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Instead of removing or modifying the sniper rifles, they should add more factors that can affect the bullets trajectory. Wind is a good example of this and would balance the game a lot. Hipfiring should be like in red orchestra 2, the gun isn't always in the middle of the screen.

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Instead of removing or modifying the sniper rifles, they should add more factors that can affect the bullets trajectory. Wind is a good example of this and would balance the game a lot.



I used to like the idea of adding wind, but after a few recent experiences I wouldn't fully support it without other changes being made.


Guns are laughably weak. It's impossible to outright kill someone with a 500 meter chest shot. The same chest shot in ArmA would kill them out to 900 meters. The guns do not work the way they were originally designed to. It's extremely annoying to shoot someone multiple times with a 9.3mm and have them simply click "bandage", "morphine" and then run away like nothing happened. It would be extremely pointless to snipe at long ranges, you'd have an exponentially more difficult first shot and also a similar effect to shooting split peas at your target, instead of 175-grain .30 caliber bullets.


Wind = yes, but only if more realistic damages = yes. And I expect there would be many tears from both the snipers and the sniped (wtf why did my bullet go to the left? / wtf how you kill me from one shot from an m24? that impossible, haxxx).

Edited by Gews

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Just saying.


At the very least, they could nerf the damage and increase the recoils, but according to multiple videos on youtube...it is very possible to fire a DMR in the same way that you might fire an AK (Apparently the M14 DMR has a fully-automatic function to it as well).


Is this a fair weapon? At this point, no, it needs nerfing. Should it be nerfed by fundamentally changing the mechanics of an in game weapon that fires very similar IRL, no.


According to this Wikipedia article, the DMR rounds are similar in size to that of a Winchester.


All this being said, something like shooting a DMR like the above should not be possible. Rocket specifically mention throughout his talks about SA that the characters that we were to play are civilians, and would therefore be completely untrained. If anything, they first time we even pick up an AK and shoot it should result in a completely inaccurate spray of bullets. ARMA 2 was made with military combat in mind. The DayZ SA will be made with civilian combat in mind. How rocket will go about adding some sort of system to accommodate for comfortability and experience with weapons, I don't know. Regardless, anything like the about is done by professionals. If anything, shooting any sniper rifle should be an extreme challenge in the SA, let alone shooting it semi-automatic.

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At the very least, they could nerf the damage and increase the recoils


No "nerfing" damage. Why would a DMR do less damage than a FAL or an M24? They shoot the same rounds. Every weapon has already been nerfed. You can one-shot someone at 1000 meters with an SVD in ArmA2. In DayZ that same shot only takes away 1/4 of their health.




According to this Wikipedia article, the DMR rounds are similar in size to that of a Winchester.


It's not even close, the DMR has over 4 times the muzzle energy. At 300 meters the DMR has almost 6 times the remaining energy. There's a massive disparity between .44-40 / .44 Henry and 7.62x51. The Winchester is firing what is essentially a handgun round.

Edited by Gews

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My question is, would this be possible in real life? No I don’t think so. My suggestion is to bring back all the OP sniper rifles that were removed, but maybe to make them single shot bolt-action sniper rifles, so there is a reloading period of at least 2 or 3 seconds between rounds, like in real life.


If I am not mistaken any sniper in real life has got a range finder with him, no not the range finder gadget, but rather a real person with assault rifle protecting his sniper and helping him with range. I do think this concept should be followed in DAYZ. If you want to go snipe in dangerous places and you don’t want to risk losing your sniper rifle, take support with.


Would love to hear your guys thoughts on this.


First of all, the DMR and M14 AIM are variants of the same weapon - the M14 7.62mm battle rifle.  They just have different optics (a scope vs the Aimpoint reflex sight).  And they are both similar to an Enfield rifle (a bit older battle rifle) in terms of range and performance (if the Enfield were scoped).  Battle rifles are different from modern assault rifles like the M16 or AK47 in that assault rifles are lighter and hold more ammo, but at the expense of stopping power and shorter effective range. 


Second, there isn't anything "magical" about a sniper rifle.  All rifles IRL have a range of several hundred to several thousand yards. In fact most sniper rifles are simply modified civilian hunting rifles with scopes.  There isn't anything to stop you from blasting at someone point blank with scoped rifle and there isn't anything stopping you from killing something with an Enfield at 500m if you aim it well enough.  The rifle doesn't know what you are using it for.  In fact, they sell an attachment called a BUIS (Back Up Iron Sight) that locks to the accessory rail.  The idea being if your scope or complex optics are damaged or you need to engage something too close to use the scope yet far enough that you need to aim, you can effectively aim the weapon.


Finally, I'm sick of all the bitching about this gun vs that gun.  You can avoid 90% of sniper-related illnesses by avoiding (or at least being careful) in Cherno, Electro and NWAF. Or by not running through the middle of a field or down the street with a zombie train behind you.  Under the right circumstances, a hatchet is the best weapon.



I think the standalone with all the new building interiors and better zombie AI is going to change things up a bit. 

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I've fired off .306 rounds before and there is no way in hell i could get the scope back on target anywhere near as quickly as in-game...


I think you're correct that the amount of recoil after firing a shot is pretty close to reality, but because your line of sight through the scope is never broken its wayyy to easy to group a couple of shots on a target in less time than its takes for them to react.


There is no way to really simulate how jarring it is to fire off a large caliber round, but moving the cross-hair further off target with every shot would be a step in the right direction.


The DMR fires .308 round, not .306. As you seemingly have some experience with firearms, I don't think I need to point out how much of a difference in recoil there is between these two.


Also, people seem to ignore the fact the DMR has a bipod; the impact of a bipod irl is huge. As an example: MG42's fire a round that is incredibly similar to .308. This gun fires at a RPM of 1500 (more or less, I CBA to look it up). 

People just seem to want to get rid of electro snipers so they won't be bothered as much trying to play the game their way whilst not being bothered about the fact they are ruining other peoples play style... Guns in DayZ are already peashooters as it is (12k blood...).

Edited by Ratiasu

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DMR at 650m: 4338 damage, 54%

AKM at 850m: 830 damage, 18%

The first statement is correct, but the second is way out there... :huh:

I thought that would be much larger seeing you can actually zero a non-scoped weapon to this range, I take back (half) of my statement.

How do you check damage values, through which missions? I've been trying to mess around in a couple of ranges but couldn't get dayz work with anything.

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I thought that would be much larger seeing you can actually zero a non-scoped weapon to this range, I take back (half) of my statement.

How do you check damage values, through which missions? I've been trying to mess around in a couple of ranges but couldn't get dayz work with anything.


The zeroing on the AKM is kind of silly.


"Blood" damage = d² * 55.55

where d is the hit value.


Retained damage = velocity / typicalSpeed

typicalSpeed is usually equal to the muzzle velocity, except for the following calibers:


9x39mm: 150

Winchester slug: 200

12 gauge slug: 400

9x18mm: 350


I'm probably forgetting a couple. Disable DayZ mod before using the shooting range missions. Also note they have changed some of the damages in 1.7.7 and later.

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