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Homemade explosives and traps

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Hello everyone. For a long time I collected, to write about it. The topic that I want to develop is a matter of domestic explosives. Here, I give a few of my examples.

ANFO (Ammonium Nitrate Fuel Oil) - this can be an explosive device in the medium-difficult way to create. We would need: bag of saltpetre, one canister of gasoline, pack primers, wire. As for how to launch it because they were two: assembling the watch (set time) or remote detonation using the remote control transmitter RC. Range of remote detonation of up to 50 meters.

Homemade shrapnel-mainly has to hurt your opponent. For examples of trigger major bleeding and broken leg but is less likely to kill than ANFO. The ingredients needed to create it: pot, grenade, pack of nails, tape. This method of detonation cord (trap).

Cans on a line-mainly to do noise and informed about the threat. Things you need to create this: fishing line and cans.

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Good idea.. i always thought it would be cool if you could cook explosive recipes on a stove or something.. but first you needs parts to get the stove working like gas bottle, pilot light etc...

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A grenade on a string could be a good place to start, but all this ANFO and stuff is a bit to advanced for a survival game

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improvised grenades confirmed by Dean one hour ago (even with pics and gameplay footage)

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Ammonium nitrate fertilizer and diesel fuel would be abundant in the farmlands of chernaurus. Saltpetre and sugar make an excellent smoke bomb as well. All you would need for detonation would be a car battery and some sort of mechanism to complete the circuit, be it radio controlled or timed. It would be awesome, though, if you could use a thermostat from a house to make a mercury switch, so that anyone who tries to move it would be sent back to the coast.

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If they add a 50/50 chance of the builder blowing himself up in the process of making a bomb i welcome it.

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