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S&M Inc.

Paid Spy; You pay me in tin can (BACK UP)

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I'll enter any group you want me in. I'll give you the information you want, get you the items you want, and if the time is right and you coordinate with me, we can take out a group. I prefer that this be a big clan, one that is ACTUALLY recruiting. A group that has been giving you troubles on a server (I actually don't care about your reasoning why) or a group that is something I can actually, you know, infiltrate. If it's a brand new group, I won't infiltrate them. What I need from you is the following:

1) List of items you want.

2) Information that you want.

3) How soon you would like to attack them.

Since a lot of people are playing Origins, I am completely up for getting inside the group and taking them out (while in their house). This type of operation will take a lot of coordination. I will need one person from your side to pick up the materials you desire. Again, this will take coordination, so it's up to you and me exactly how this will go down. One thing I will not take is building materials. I'm simply not ok with taking these materials. Anything else, and it's yours. But I will check before and after to see if the building materials are left behind.

What I will need from you is a payment of 10 tin cans and a post ON THIS POST stating that I simply fulfilled my side of the bargain. That I did my job. I will NOT harass the group, will not remain in contact with them, and/or treat them any less respectfully than I treat you. After I have killed them, I will allow them to talk to me in anyway that they want. I won't give them information on you, but simply put, I won't be an ass to them IN ANYWAY. Stealing, stealing information, and killing are all a part of DayZ. If they are good people, I will always treat them as such. Message me for more info.

Edited by S&M Inc.
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You'll probably get banned for ghosting.

What he described didn't consist of ghosting. What he's doing is perfectly acceptable within the game.

This type of player interaction is both welcome and encouraged, and what makes the game fun. He's just as good as any medic, vigilante or kidnapper.

Edited by Very Ape
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You can find tin cans everywhere so why even ask? You enjoy being a spy fair enough but why the tin cans.

What else should he ask for in payment? Toilet paper? Now thats just silly...
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Unless you plan on making multiple accounts, how are you going to apply for recruitment? Since you've made this post.

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Unless you plan on making multiple accounts, how are you going to apply for recruitment? Since you've made this post.

A lot of groups sport their own websites, forums or servers. There's usually other ways besides this forum.

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You'll probably get banned for ghosting.

I have never and will never ghost.

You can find tin cans everywhere so why even ask? You enjoy being a spy fair enough but why the tin cans.

The price is simply there for professionalism and to be able to post on the trading forum. I simply didn't want to post on here and to not be trading for in-game items, like the forum states.

Unless you plan on making multiple accounts, how are you going to apply for recruitment? Since you've made this post.

Accounts are free. New users join everyday. Email accounts are free. I already have 7 aliases on this site that I can remember. Been doing this unprofessionally for sometime. Seeing how DayZ is currently at a low point, reaching out to players for a job is something I need to do. After SA, I doubt I will have to do this ever again.

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I already have 7 aliases on this site that I can remember.

TL;DR version:

11) Multiple Accounts:

Multiple accounts are not tolerated and may result in a Ban for each instance.

Edited by Beck

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LMAO @ OP ... it was all awesome until you blundered with your multiple accounts confession. :(

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I honestly didn't know that. I am contacting an administrator right now and linking my accounts and removing them. This will be the only account I will use. I will ask that a admin post on here confirming that I have given out that information. I apologize, I assumed.

*edit* The message has been sent to Fraggle *edit*

*2nd edit* Seeing as I may be getting banned, this project is closed until further notice. *2nd edit*

Edited by S&M Inc.
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Last time I saw something like this, the main account (i.e. the one you are using to post the above message) didn't get banned, only the others. You'll be fine.

Edited by Noface

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As of right now, Fraggle has read the message but not commented on it what so ever. I will not be accessing the accounts I linked him, and will continue to use this account as normal. This doesn't mean I am not banned, but simply I will continue to use this one for as long as I am allowed to.

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Someone, just make yourself a target and let's have fun with this!! (this is slightly humor, but I'd find it cool)

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