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Apparently, we're getting a new gear menu UI. Discuss.

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Wait a moment.... is that a scope attached to the AK??!!!

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Wait a moment.... is that a scope attached to the AK??!!!

I noticed that as well... Thought it was just messed up and he had a CZ.

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I don't know why no one has pointed it out yet, but this is just a modified ACE mod gear menu. Not sayin its a bad thing! I personally think its going to be great being able to switch to my hatchet to my rifle faster.

Heres what ACE looks like http://img255.imageshack.us/img255/7481/arma2oa2010092017460330.png

On my phone, can't use the editing tools for sexy links :c

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I noticed that as well... Thought it was just messed up and he had a CZ.

It looks more like the Acog.

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It looks nice! Wonder what exactly "Carrying" will mean, but lets see:)

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What's in the background?

Grass, trees, car, person running? Oh and as ^^^^^ metioned an ak with scope! (i thought it was a new skin)...some type of camo base thing which i mistook for an old building :P The new things just keep piling up

Edited by Trizzo

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I like it so far, only don't really like the font of the text in the backpack slot.

Now don't start that again!

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Now don't start that again!

What do you mean? If you mean the font discussion of the SA menus I can tell ya that this is a different case, the menu looks quite finished to me.

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No... just no. The weapon slot needs to be above the backpack and I will not settle for anything less!

hehe I really like it much more than what we have now

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What do you mean? If you mean the font discussion of the SA menus I can tell ya that this is a different case, the menu looks quite finished to me.

Just joking, but yeah i was referring to fontgate.

personally i think the font looks fine, in fact i'd go so far as to say i really like the font.

Wait, just realised you meant the font on the right side of the menu, i was thinking of the main left side menu, my apologies.

and yeah, i'm not such a big fan of that one :rolleyes:

Wouldn't say it was bad but it does seem a little out of place. A little too frivolous for a game of this kind.

Edited by Fluxley

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If you look at the item slots it says:

Weapons: 10 slots

Items: 138

Backpacks: 6 slots

Whereas the current tents only can fit 10 weapons, 50 items and 6 (?) backpacks.

Looks like we're getting new tents?

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I found this in the changelog section.

Why is there markarov ammo highlighted for the glock? Why is there a scope on the rifle that the character is holding, eventhough there is a AK-74 in the menu. And at last, what building is this in the background?!


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Looks pretty nice. Maybe I'll reinstall the mod. Not played in a while. Waiting for dat standalone. x_x

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Lets hope the "Carrying" has something to do with the ability to shoulder your primary weapon and have easy access to that much valued melee weapon. One can only hope.. Looks really great.

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All of sudden I'm super fucking excited about the standalone! YAY!

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I see no problem with it. However why is he carrying two pairs of binoculars?

I'm 95% sure that they are actually empty slots.

Notice how the AK47(Which he isn't actually carrying, by the way.) is very vibrant in color. Then look at the Glock icon for the sidearm. Pretty sure that means that he doesn't have anything in that slot, and with that assumption, the tone for the sidearm and the equipment slot is the same. This might mean that he doesn't have anything in those slots.

Other than that, yes, it's mostly a reskin. More so, it's probably just a photoshopped image(Again, he doesn't have an AK47 in his hand.), so maybe the arrows are just planned implementations for swapping weapons to and fro from the backpack.

Edit; Or perhaps you can carry two primary weapons AND a sidearm. And the "Carrying" is where the holstered primary weapon is placed while the other is in use.

Edit2; That said, I'm assuming this'll be for the Standalone, correct?

Edit3; Wait. If this'll be for the standalone, maybe there's already attachments implemented, hence the scope obstructing the rifle? Oh god. So many things that I can see each time I look at the screenshot! D: RAZOR. I'M TRYING NOT TO GET HYPED. DAMN YOU TOO, COLEKERN.

Edit4; Yup. Got carried away. I now know that it's for the mod. :3

Edited by Dancing.Russian.Man

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All of sudden I'm super fucking excited about the standalone! YAY!

This is for the mod.

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This is for the mod.

Is it? Where did Razor first post this? (I missed it, damn it.)

There are too many things that I've noticed for me to think it's for the mod.

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Is it? Where did Razor first post this? (I missed it, damn it.)

There are too many things that I've noticed for me to think it's for the mod.

Here is the original post.

There is also normal global chat in the bottom left corner, so this is for the mod. R4Z0R isn't involved in standalone stuff as for as I know.

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Is it? Where did Razor first post this? (I missed it, damn it.)

There are too many things that I've noticed for me to think it's for the mod.

Haven't you seen the real Standalone inventory yet?

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Looks really good, cant wait to see it added! Hope SA gets something similar!

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I wouldn't get too excited about everything you see in that pic,

Looks to me like its just a concept image to show off the new gear menu.

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Pretty sure I haven't seen it changed in patch notes, but camping tents don't usually take 50 guns and 150 items...

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