they want and then when their backs are turned shoot them, knock them out and let them bleed to death :)

Thats what i will be doing when i get my new pc soon.


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Umm..... the thing of which you speak is called backstabbing... I find it a low down dirty and pathetic way of playing... lol. But, whatever floats your boat.


I stalk my kill and wait for the right moment, that is it. Or kill people that try to kill me when I'm performing a looting operation.

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  On 7/19/2013 at 10:16 PM, OfficerRaymond said:

Umm..... the thing of which you speak is called backstabbing... I find it a low down dirty and pathetic way of playing... lol. But, whatever floats your boat.


I stalk my kill and wait for the right moment, that is it. Or kill people that try to kill me when I'm performing a looting operation.

Atleast i dont camp newspawns ;)
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for me is no good for make lies to player, after i am feel like guilt feelings :(


is better for me say 100% true, when i am see player am say in direct chat 'I am coming for kill you BITCH' >:(


is the best way, also is fair way so guy have some chance for survive, if he is kill me i am always say what is good about his play, and is the true 100% :thumbsup:


most times i make kill and then i am laugh with adrenalin so much i don't think they make understand what am i say to them, but is always fun things :D

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I just watch my prey, wait until they stop moving, or slip up in some form, then I take the shot. If I'm close up, I stay back, and wait for them to get their hands full (i.e. looting, zombies, etc) then I rush them.


If I'm in need, I hold them at gunpoint, entice them with the offer of goodies for a bloodbag, and after they bloodbag me, I usually shoot them in the head.

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Ah, How do I say this, I "Interrogate" them first, I find out who they are, if they have a base, I act charmingly, and when I break them, I put them in the truck, whom with they sit with other people I distrust, I haven't told them about the fate they are to meet yet. We normally approach devils castle, I play a quiz, and what is this quiz about you say?, Answer: Dinosaurs, if they get 10 questions right, they go. The others, are lined up against the wall and shot. I normally do hold ups, but I never leave prisoners behind, I don't feel guilt... And also if I leave prisoners, I do feel guilt, as they may of been hiding something from me, something I may of needed to acquire.


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I only carry my gun for self defense and only kill if i need to but i must say when someone bandits me i get pissed but when i bandit someone i laugh about it lol

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One good method would be to break their legs, make them drop their weapon, and then once you've finished robbing them , drop some morphine and their weapons a ways away. By the time they get to them you'll be long gone, and it doesn't even make them that mad un like killing them, which is noobish unless they've got good gear/attacked you first.

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Go cqc with sniper rifles and snipe with mid range rifles. Run rabidly at opponent and get to sides of him or behind him. Just basic Banditry.

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My favourite form of banditry is betrayal. i first got into the first time i ever played DayZ, i met a guy in otmel who was a fresh spawn, he knew barely any english, he had antibiotics and makarov ammo and food. (what you start with on the server) i felt that i would die sooner rather then later if i joined him, so i asked him for a makarov mag, which he gave me, then we exchanged pleasantries and i killed him.

I betrayed 3 more people after that, one of whom was a hero who had a humvee and supplies, he needed antibiotics so i told him they were in my car then shot him and took the goods.

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when ever i find a person i get them in my vechile if i have one drop them in a strange location knock them out leave them with 1 bandage and thats it i take everything else and leave or i just shoot them

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  On 7/19/2013 at 10:19 PM, KoS said:

for me is no good for make lies to player, after i am feel like guilt feelings :(


is better for me say 100% true, when i am see player am say in direct chat 'I am coming for kill you BITCH' > :(


is the best way, also is fair way so guy have some chance for survive, if he is kill me i am always say what is good about his play, and is the true 100% :thumbsup:


most times i make kill and then i am laugh with adrenalin so much i don't think they make understand what am i say to them, but is always fun things :D

Although you are a bloodthirsty psychopath, it's very good you at least have honour.


Me myself, it depends on what playstyle I choose to play. If I got a military-style where I ask people questions (Like I ask them whats your name? And they reply their username, and I demand their real name etc.) and decide if he shall die or not, depending on if I like him as a person or not.


Other than that I might go a mixed hero/bandit playstyle. I help people that could use some supplies, and kill people who have everything. My last playstyle is going as a psychopath. I become a bloodthirsty maniac and kill as many people as possible in the most brutal ways (Letting them bleed to death, aiming shots at specific locations, using different weapons etc.)

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Befriend if they aren't hostile on site yet potentially dangerous.


Play with them for a small while, their support allows you to be safer and achieve whatever goal you're trying to achieve [i.E.] Looting the NW Airfield, it's safer in a team than it is alone.


Lead them somewhere and when their backs are turned shoot them in the head, I find barns to be a really easy way to do this as you can tell them to check the other side while you're behind them.  I've killed a group of up to 4 people that had accumulated with me doing this, it was quite the ride.  


(I'm also creepy and play as a female bandit with a voice alterer that changes my voice to sound like a females.  Generally the all male DayZ community tends to relax around girls more than guys and with the voice morpher, they can't tell the difference.)

Edited by BookBurning

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I knock them unconcious and when they wake up they are tied to a bloody and dirty pole. I then torture then with Ke$ha and Niki Manaj. Once their ears are bleeding I steel their stuff and plant a satchel charge next to them. 

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  On 7/23/2013 at 4:01 AM, Devon206 said:

I knock them unconcious and when they wake up they are tied to a bloody and dirty pole. I then torture then with Ke$ha and Niki Manaj. Once their ears are bleeding I steel their stuff and plant a satchel charge next to them. 

What the **** is wrong with this cute penguin?!

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I generally only kill people if they look dangerous. But if they do i usuallly can NOT look them in the eyes when i do it. So i turn my head away and put a bullet where their brain goo is.Then i remember that they probobly wanted to keep their brain goo (anyone get that reference?)

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