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Abu Bakr

[SA] UVB-76 and other mysterious radio stations.

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I think it would be quite a cool thing to have number stations and generally atmospheric creepy radio stations, the one that comes to mind is UVB-76 "The Buzzer", which is an old soviet station that broadcasts a continuous signal that is sometimes interrupted by people speaking in Russian. It could definitely add to the immersion to give players the option to tune into numbers stations and emergency broadcast frequencies, things like that. Just an idea.

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Yes! One of the number stations could repeat an easily decyphered code that translates to "Rocket2Guns was killed by: Zombie with weapon "leap frog" from a distance of 2m".

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  On 7/2/2013 at 12:48 AM, creature said:

Yes! One of the number stations could repeat an easily decyphered code that translates to "Rocket2Guns was killed by: Zombie with weapon "leap frog" from a distance of 2m".

haha what ?!

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I hope they add easter eggs like the now-debunked (unfortunately)


That really rustled my jimmies when I found out it was fake. :(

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In late January 2013 the number station UVB-76, a Russian number station, transmitted a message in an unorthodox manner. Number stations transmit messages in the format [station ID] Number Number Word Number Number, this transmission broke the universal number station code by transmitting the message in a frantic tone. "Instruction has been announced. 135." After transmitting this broadcast three times, the station returned to it's normal broadcast tone. This can be translated literally to english. "Command 135 has been announced." Or "Command 135 initiated"

A friend sent me that when I asked him if he knew anything about number stations, and specifically UVB 76, being a prepper and a nutter of equal measure to myself, he had some good creepy information for me to share.

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Yes anything that is creepy but subtle should definitely be in! Get 'The Pip' and 'Squeaky Wheel' as well, just for variety. And maybe a community developed number station. I can imagine shitting myself turning on the radio at Green Mountain hearing random Russian voices.

  On 7/2/2013 at 1:34 AM, Death Dealer said:

I hope they add easter eggs like the now-debunked (unfortunately)


That really rustled my jimmies when I found out it was fake. :(

I only just found out about that thanks to you. Even though I knew it was fake because you said so, it was still really creepy! I do wish it was real though... That would've been the coolest easter egg.

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