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Fix the hosptials?

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I hate to make a thread for it but as of now getting infected is a death sentence. I am forced to go to towns (which is ok itself) to get a false sense of hope that maybe there will be something in the hospitals. If I'm lucky blood bags and morphine but I have yet to see antibiotics. In fact I've only found one in a shed. That was it. Since then every time I get infected I die. It's to the point where jumping off the nearest roof and starting over is the best solution because only a few people even have antibiotics. I'm fine with everything else being rare but antibiotics? If the infection wasn't still so common then sure. And what is this infection? Is this the one we're supposedly immune to? And what about just making it so it impairs your vision and you can't run as long.

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Hopefully the infection rate and speed of infection gets fixed, i really don't see how an infection can kill you after an hour.

There should be other ways to cure it as well beside antibiotics. Rest, food, cleaning the wound for example.

I know there is a small chance infection is cured if you rest at a tent.

Edited by DemonGroover
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Hopefully the infection rate and speed of infection gets fixed, i really don't see how an infection can kill you after an hour.

There should be other ways to cure it as well beside antibiotics. Rest, food, cleaning the wound for example.

I know there is a small chance infection is cured if you rest at a tent.

I don't really know how long it takes but your probably low on health to begin with and you generally get hit trying to get into town and never really find any so you eventually get killed from the infection or someone else.

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The thread poster is correct. It's now nearly impossible to solo a new character from scratch. The Zeds cause infection much too easily, and your dead inside an hour. Antibiotics are crazy hard to locate....it takes extreme luck to find one for a starting character....about the time you do, you get infected again. It's much MUCH too harsh, and needs toned down immediately. Whoever implemented/tested this new patch must be a sadist in the extreme. I tend to play exceedingly cautiously, but can't make it through a day, no matter what I do....always dead from infection before locating any antibiotics.

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I must have been lucky so far, three days in with a new char, no infection yet, two antibiotics on me and two in a tent :) I am actually surprised with my survival as i thought this latest patch was going to be killer and i went in to it keeping away from the zeds and taking them down from a distance.

I have been knocked down three times at Krasno field and managed to get away and replenish to full blood each time. Loot although rarer is still around enough, rolling with a DMR, g36 camo and a G17 atm. M1911, pdw, spare g17 and mp5 in tent.

Seems zeds spawn a lot slower after clearing an area now as well which is handy.

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You're doing it wrong.

Slow down, be sneaky, don't get infected in the first place. Also, forget hospitals for now. Antibiotics can spawn just about anywhere. Check doorways, wrecks, rubble piles, etc. A lot of new loot spawn places were added.

Adapt and overcome.

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None of my AB's were found in hospitals..in fact they hardly ever were in any iteration of the mod.

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You're doing it wrong.

Slow down, be sneaky,

Doesn't really work :/ Not if you have to go anywhere close to zombies. They will probably see you one way or another unless a player does.

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I'm with M_Mitchell on this one. Maybe I am playing it wrong but in my opinion the game is a bit unbalanced. I would be OK with antibiotics being just a bit more easy to find. The rest I like and I think the risk to die if you get infected is OK too because it will keep you more cautious.

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The zombies are ridiculous after the update. They're still buggy as always, but now they're more powerful (more damage), tougher (Too tough- a viral zed took somewhwere 6 shots to the chest from an m14 and still kept coming, which is utterly ridiculous.), and they infect you like crazy. To make matters worse, meds have become so rare it's laughable. The new update didn't make the game challenging, it made it downright punishing. No one wants to get infected and spend an hour doing nothing but dying. That's not even close to fun.

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Doesn't really work :/ Not if you have to go anywhere close to zombies. They will probably see you one way or another unless a player does.

Why would you be close to a zed?

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I haven't been infected yet. I don't think I've ever used anti biotics so I can't comment. However from what people say, antibiotics are as important as bandages to carry around :P

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That is why they spawn all over the game now. Hospitals have a low chance due to the amount of hospitals ingame and amount of spawn points within the hospital.

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Why would you be close to a zed?

Because they are everywhere.

Do you know what's wrong with this patch? It straight out FORCES the player to be sneaky. What happened to sandbox? What happened to being free to do whatever you want? Now you're being forced to sneak and forced to always have meds with you, or else you're gone. With the horribly bugged zombies, making them more "difficult" have made them Irritating and to the point that it's no fun anymore. I can live with being knocked down, as that would probably happen in real too.

Let me quote from the homepage: "Go Solo, team up with friends or take on the world as you choose your path in this brutal and chilling landscape using whatever means you stumble upon to survive."

It's not like that anymore, because your "path" is restricted when you enter locations where zombies spawn.

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Infection is no problem at the moment. I have a fully kitted character, started all from scratch. I have an M249/DMR/Rangefinders and 5 boxes of antibiotics on me and 2 in a tent. I haven't been infected once this life.

Just make sure you don't get hit by zombies, then it really isn't difficult.

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Because they are everywhere.

Do you know what's wrong with this patch? It straight out FORCES the player to be sneaky. What happened to sandbox? What happened to being free to do whatever you want? Now you're being forced to sneak and forced to always have meds with you, or else you're gone. With the horribly bugged zombies, making them more "difficult" have made them Irritating and to the point that it's no fun anymore. I can live with being knocked down, as that would probably happen in real too.

Let me quote from the homepage: "Go Solo, team up with friends or take on the world as you choose your path in this brutal and chilling landscape using whatever means you stumble upon to survive."

It's not like that anymore, because your "path" is restricted when you enter locations where zombies spawn.

Whats stopping you from running around no one do anything you like. Just to point out we made the game easy with .6 slower zeds, lower attack dmg, Lots of loot, Deans original is the same as .7 without the infection/knockdown stuff.

In fact Dean's original version was a lot more harsh zeds had no limits they get within 3 meters you get hit no matter what the zed was doing everything was random so your hit and a random body part is picked to be dmged this includes being knocked out.

The only item that's new is the push down effect and infection we limit zeds in other areas with new check systems to make sure the zed is attacking in los and angle of attack and hit curtain parts of the body based on where the zed is IE higher then player head shot, lower the player leg shot.

Anyone that's been here from the start will know all this and when they say they wont zeds back to how they was in the old dayz this is what they mean. The community devs handed everything to the players in .6 to a curtain degree.

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I for one like the new patch ... and I have found tons of Antibiotics ... current count is 1 on me ... 2 in a tent ... and 1 each in 2 small stashes I have near areas that I frequent. I don't run through the town ... but instead I stick to the outskirts ... and do quick runs in to targeted buildings. I have been infected once when I got cornered and had to hack my way out of a building with 7 Zombies ... managed to make it out on very low blood and infected ... used my antibiotics on me and immedeately retreated to my tent. Did some hunting, replenished my Anti Biotics and blood and continued on as before.

I honestly don't see all the whining ... my suggestion ... find a Private Hive server that you can install yourself ... modify the crap out of it or create yourself a special little spawn area with Medical Supply Boxes ... and play like that ... personally I think the Devs have done a fine job and as with anything, there may be bugs ... but I get to play the mod for FREE ... so I am not complaining.

Oh and if any of you can do better ... why not take the code and make your own version if you think it is so easy.

/me disables rant mode ... puts on his anti-flame underwear and awaits the inevitable.

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I for one like the new patch ... and I have found tons of Antibiotics ... current count is 1 on me ... 2 in a tent ... and 1 each in 2 small stashes I have near areas that I frequent. I don't run through the town ... but instead I stick to the outskirts ... and do quick runs in to targeted buildings. I have been infected once when I got cornered and had to hack my way out of a building with 7 Zombies ... managed to make it out on very low blood and infected ... used my antibiotics on me and immedeately retreated to my tent. Did some hunting, replenished my Anti Biotics and blood and continued on as before.

I honestly don't see all the whining ... my suggestion ... find a Private Hive server that you can install yourself ... modify the crap out of it or create yourself a special little spawn area with Medical Supply Boxes ... and play like that ... personally I think the Devs have done a fine job and as with anything, there may be bugs ... but I get to play the mod for FREE ... so I am not complaining.

Oh and if any of you can do better ... why not take the code and make your own version if you think it is so easy.

/me disables rant mode ... puts on his anti-flame underwear and awaits the inevitable.

Well clearly you don't care if you are finding the antibiotics XD Where do you find them? Unless when you say stashes you actually mean the player made ones. Also it's not like you really need to point yourself out and not complain because of it's freeness. I'm buying standalone as soon as it comes and love the work they've done. It's just that this is a constant frustration for me.

Why would you be close to a zed?

Well whenever your in a town it only takes on zed to see you before you have to run and then you'll have any zed that sees you from 50m or possibly more will run at you till you kill them all or lose them in a building. Edited by M_Mitchell

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Well clearly you don't care if you are finding the antibiotics XD Where do you find them? Unless when you say stashes you actually mean the player made ones.

Heheheeh ... to be honest ... I actually find the Antibiotics in Industrial Loot Spawn areas. The large hangar type buildings (http://dayz.gamepedia.com/Warehouses) called Warehouses ... I tend to always come across them in there. The cool thing is that most of them are near the docks ... so it is easy to sneak in and out without attracting too much attention. :D

And the stashes are my own made stashes ... that I use for emergencies ... they merely contain emergency supplies ... like 1 Food, 1 Drink, 1 Morphine, 1 Bloodbag, 1 Pain Killer, 1 Antibiotic. I am trying to stash them in as many locations as possible so that I have a back up plan if something goes seriously wrong ... it is finding the Sandbags that proves the challenge. :)

And because they don't contain much of value ... well relatively speaking ... I am not too worried if they get raided ... but obviously I try not to put them in obvious places.

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Heheheeh ... to be honest ... I actually find the Antibiotics in Industrial Loot Spawn areas. The large hangar type buildings (http://dayz.gamepedia.com/Warehouses) called Warehouses ... I tend to always come across them in there. The cool thing is that most of them are near the docks ... so it is easy to sneak in and out without attracting too much attention. :D

Hmm haven't looted them too much. But I haven't found antibioitics anywhere but in a shed :/ that was once. Oh and other people.

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It's just that this is a constant frustration for me.

The constancy of your frustration is proportional to how much you insist to play the way you used to before the patch. You need to adapt your gameplay.

I know it's not perfect, but it's a work in progress. If you stop and think about the "in game situation", it would be stupid run around the city and looting stuff. You should get killed for doing that. Considering the vast majority of zombie fiction available, It just makes sense.

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If you limit your search to hospitals you're going to struggle, antibiotics can spawn in literally any loot pile now and theres also many more places that spawn loot, check the rubble in the streets, the doorways of non enterable houses, random sheds, car wrecks..

There's loot everywhere its just going to take time for people to realise it.

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I hate to make a thread for it but as of now getting infected is a death sentence.


Hopefully the infection rate and speed of infection gets fixed, i really don't see how an infection can kill you after an hour.


Edited by SoulHunter

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I haven't found any antibiotics since with my public hive character and I only had a couple of stashed packs as of the 1.7.7 update. I'm not doing anything wrong ... that is borne out by the fact that the character is still alive from, fed, watered, armed, mostly on wheels of some sort and regularly traverses the map.

Why no antibiotics? Randomness and low spawn rates I would guess. Every loot pile I have checked, every one, has had no antibiotics in, no matter type of building or its location.

Similarly, I've only found one tent since and that was inside a spawned UAZ jeep. Which I haven't fixed, not having found four wheels, four windscreens, an engine, scrap metal and a fuel tank yet.

Randomness and scarcity could also readily explain how some players are cruising it and others are struggling to find what they need. It has nothing to do with the condescending and patronising crap spouted by fan boys, such as "adapt", or "live with it", or "sneak more" ... ad bloody nauseum. My player has survived a month without problems, DayZ is not difficult.

The primary threat I have faced is from game problems, not other players, zeds, or the environment. Disappearing vehicles and tents, being spawned in with a vehicle on top of me ... narrowly escaped by proning ... and appearing in debug land with an empty inventory ...recovered by logging out and back in thankfully.

I'm playing on public hive, so ... unless there is something wrong behind the scenes with the public hive or server build that we aren't being told ... it should be exactly the same as every other public hive server. N'est pas?

This isn't a complaint about the situation per se, but simply stating that it is what it is. However, it is not particularly entertaining and I tire of the blind followers, loot-lucky and also perhaps liars, gushing that nothing is wrong.

Edited by RN_Max

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What are you, 12?

OT: There are several issues here that frustrate the hell out of me:

1: Zombies have this weird ability to spot you a billion miles away, regardless of how well you think you're hidden.

2: Infections are an absolute bitch, there should be more ways to address them. I'm not talking a flat out cure, but at least something to prevent it from spreading for a bit prolonging your life expectancy so you have a higher chance of finding meds.

3: Anti-biotics are still way too rare, regardless of how you try and spin it.

4: This is a minor one, but still one that irritates the hell out of me every time I go to a hospital. WHAT THE HELL IS THAT GLASS MADE OUT OF?

I've pretty much stopped playing because of this. I play almost exclusively as a lone wolf and I'm rubbish at this game, which means that my life expectancy went from almost nothing, to zilch the second I get infected. That and the diminishing returns on blood from food, and the blood-over-time thing.

I'm not blaming the game or the devs at all, I could adapt and learn to survive like this, but I'm too impatient.

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