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Public Servers, Hacker Rampage.

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I'm trying to find servers to join and 80% of the servers that i manage to join without getting kicked for having a hero suit, script restrictions.... are suffering from hacker attacks.. they changed the server spawn points to some hills on the middle of nowhere and all the bodies and vehicles destroyed are teleported to there.. Theres no way to play on a public servers like this with the damage from hackers..I don't really care if they kill me with god mode on but screwing up every servers like this makes all the public server worthless. So everyone is forced to play on private servers because they are getting neglected so much?

Edited by monoking

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Not true, I play on Public servers, haven't seen a hacker for ages, apart from those that BE kicks with a message.

Try another server or just play on a Private Hive if you don't know how to find a decent Public.

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You can try our server, US 520. While I can't say there has NEVER been a hacker, I can say that it has been pretty clean.

Host: North Country Killers {NCK}

Admins: Active, Reachable and Friendly

Hive: Public

Location: Chicago, IL

Sunset: 12:00pm EST (appx.)

Restarts: Every 6 hours (3:00 and 9:00 EST)

Max. Players: 50

Vehicles: Default Vehicle settings (Vanilla - 50)

Communication: Side Chat enabled, Teamspeak3 server available (info in welcome message in DayZ server)

Name: US 520 hosted by NCK - North Country Killers


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Maybe it's not true for you, I experience it different and i'm playing this game for almost a year already with some stops. This cr4p just happens from time to time.

Everyone is suggesting me US servers, well i play generally on EU servers, latency would be too big. And it seems these GER/FR servers with low pop are mostly effected with this hacker crap...Sometimes it's like some game for them to screw up every server they can find like this. I'm looking for low pop servers around 1-10. Who knows maybe i should try higher pop servers. I came across these servers 3x in a row.. sometimes my chars just got resetted by just being there.

And i can't find many servers because BE kicks me out due to my hero suit.

Edited by monoking

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All hackers/cheaters are welcomed on RAID WINE servers, which are public servers.

"Welcomed" is not the proper term, but really I need you to polish up some BE filters.

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And i can't find many servers because BE kicks me out due to my hero suit.

Could you join a RAID WINE server with your hero suit?

I would like to see BE logs when you are kicked.

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This isn't a hacker. It was a bug with the update.

Yep, the anti-teleport system was causing many players to get stuck in debug when they spawned. This included some vehicle objects. Many server administrators did not re-create/update their mission file properly and it caused a lot of issues when the new patch launched. We rolled back to the first couple of days until it got sorted out. I am not sure if EU just has much smaller number of servers or if the server admins are just not checking the forums as frequently. Script kiddies are way less common on public hives now, and they are usually fairly obvious and quickly banished from individual servers.

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I have tried your server it works fine there. Just having issues with many german servers and some euro servers. I guess many eu server hosters didn't properly supply their clients with proper updates. What strange is that when i spawn in debug plains is that there are many dead bodies there, sometimes with good loot. Everyone shooting each other head off? Nvm.

Thanks for the clarification!

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