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It's 4:20 in the morning, EST so I assume there wont be a reply until after I wake up this evening but...

I just downloaded Arma 2 and Operation Arrow Head, and the DayZ mod from steam. I'm not big into PC games, but this game just rips the competitive spirit right out of me. Anyway, question:

Once I finish downloading in about 30 minutes to an hour, are there any steps I may have overlooked, what's a good server to play on, and I may have questions as to how well hardware/software will preform with DayZ, but I don't expect any technical issues.

Thanks for the help, and I can't wait to be an official member of this community.

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use dayz commander, it makes it a lot easier to download mods and update them.

Edited by BSB Jimmy

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You wouldnt happen to have a link to it, would you?

When I say I'm not a big PC gamer, I mean this is the second game I've ever downloaded, and the first mod I've ever downloaded.

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Like jimmy said above, use DayZCommander, not the Steam version. It never worked for me. The link for DayZCommander is in the DayZ mods main page, up in the corner with: 'Current version: blah blah blah, click to download.'

Choose a server with a moderate amount of players and <150 ping.

If you have any questions regarding your hardware and how it will perform, go to the 'Can I run it?' thread in the new player discussion.

Good luck.

Edited by dulix11

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Make sure you run Arma 2 and Arma 2:Operation arrowhead at least once each before installing the mod.

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First, as everyone has said, make sure to grab DayZCommander. That will allow you to install and update DayZ easily.

As for server, find a private hive. Such as Balota Buddies, that's probably the most popular choice.

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Lol, 4:20. Get off the drugs and you'll be able to install it. Kidding, get Commander.

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Balota Buddies is a good server its a whitelisted server so go to www.balotabuddies.net in ur webbrowser and someone there will help you further about getting into that server,

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or now that i think about it you should download the Breaking point mod as well BP is a whole different game much scarier imo if ur new to DayZ zombies are better aswell as is gear

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Balota buddies have non-whitelisted servers in the UK, US and AU too.

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or now that i think about it you should download the Breaking point mod as well BP is a whole different game much scarier imo if ur new to DayZ zombies are better aswell as is gear

Yeah and broken as hell. It's too laggy for me to enjoy, I always have to wait 4 minutes to bandage. Everyone I played with stopped playing it because of the lag, which is caused by the mod, not by servers.

A good mod is Origins. That mod has some cool stuff in it.

And Balota Buddies is a good server too.

Edited by TheDesigner

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I appreciate all the help, I'm slowly learning the controls, and navigating the server list (Boy is that a crash course.)

I had a question, in the least codespeak, layman's terms, how do I get the side chat/voice chat to work, I've seen people say you have to alter a bit of code on the "MPMissions" folder, but I'm just not getting it. I've spent the last hour trying to figure it out, and I'm just too nooby.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. I'd like to be able to say "At least let me run before you shoot, I'm unarmed."

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You just use the , and . keys to cycle through the different channels.

Side = talk to the entire server

Direct = talk to anyone close to you

And then either hold caps lock to speak through your mic or hit / to type a message.

Alternatively you can edit your controls to allow you to bind a button to 'talk in Direct' to avoid accidentally speaking in the wrong channel, using voice chat in the Side channel is a bit of a faux-pas.

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