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I suggest you get the fuck rid of Infections or make antibiotics actually spawn places. My reasoning is this. As a new spawn you are fucking fucked if a viral zombie so much as looks at your fart vapour. If you're lucky enough to get an Axe/Bat/Crowbar you still have a fucker of a time killing a Viral Zombie in 1 swift hit whilst keeping him distant. ESPECIALLY after running for 300 meters just to find a fucking enterable building with more than 1 exit. 13 hits it took for me to actually kill a Viral zombie when aiming for the chest with a bat. Try aiming for the head of a flailing cunt with a melee weapon. I dare you. DayZ has turned into a run from EVERYTHING until you get a gun, then run some fucking more because there may be a player near you. I committed suicide 6 times in a row because I got tickled once by a Viral zombie as a fresh spawn, and like fuck would I find anti-biotics, I've found 2 mountain Dew and 0 anti-biotics as of yet. And when I do get a gun I lag out of my fucking tits because of terrible optimization and get killed by some fucking cunt with an Axe. Good job guys, making the game a 95% failure rate for new spawns.

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DayZ has turned into a run from EVERYTHING until you get a gun

Isn't that what zombie survival is?

Edited by MacabreLlama99
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you seem a little upset

I am, I'm upset that infections are so easy to contract yet the medicine for it is almost impossible to come across, I've seen 2 in my time and they were on private hives where you spawn in with them. As I said since I've found 2 mountain dews which have a 0.28% chance of spawning, whilst Antibiotics have a 1.98% chance to spawn. I've been to Elektro and Cherno hospitals on 5 different servers, none of which had one in. It's ridiculous. A Viral Zombie so much as shares the same airspace as you and you're fucked, your best bet is to end your life there and then or hope you have enough food to counteract the blood-loss, because you sure as shit are not going to find any antibiotics within a 1 hour run from you. The contraction to cure ratio of the infection is disgustingly high. If the infection won't kill you a player hearing you cough your lungs up every 5 seconds most certainly will.

Isn't that what zombie survival is?

Yes it is, but I don't recall people dying in zombie films or literature because this one zombie gave them the flu. They get bit and die because of it, there is no cure for it. But in dayZ you can take a fucking beating and still walk around, but if that one zombie exhales towards you, you instantly contract some sort of airborne AIDs where the medicine for it is so rare you are destined to die before finding the treatment. It's almost as though DayZ is set in the 1800's where the knowledge of medicine was so bleak that people would pray to be cured of a sore throat.

Edited by sabre05
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Why not just roll back a patch until all the kinks are worked out and play on a server of your choice? Posting unconstructive criticsim will not help to improve the mods quality. If you have a legitmate bug/error you have come across and wish to purvey to improve quality please list it here https://github.com/DayZMod/DayZ/issues

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I am, I'm upset that infections are so easy to contract yet the medicine for it is almost impossible to come across, I've seen 2 in my time and they were on private hives where you spawn in with them. As I said since I've found 2 mountain dews which have a 0.28% chance of spawning, whilst Antibiotics have a 1.98% chance to spawn. I've been to Elektro and Cherno hospitals on 5 different servers, none of which had one in. It's ridiculous. A Viral Zombie so much as shares the same airspace as you and you're fucked, your best bet is to end your life there and then or hope you have enough food to counteract the blood-loss, because you sure as shit are not going to find any antibiotics within a 1 hour run from you. The contraction to cure ratio of the infection is disgustingly high. If the infection won't kill you a player hearing you cough your lungs up every 5 seconds will.

Again, in a realistic world, all the medicine would already have been looted and an infection would be incredibly easy to get. From the lack of hygiene, food, water and shelter.

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Again, in a realistic world, all the medicine would already have been looted and an infection would be incredibly easy to get. From the lack of hygiene, food, water and shelter.

Oh hahahaha, you play a zombie game where if you die you respawn, where guns, ammo, food, medicine, vehicles, components and animals magically get shat into the world, yet you claim a certain type of medicine re-spawning would be 'too unrealistic'? Okay. If you were truly concerned with realism you wouldn't touch this game unless there is 1 world with a set amount of resources that do not come back, where if you die you get banned from the server permanently and there is a zombie population that can eventually hit 0. Also I don't know you, but I have at least 30 antibiotic tablets in my medicine cabinet, but I don't have any morphine or Epinephrine. Surely if people looted the antibiotics zombies should have like a 5-10% chance of dropping one. Presumably they looted the medicine then died with it on their person or in their gear.

Edited by sabre05

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Yes it is, but I don't recall people dying in zombie films or literature because this one zombie gave them the flu.

..Then what about all the zombies? Those just fell out of the sky to haunt you?

The difference between a movie and DayZ is that you are NOT the main character. You are not the guy that has every convenient little thing happen to them so that in the end, they survive. You are the commonfolk. You are the cattle that gets slaughtered mercilessly, with no real escape ever. Survived this time? Don't worry, it'll start all over around the next corner.

Why not just roll back a patch until all the kinks are worked out and play on a server of your choice? Posting unconstructive criticsim will not help to improve the mods quality. If you have a legitmate bug/error you have come across and wish to purvey to improve quality please list it here https://github.com/DayZMod/DayZ/issues

Edited by Dancing.Russian.Man
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..Then what about all the zombies? Those just fell out of the sky to haunt you?

The difference between a movie and DayZ is that you are NOT the main character. You are not the guy that has every convenient little thing happen to them so that in the end, they survive. You are the commonfolk. You are the cattle that gets slaughtered mercilessly, with no real escape ever. Survived this time? Don't worry, it'll start all over around the next corner.

Golly gosh, I do apologise, but I don't recall a scenario where zombies punch people to death in order to make them turn into zombies, this is not the Walking Dead, so I would presume that a plague has broken out and you are playing one of the immune to it. That seems pretty main character to me. Perhaps if when you die your body reanimates I would think otherwise, but as it doesn't I would think of myself as being a main character for the duration of my life span. Which just so happens to be 3 minutes due to infection followed by suicide. And rolling back to an older state? I'd rather moan about the colossal cock up of the most recent one, thank you very much. Viral Zombies are essentially fresh spawn fuckers. Spawn with 1 bandage and some flares, nothing more. Try to find weapons, if you're lucky you get a melee weapon. Try. Just try hitting a Viral Zombie directly in the face with a melee weapon without him first raping your immune system. I dare you. I fucking double dare you. Now if you're even luckier you spawn near Elektro or Cherno so you may scavenge a firehouse for a firearm and limited ammo. Killing them before they hit you becomes easier due to not having to be 2 feet away from them in order to attack them. But what happens if they inexplicably run through the buildings as many zombies seem to do? You're still fucked. Especially since the only thing of notoriety over the other zombies is a bit of blood on their clothes. (which you can't see if they're crawlers or hoppers anyway) And again. With almost a 100% chance of infection should these camouflaged 'boss' type zombies hit you. I would have hoped that the remedy to the problem be a little more common than a 2% chance of finding a box of tablets in a pile of 3 items. Let's forget about RNG for a minute so there is a 100% chance of getting 2 antibiotics per 100 items. Say you are in Elektro. On every server I've been in there's been no loot in the hospital bar some tin cans so scratch that. Then there is the super market. There's what, 9 or so spawn points? So that's about 15-27 items. Highly unlikely for the tablets to be in there. There's the pub. With perhaps 20 item spawns in there. Again highly unlikely. The Orange building. 6-12 items in there. that's the 3 most likely buildings that would give you the pills. and from RNG alone, you wouldn't get any from Elektro, maybe 1 if you are extremely lucky. It's a 20 minute run to Cherno which is the next best bet for the medicine. All the while you are nursing a cough, fleeing from zombies and trying to avoid any players. so it takes about 30 minutes. You'd better hope that you have tonnes of food to keep your blood above 0. Or that there are 5 cows between the 2 cities (if you have the correct tools of course) Now if you are a fresh spawn with perhaps a crowbar which takes 10-15 swings in the chest to kill the Vile zombies, You are fully fucked unless one glitches and allows you a free hit on their head. The best treatment would be a death and a new life on the shore until you get touched again. That is by no means fun. I used to love this game because it was intense coming across players in the wild/cities. Now I don't give a fuck. I just run around HOPING to get an antibiotic because I spawned in Kamenka and got molested.
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I sort of agree with both sides of this discussion, however, for being common folk you are one super-human badass commoner.. who can use any weapon, successfully mend broken bones in a snap (haha get it?), and drive and repair any vehicle, oh and run for literally ever.. sounds fairly main characterish to me. I do however believe dying should be commonplace in this game. Would be cool if there were more anti's though; I believe the chance of them actually spawning is less than you said sabre, also cool if there were character traits like in the game Project Zomboid... in which you're no main character, not even close.

Have seen lots of people post that antibiotics and painkillers should have multiple uses, I fully agree with that sentiment.

Also, off topic, but sleeping in others' tents would be sweet, as well as being able to sleep in buildings.. since you know...humans do that

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I sort of agree with both sides of this discussion, however, for being common folk you are one super-human badass commoner.. who can use any weapon, successfully mend broken bones in a snap (haha get it?), and drive and repair any vehicle, oh and run for literally ever.. sounds fairly main characterish to me. I do however believe dying should be commonplace in this game. Would be cool if there were more anti's though; I believe the chance of them actually spawning is less than you said sabre, also cool if there were character traits like in the game Project Zomboid... in which you're no main character, not even close.

Have seen lots of people post that antibiotics and painkillers should have multiple uses, I fully agree with that sentiment.

Also, off topic, but sleeping in others' tents would be sweet, as well as being able to sleep in buildings.. since you know...humans do that

I agree with you. I'm just venting my anger because I spent 45 minutes running to try and find treatment for what seems to be the common cold, only to keel over and die. Then when I spawn I get infected within 5 minutes again. It may be a survival game but it's hard to survive an illness which can be treated if you are the luckiest fucker to come across some tablets, now imagine you're a new spawn with a bandage, some flares and maybe a painkiller. The Vile zombies take so much damage that you most certainly can't kill them with a melee weapon before they punch you with their HIV infested fists. Shooting them in the head will just attract more zombies and most likely more viles. Your best bet as a new spawn is to hide in bushes until agro dissipates. But if you do get infected, suicide is literally the only way to cure yourself, because gaining enough food to survive the 3 blood loss per second would require you to kill zombies for tins of beans/pasta until you have the needed tools to skin animals, get firewood and set it alight. That just speeds up your blood recovery. But even then you have to actually find the animals in the wild and kill them. And that is all excluding players. Bandits who shoot on sight, people who are scared to lose their guns and shoot in what they believe to be defence and hackers. Narrowing your survival past 1 hours game time to a percentage equal to the Antibiotics spawn rate. Not my idea of fun.

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I hear you man, I believe you're allowed to vent. I have struggled in the same ways your talking about. Have had a bit better luck lately though, for me, it used to be that if I sat down to play for a couple of hours I could run all over the place, collecting lots of loot, killing lots of zombies. Now if I play for a couple of hours I might visit the edges of (but not fully explore) one or two towns, and a few deers stands. I had to adopt a much much more cautious style of play.

I'm not trying to tell you you're doing it wrong or you should play another game, Just that for me to survive for more than ten minutes I had to basically abandon all hope of finding good gear, ever. And start putting a huge emphasis on sneaking around really slow and really carefully, often needing to avoid loot spawns altogether if I see zombies camping them, using smoke, flares, and tin cans whenever possible, and never stay in one building too long, as zombies seem to be magnetically attracted to whatever building you're hiding in. And even still, I sooner or later end up infected and dying because, as you said, finding antibiotics is very unlikely.

I probably haven't helped at all, but I (and I'm sure others feel your struggles) but hey, the game ain't perfect, and the Devs do indeed work their asses off.

I'm also a pansy and like to play on private hives that start you off with a hatchet or machete, which I pretty much never ever trade in for a gun. get a conga line going and just funnel em into a big house or farm building and chop their heads off one at a time while slowly backing up to avoid getting hit. seems like Vile zombies take about 3 hatchet swings unless you headshot them, anyone know how much blood they have?

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Seems like Vile zombies take about 3 hatchet swings unless you headshot them, anyone know how much blood they have?

I promise you I hit a Vile zombie 13 times with a Baseball Bat before it keeled over to die.

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I promise you I hit a Vile zombie 13 times with a Baseball Bat before it keeled over to die.

when I found my first baseball bat I was soooo excited, I went immediately in search of zeds to try her out, I even named it Betty.

I didn't count but I was distraught to discover just how ineffective it was, at least 10 hits, most of em headshots, before the zed went down. Needless to say Betty was binned and i'll never pick one up again, useless.

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I sort of agree with both sides of this discussion, however, for being common folk you are one super-human badass commoner.. who can use any weapon, successfully mend broken bones in a snap (haha get it?), and drive and repair any vehicle, oh and run for literally ever.. sounds fairly main characterish to me. I do however believe dying should be commonplace in this game. Would be cool if there were more anti's though; I believe the chance of them actually spawning is less than you said sabre, also cool if there were character traits like in the game Project Zomboid... in which you're no main character, not even close.

Have seen lots of people post that antibiotics and painkillers should have multiple uses, I fully agree with that sentiment.

Also, off topic, but sleeping in others' tents would be sweet, as well as being able to sleep in buildings.. since you know...humans do that

Hopefully this will change with SA. This is a mod guys.. Not "a game". They cannot make anything they desire to this mod.. But in SA, there will be classes and skills.. To be a medic, a repairman and such. I assume that you guys did not watch the latest meeting that the head of DayZ had/made =))


Edited by SoulHunter

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Hopefully this will change with SA. This is a mod guys.. Not "a game". They cannot make anything they desire to this mod.. But in SA, there will be classes and skills.. To be a medic, a repairman and such. I assume that you guys did not watch the latest meeting that the head of DayZ had/made =))


Well the stand alone will also be using the ARMA 2 engine to run it, meaning anything they can do on the Stand Alone, they can most likely do on the mod. with some slight exceptions to the small tweaks made for graphical improvements and such.

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Well the stand alone will also be using the ARMA 2 engine to run it, meaning anything they can do on the Stand Alone, they can most likely do on the mod. with some slight exceptions to the small tweaks made for graphical improvements and such.

The big difference is that the devs of SA can change the game completely, cus they have access to the game's core.

The mod peeps are kinda limited with what the engine can provide to them so far. SA can provide flying pigs, aliens, and everything anyway.. Thats what will make SA better than the mod by time..

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SA can provide flying pigs, aliens, and everything anyway.. Thats what will make SA better than the mod by time..

Making pigs fly doesn't seem to hard, glue some wings to the pig, give the wings a flapping animation and make the pigs have a set flight path. Once killed they can fall to the floor simple enough. I just hope they can optimize the stand alone much better than the mod. I have FPS problems with most of my settings on low, people with better rigs than me have problems too. Side note - Why can I not press enter to space out my paragraphs?

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*shrugs* I'd no problem with FPS in the game nor with pressing enter before :P

oh well, I guess that if I ever feel the need to rant again people will be greeted with a wall of text with no breaks!

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Golly gosh, I do apologise, but I don't recall a scenario where zombies punch people to death in order to make them turn into zombies(But they do that in "28 Days Later." The infection transfers through contact/bodily fluids, so if you get scratched just right, you're done.), this is not the Walking Dead, so I would presume that a plague has broken out and you are playing one of the immune to it. So you're saying it's impossible to survive more than a week without being immune? No, just lucky. Until the player(you) gain control. Noticed how you start by being washed up on the shore? Maybe you can take that as a hint that you've been out in the sea for whatever odd reason. Bottom-line is that it's a game, and some things can be kept game-y and still remain somewhat realistic/authentic. The spawn-rates don't have to be the "fun" type of game-y stuff. That seems pretty main character to me. Perhaps if when you die your body reanimates I would think otherwise, but as it doesn't I would think of myself as being a main character for the duration of my life span. You are aware that the zombies in DayZ aren't undead, right? Which just so happens to be 3 minutes due to infection followed by suicide. And rolling back to an older state? I'd rather moan about the colossal cock up of the most recent one, thank you very much. Viral Zombies are essentially fresh spawn fuckers. Spawn with 1 bandage and some flares, nothing more. Try to find weapons, if you're lucky you get a melee weapon. Try. Just try hitting a Viral Zombie directly in the face with a melee weapon without him first raping your immune system. I dare you. I fucking double dare you. Alright, I will. And if I can get my software working, I'll make a video on it. No promises.

-snipped the rest since I can't really comment on it.-

A chance is still a chance. Even with 1.98% chance to spawn, it is possible to find even multiple antibiotics in multiple spawn nodes, even if the likeliness of that happening is virtually 0%.

Players aren't supposed to be the main threat. It wasn't meant to be that way and I doubt that Rocket wants to make that the main thing about DayZ. (That's why there have been things that were supposed to encourage co-operation, like wrecked vehicles and not being able to use bloodbags on yourself.)

Personally I hope that they don't raise the spawn rates for antibiotics, and won't turn the zombies back to "herp derp gonna catch player. hurr dat invincible player, gonna catch."

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A chance is still a chance. Even with 1.98% chance to spawn, it is possible to find even multiple antibiotics in multiple spawn nodes, even if the likeliness of that happening is virtually 0%.

Players aren't supposed to be the main threat. It wasn't meant to be that way and I doubt that Rocket wants to make that the main thing about DayZ. (That's why there have been things that were supposed to encourage co-operation, like wrecked vehicles and not being able to use bloodbags on yourself.)

Personally I hope that they don't raise the spawn rates for antibiotics, and won't turn the zombies back to "herp derp gonna catch player. hurr dat invincible player, gonna catch."

Yeah, the old zombies were shit and a walk in the park. I agree, but the new Viral Zombie is a 99.9% death sentence should one catch you, you may not die straight away, but you will due to lack of medicine and food to hold off the blood-loss. I don't think that is right. Perhaps if the infection takes 3000 blood off of you before your immune system fights it off. Yeah, I'd agree with that. More chance on the spawning of a cure for such a commonly contracted illness, I would love too. But as it is you are fucked should one of them breathe on you. It's just an illogical way of making a game with a single difficulty setting. I'd much rather the infection take a set amount of blood and scale the zombies basic attacks to do like 250 blood damage than what seems to be 20 blood damage. Making zombies more difficult, not to kill, but to survive. Shoot a gun in Elektro? Zombies swarm at you, who do a sizable chunk of your health per attack. In a swarm of zombies you would die in 5 or so seconds rather than 30-40. A 99.9% death sentence from such a common yet well camouflaged zombie seems a little too potent. As for co-operative gameplay, that probably won't happen. Lets say someone would be willing to share their medicine with you and not shoot you on sight, They would still need to find the item with a 2% drop chance (maybe even less). But if I had some pills I would keep them for myself because of the inevitability of this new infected type. If anything that just promotes 'self before others' way of thinking. Also with the whole die and lose all your gear thing, nobody truly trusts people they don't know in real life or from another game, that's why if people say "Friendly" they either need help from you, or they stick around, ask some questions then run away before they could be betrayed.

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A chance is still a chance. Even with 1.98% chance to spawn, it is possible to find even multiple antibiotics in multiple spawn nodes, even if the likeliness of that happening is virtually 0%.

Players aren't supposed to be the main threat. It wasn't meant to be that way and I doubt that Rocket wants to make that the main thing about DayZ. (That's why there have been things that were supposed to encourage co-operation, like wrecked vehicles and not being able to use bloodbags on yourself.)

Personally I hope that they don't raise the spawn rates for antibiotics, and won't turn the zombies back to "herp derp gonna catch player. hurr dat invincible player, gonna catch."

Gotta read your own sig mate :P some things encourage coöperation but nothing forces you to. It's up to you to do whatever the heck you want in the world. Rocket mentions the sniper that just sits on his perch waiting to shoot someone for the lulz.. and there's fuck all they're going to do about it despite of what pissed of kids who just got shot may scream. (Actually love it when they do that in sidechat though, sweet tears of despair).

That being said, they reduced antibiotics to laughable stocks at the moment. And loot in general. It's all about authenticity and yes, things would get looted pretty fast in a situation like this. But on the other hand, with so many infected and so few survivors there is still gonna be stuff all over. The risk, ofcourse, lies in getting it. The bigger the stockpile, the more populated the area it is would have been.. and that means more zeds.

And that is where their danger lies, sheer dumb numbers. Because yes zombies are "herp derp" since a virus has been munching away at their brain and all higher cognitive functions have been flushed down the toilet. We don't need L4D super zombies to spice things up, that only hurts the authenticity.

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