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Best feature in the upcoming HOTFIX

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* [REMOVED] - Wild Zeds while we try to debug issues with FPS.

Aaahhh yea the useless feature is removed. No longer will we have a bubble around yourself where zombies spawn simply because.

We will also get a FPS boost because this useless feature is gone :)

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OMG YES, no more getting infected by completely random spawn while I check the map.

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Looking forward to getting them back, it did alot with making it feel like the infection was widespread and nowhere was safe. Getting stomped while checking your map? Tough luck!

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It will return so don't get used to it.

I thought it was a good feature, I assume if there was ever a zombie apocalypse you would find roamers.

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There should absolutely be roaming Z's, just fix the FPS issues before re-implementing.

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Wait... so does this remove all wild zeds or just those spawning nearby?

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Wait... so does this remove all wild zeds or just those spawning nearby?

The same thing.

Since there is no server side zombie spawning they spawn in a bubble around the player.

It's an immersion killing feature that adds nothing.

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It's an immersion killing feature that adds nothing.

I beg to differ. It should be scrapped if they can't remove the FPS issues and if the zeds keep spawning within 30m of you. Iff either of those issues can't be resolved should it be completely erased. Otherwise, keep it. IMHO it adds to immersion. Ultimately, I think server side would be ideal, but a clean implementation of this is the next best thing.

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* [FIXED] - Crashsite loot spawn fixed.

* [FIXED] - LOS should now reset correct.

* [FIXED] - Updated Chopper Repair system to include hull and missiles.

* [FIXED] - Blood transfusion should now work properly.

* [FIXED] - Zeds can knock you unconscious again.

* [FIXED] - Issue with built items not display properly over the network.

* [FIXED] - Changing clothes while in a gear menu of a pile/vehicle/tent will no longer crash your game.

* [FIXED] - Fixed duplication of mags via combining/converting and duplication of tents/built items.

* [FIXED] - 100% damaged vehicles do not respawn anymore.

* [FIXED] - Added check to make sure no one is within 30 meters of zed spawning.

* [FIXED] - Fixed bandit detection for kills and humanity changes.

* [FIXED] - Fixed an issue where you wouldn't be able to pick up any loot.

* [FIXED] - Fixed an issue where bandaging an other player wouldn't bandage them.

* [FIXED] - Added a range check to zed attacks, no more 5-10 meter hits.

* [uPDATED] - Color saturation starts to fade out at blood level 9000

* [uPDATED] - Rest to provide a 1% chance to cure infection (Can only be done once every 5 mins)

* [uPDATED] - Updated tackle to provide knockdown from back of player and push from other directions.

* [uPDATED] - Zed will now attack again while prone with animation.

* [uPDATED] - Updated tackle animations to an actual stumble/trip animation (holding a pistol remains unchanged).

* [uPDATED] - Reported bike damage is divided by 10.

* [uPDATED] - Much quicker login/loading.

* [uPDATED] - More reliable loot spawns.

* [uPDATED] - Infection rates are much lower (based on #zeds attacking you) viral zeds have 4x greater infection rates

* [uPDATED] - player knockdown by zeds should be less common.

* [REMOVED] - Wild Zeds while we try to debug issues with FPS.

* [REMOVED] - Zeds will no longer spawn while in vehicles.


Erm what?

Say what now?

Edited by BioHazard050

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* [REMOVED] - Zeds will no longer spawn while in vehicles.

Thats a drag.

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* [REMOVED] - Zeds will no longer spawn while in vehicles.

Thats a drag.

I think it's because since you're rapidly moving from place to place, you're spawning tons of zombies that end up not doing anything except running around. It was especially so with helicopters until they removed that.

Edited by Blippy

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Accidentally quoted instead of edited. Derp.

Edited by Blippy

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Quite happy about the removal of wild zeds for now. I feel like they're looking for something to eat and there is nothing in fields for dem zeds to eat.

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[uPDATED] - Infection rates are much lower (based on #zeds attacking you) viral zeds have 4x greater infection rates

What does this means the less zombies attacking you less infection or the other wau around? And the viral zeds will infect more than it is now? Please clarify R4Z0R49

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The whole wild zed idea though not a bad idea is painful as all it does is alerts players to your presence or you to them when in the middle of nowhere. In this way it is flawed and adds nothing except annoyance. You can simply sit in the hills away from the pop up zone around fields that lead to hotspots and wait for the zed bait to appear and alert you of a player entering the area.

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The whole wild zed idea though not a bad idea is painful as all it does is alerts players to your presence or you to them when in the middle of nowhere. In this way it is flawed and adds nothing except annoyance. You can simply sit in the hills away from the pop up zone around fields that lead to hotspots and wait for the zed bait to appear and alert you of a player entering the area.

I dont agree with you, in the wild its difficult to sense if it is yiu or other players spawning the zeds.

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If you are on the move yes i agree..but when sittting in a posi away from the zef spawn zone like i posted then it is very easy to camp up an area that leads to a hotspot like Stary or NW field. These areas have always had a risk element when approaching but now you can sit back and watch the zeds pop up in the distance in the fields as they stand out like dogs balls, and then just wait for the player to appear.

I have been alerted to players i never would have known were there when i have seen zeds magically appear in the middle of nowhere that have been too far for me to have spawned. For me as it is consider their inclusion partially broken as it takes away the any chance stealth in the wide open areas. I don't mind having zeds in the fields or forest or wherever but the way it works atm is not enough of an 'immersion' factor to make them worthwhile.

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It should be a RARE spawn, While traveling north i was followed like 95% of the time by my own spawns in the midnight...it's not supposed to be zombies all over chernarus, in every bit of the map.

I can't get what everyone says, "the harder the zombies the better, more inmersion", harder zombies doesn't make my game more inmersive, just more annoying, what makes my game inmersive is the map and multiplayer interaction.

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It should be a RARE spawn, While traveling north i was followed like 95% of the time by my own spawns in the midnight...it's not supposed to be zombies all over chernarus, in every bit of the map.

I can't get what everyone says, "the harder the zombies the better, more inmersion", harder zombies doesn't make my game more inmersive, just more annoying, what makes my game inmersive is the map and multiplayer interaction.

Most intelligent post since the 1.7.7 patch.

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Wild zeds are a good when they spawn server side... but it does not work for the mod but would be a great example of the power of the Standalone.

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* [FIXED] - 100% damaged vehicles do not respawn anymore.

Erm what?

I'm pretty sure there is a bug at the moment that if a vehicle is destroyed it won't respawn, it just sits there fully destroyed. It's saying this is fixed.

Edited by SmashT

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