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Devon206 (DayZ)

Knife Takedown

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I think we should have some sort of silent close range weapons in game, such as knives. Maybe have a knife takedown from BF3.

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I am a knife person and I say no... knives as weapons, yes! But no automatic takedowns or finishing moves...you should have to repeatedly stab the person to kill them (that's how it usually works in real life as well)

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What Gews said. It just gives to much power for too little effort.

Edited by TheDesigner

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I am a knife person and I say no... knives as weapons, yes! But no automatic takedowns or finishing moves...you should have to repeatedly stab the person to kill them (that's how it usually works in real life as well)

Agree with you completely. The automatic takedowns in BF3 are so cheap. I'd probably shit myself anyways if I was walking along in a tree line and a ghille popped out and did an automatic takedown..

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Plus, this is already possible. If you hit someone in the head with a hatchet/machete, they die. It all has to do with user input and skill which is the way it should stay. No "Press "T" to insta-kill".

So I guess, in some way, you've already got what you asked for :P. If it isn't good enough, I don't know what to tell you.

Edited by TheDesigner
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Another point is this: go on YouTube and search "only use knife"...

When a game has knives that are equally as good or even better weapons than guns, you know something's not quite right... remember the old chestnut "don't bring a knife to a gunfight"? That's how it should be in DayZ as well. Outside of classic commando/sentry scenarios, using a knife would be somewhat silly if you had access to a gun.

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I agree with you, gews, I think it should take some skill, such as sneaking up behind someone and repeatetly having to press random buttons to perform the kill, maybe the enemy can even counter-knife you.

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I really don't feel that quick time events really fit DayZ. Not to mention that QTEs are just a lazy way to add useless gameplay. I'm sure that we could come up with a more entertaining, changing, skillful way to do some sort of backstab/knife kill rather than "pressing random buttons" on your keyboard.

Sorry for bashing your idea @Devon206, I just have a problem with my game doing things for me rather than doing it myself in game. It makes me feel like the devs were/are lazy when they add in something related to pushing random buttons for some "badass" looking cutscene rather than include new and original gameplay to accomplish the same goal.

Done ranting :D .

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You should be able to execute a zed or two silently with a knife.

Walking up and sticking a kitchen knife down its throat should be easy, quick, and silent.

Would be nice to have a fancy animation to go along with it.

Downside would be being exposed to zeds around you.

Taking said knife kill in the presence of aggroed zeds would cause them to have a great chance to fatally damage you.

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Maybe something along the lines of Chivalry: Medieval Warfare. You have one or maybe two attacks (e.g. stab and slash). Stab does more damage but is slower and harder to hit with, slash is fast and easy to land hits with but would only really be a guaranteed kill if it hit the neck. Right click is your block, but you have to be looking in the right spot (where the knife is) to get the block. Maybe a quick animation for actually landing the (final) stab, so it feels more like the knife is actually in them and not just floating around in the same general space as the player model. Hitting the slash button while behind them and looking at their neck could do a throat cutting animation. Not really an instakill button, but animations can improve things.

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I think we should have some sort of silent close range weapons in game, such as knives. Maybe have a knife takedown from BF3.

You don't just stick a knife into someone like in BF3 and they magically die. You won't get through in the first place since everyone seems to wear body armor...Also throwing things like Shuriken don't one hit kill, if yo why do we even have weapons when you can just throw a hand full of bullets like in i think that was Hot Shots...

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You don't just stick a knife into someone like in BF3 and they magically die.

Yep pretty much.

The most effective way would be throat slitting, which makes a very bloody mess.

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If ONE zed is around and you have a knife there should be a way to walk up and stab it in the face.


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Pulling out my hunting knife as a weapon sounds good but no takedowns plz. We are just survivors trying to survive not special ops teams.

Maybe a take down FOR ZOMBIES ONLY would be good. My main issue with killing zombies is unless you have a SD gun there is no way to stealthily kill a zombie without pulling out your hatchet. The ability to quick draw your knife and take one down would be nice.

Edited by harley001

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I think we should have some sort of silent close range weapons in game, such as knives. Maybe have a knife takedown from BF3.

I have one question...

why this not in dayz??? :thumbsup:

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If ONE zed is around and you have a knife there should be a way to walk up and stab it in the face.


...and get bitten in the process...i wouldn't want to get that close to a zed nor to a person if i had the choice. A simple club ( bat, piece of wood or metal you name it ) would be my weapon of choice prior to a knife. A knife fight aming layman can be the longest and bloodiest fight you can imagine. Even a sword is more effective and takes less practice to master that a knife imo. Just swing the edge towards your target, it does the rest for you.

Pulling out my hunting knife as a weapon sounds good but no takedowns plz. We are just survivors trying to survive not special ops teams.

Maybe a take down FOR ZOMBIES ONLY would be good. My main issue with killing zombies is unless you have a SD gun there is no way to stealthily kill a zombie without pulling out your hatchet. The ability to quick draw your knife and take one down would be nice.

Well yeah that's what most people expect here because we are all elite space marines. What brings me to one thing...when i saw a video demo of DayZ i somehow recognized the stance when the avatar was moving forward then i knew where i saw it: it was the high ready position from Magpul Dynamics...so it looks like every survivor visited "Динамика Magpul" in Chernarus before the apocalype happened.

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Well isnt sneaking up behind someone and popping them with an SD weapon the same?

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Another point is this: go on YouTube and search "only use knife"...

When a game has knives that are equally as good or even better weapons than guns, you know something's not quite right... remember the old chestnut "don't bring a knife to a gunfight"? That's how it should be in DayZ as well. Outside of classic commando/sentry scenarios, using a knife would be somewhat silly if you had access to a gun.

god damn you. Edited by RekliSnipez

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Well isnt sneaking up behind someone and popping them with an SD weapon the same?

No, because that's a gun. Guns make killing easier, knives are harder. Even guns will require a headshot to kill as it currently stands (the main point against knife takedowns is that they're "unrealistic", not that they're "unfair" or "cheap")

The knife should be a stabbing /slashing weapon, I would put damage about the same as a 9mm. Stab them several times quickly and there you have it...

Edited by Gews

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A stab to the head should do the trick though, if your target is still.

If you've got the nerves to get that close to someone with only a knife in hand, you deserve it.

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A stab to the head should do the trick though, if your target is still.

Yup, that could work (it would have to work in the mod since melee weapons are technically firearms). I assume we're talking about the mod; I'm pretty sure standalone will have some improved form of hand-to-hand combat.

I haven't done any ArmA animations but I assume a knife would have to be a secondary (since when running, a character holds primary weapons like they are a rifle, eg hatchet and machete). I've never seen a mod where there was a one-handed shooting animation, though, not sure how that would work out. It would look retarded to hold a knife in two hands.

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Well isnt sneaking up behind someone and popping them with an SD weapon the same?

Sneaking up behind someone and shooting them and sneaking up behind someone and stabbing them is the same? :lol:

Knives are confirmed for SA but they better not use takedowns, i doubt they will and takedowns are terrible. CoD was so damn intense when melee was actually a crazy melee with rifle butts...insta gib melee is one of the worst additions to current shooters.

Edited by Trizzo

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No takedown autokill things but a range of melee weapons that include knives would be great. If you can get close enough to stab someone in the head then it should be possible to get a 100% kill (like a gun headshot). Man just think of the adrenaline rush you would get stalking a survivor and killing them with just a knife. Their beans would taste sweet...maybe with a little extra red sauce in there too...

Edited by Timboski
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