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[SA] Seeds

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I know this would be a little bit hard to make.

How about a little farming system ? Ex. we can find some seeds and wait till some food grows. Then, people would have to stay near the place they planted some seeds and wait, then they would make some kind of their bases or camps. Then the "farmers" would have to find a good place deep in the wood to plant the seeds, because other survivors would try to take control of their farm and kill them. I'm not talking about some kind of super farming simulator with advanced tools etc, just very simple system of seeds to make our own food, instead of the only one way to get food (looking through buildings).

For example it could work like the plant grows only when the guy who planted the seed is online or something like that, I didn't think about it.

What do you think ? (It's just an idea, I didn't really think about details, but i think that would be really amazing)

Edited by Gdaddy
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But ofc I wasn't thinking about real-time growing, it could be sped-up like to 2 days

Edited by Gdaddy

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I would rather see it so that we're able to harvest the veggies in gardens, fruits from trees, and possibly field crops as well (not saying harvesting wheat, maybe just corn or potatoes if there are any ((and to be honest, 'standard' corn will be the first crop to die out, we've inbred and domesticated them so much that a corn plant cannot propagate without man's assistance)) ). As for actually planting crops? Yeah, don't think that's what rocket would want with his authentic thing. Even if you did speed up the growth cycle of crops to a rediculous rate of say 2 days for cabbages or something, it would still be a problem to implement with the engine I would think.

A 'better' use for seeds would be for growing sprouts. I could see tincan + seeds/livestock feed + water and 3 days would give you a meal's worth of sprouts to eat.

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The issue of time needed for plants to grow does bother me. Speeding it up wouldn't fit DayZ imho. Maybe mushroom strains that grow in several days IRL could be used in DayZ.

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Rather than actual farming i'd prefer being able to harvest the crops that are already dotted around Chernarus.

There are many pumpkin patches, orchards as well as areas where mushrooms could grow.

If you allow players to grow their own crops it will be inevitable that heavily guarded marijuana plantations will sprout up all over the land.

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Just let me harvest those pumpkins for the love of God. Why torment us with this bounty when we cannot make use of them.

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+1 pumpkins.

Will they be left in the Chernarus + map though? It is frustrating seeing all that lovely edible grum and ones not able to scoff it.

There's a moth on my screen btw. > < Just there.

Anyhoo crops pl0x.



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Rather than actual farming i'd prefer being able to harvest the crops that are already dotted around Chernarus.

There are many pumpkin patches, orchards as well as areas where mushrooms could grow.

If you allow players to grow their own crops it will be inevitable that heavily guarded marijuana plantations will sprout up all over the land.

The drug cartels are back, and this time, there's no Homeland Security to fight them.

If this became the case I'd just hope there's all of those wacky vehicles (Gliders, Lawnchair Planes, Submarines) that people used to smuggle illegal goods across the US border as well.

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Farmville? In a zombie apocalypse? the Mods have been infected.

Maybe when you have bases to speak of in game, yeah, like S.A. fans we could be left in the dark and fed shit, just like mushrooms. joke!

I would love to farm stuff but not to grow stuff in game, having stuff grow rapidly would kill it for me, whereas finding areas where stuff grow would be better. Crafting would be like Minecraft. You could make anything with the basic ingredients with a benefit to health.

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I can imagine having a farm underground (clan base). Just with some plants and bright lights above them. You would be able to add more plants of different sorts depending on what you want and how much you need.

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It can work,only if you don't need to be logged in...

Edited by matyczech

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