Aporis 422 Posted June 16, 2013 (edited) Link for part 2: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/144685-all-about-dayz-standalone-in-one-thread-picsvids-and-posts-part2/Feel Free to talk from the stuff you guys are reading thats why this is here. Devblogs will be marked as Gray. Screenshots as Light blue, Videos as Light GreenImportant notes as Red and Extra Large.Hello there I decided to make thread where you can watch, read and tell your opinions about the upcoming DayZ Standalone.I first made this to Off topic but then i realized this could be the right place for it.it all started 9 months ago on september 2012 (click to open the post).The integration beginsIt has been a long time since we announced the standalone project, and much has happened. In many ways, DayZ is an “accidental project”, which brings about great opportunities for it but also with some real challenges. Most of the planning has to be done as it goes, with much of the project simply reacting to things that have happened. This is not a good way to start a development project.Much of the effort has been spent establishing the project, getting the right people setup, a new build process, art pipeline working, contracts and agreements made, legal stuff sorted - all the stuff that is necessary to enable the project to work. During this time I completed a very heavy and protracted public relations tour - I could almost make a fulltime job simply out of doing interviews.Now for a SCRUM style update:What has happenedWe have setup all the required pipelines to best push the project forward. The standalone engine we are using is a branch of Take on Helicopters, which itself is a branch of ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead. We chose this because of its stability, ease of development, very achievable optimization, and the fact that our programmers are the architects of the engine - the very people who built it from the ground up over ten years.Art has been very, very busy. Chernarus has been revamped, with bug-fixing and a great deal more buildings have been made enter-able with a very high standard of work involved.For design I have spent much time listening, reading through the posts on the forums and the suggestion thread on Reddit. Some outstanding ideas have been gleamed from there.What is happening nowNow the fun stuff begins, all the data from Bohemia projects is up for grabs - so I am going through and collecting the best assets from the projects and mashing the data together to get it loading into DayZ standalone. With this complete, the mod itself will be ported over and integrated. This then gives us a very solid basis for further development.Our programmers have been reviewing the way forward on the critical issues, such as bugfixing, hacking, and security. These areas are proving straightforward areas for significant development as a standalone, and as a basis in the next few weeks we will have DayZ fully integrated, with all its required data, secured, and packaged. From here we can then test and begin the more exiting things.Art is continuing with reviewing all the buildings, making them enter-able, and tidying up the interiors to make them look nicer. Once we have this done, they will look at making the environment much more authentic to the scenario (but first we aim for the functionality!). We are now commencing work on the redevelopment of the infected people (zombie) models themselves. This will be an exciting area of work for our artist who is dedicated to this task. Initially we will be producing male and female, I would like to look at the possibility of children infected - but there are technical (required new skeleton and baked animations), possible legal (rating issues), and even moral (shooting children) issues that need to be faced.What is blocking usProbably the biggest stumbling block, is me (rocket). I need to stop doing interviews and focus on making the game. Really, there is very little left to say - now it is up to me and the team to deliver this. Really, in many ways, this is our project to lose. We have great support from the community, developers, and the industry as a whole - it is up to us to deliver for that promise. I think we will, but the next month is going to be really telling for our project.Beyond that, I simply need to push forward with the integration. Once that is done, I will post some content through on the tumblr so that people can see how the development is progressing.8 months ago we got our first look, on how Standalone version of DayZ would look like (SCREENSHOTS).And some Details from Rocket about Standalone (first devblog of October 2012): Interior work in progress screenshots taken from inside DayZ standalone.Please note these are work-in-progress shots, with only basic texture work and initial lighting passes. I picked a random town in the game and took screenshots of a few of the houses. The screenshots are taken on “Normal” graphic settings (medium texture resolution) and are unaltered and uncropped.Our artists have been very busy, methodically going through all buildings in Chernarus and adding interiors. The task can be pretty difficult, when the buildings where made interiors were not considered so it an be a challenge for the artists to make the interiors both look correct and work properly.The village I used to take the screenshot in now has all its buildings enterable, including the sheds. Most focus has so far been on the buildings that are situated outside of the center, but focus now is turning to doing interiors for the city buildings. This is complicated by our desire to dramatically increase performance, and given the scene complexity inside cities we need to balance this with the desire to increase building scavenging opportunities inside the cities.This was really just a very quick drop of a few screenshots, I’ll try to put forward some more screenshots of our artists work in the next few weeks.Later on the same Month, We had some new screenshots and some more details about the interiors in game.Second October 2012 devblog.Work-in-progress interiors continuedI was a little reluctant to post another screenshot update, as I hadn’t expected such a huge response to what was really just a quick drop of a few basic screenshots! But I figured sitting on these screenshots was rather pointless, so here they are.One caveat I forgot last time, the interiors do look very clean. Adding gore or deterioration can quickly be overdone, so we feel our first task is to create the interiors and ensure we are happy with the gameplay and quality of the basic texture work - then we will go through to add elements more authentic to the situation. Overall, we believe the experience should have a style more akin to “The Road” rather than gore for gore’s sake. When you find gore in DayZ, it will mean something and have impact. In fact, it will be most likely due to tragedy or betrayal involving a human player. This way, we believe what happens in the world matters, instead of simply adding some crashed buses and blood everywhere.In these screenshots the greater range of buildings that now have interiors is displayed, from the large office buildings, to the hospitals, metalwork factories, through to small cottages. Certainly, we think there will be some compelling events occurring the stairwells of the Hospital’s and office buildings!The first shot is a sneak peak at an entirely new area created on the map by Ivan and Martin, the two developers at Bohemia who are currently being held in Greece. They conducted a revamping of the map to add some new areas, tidy up bugs, and rebalance the placement of ponds, fountains, and such. Ivan was a big fan of DayZ, and the key architect behind the original Chernarus map - so we’re excited to get the map back out into everyone’s use. The usable area of the map is actually extended by their work.Next week we start the final phase of our data migration, which will then result in some new screenshots demonstrating some Take on Helicopter vehicles ported over, giving DayZ access to many types of vehicles from military helicopters, to fire engines, police cars, and all the military and civilian vehicles you are used too from ArmA2.Over the coming weeks, we expect this tumblr to get even more busy.SCREENSHOTS! Edited August 30, 2013 by Aporis 20 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aporis 422 Posted June 16, 2013 (edited) 7 Months ago we got more information on October 2012. Third Devblog of October 2012. Whatever you say it is, it isn’ttl;drDayZ standalone will be based on a client-server architecture (more like an MMO), not the current ArmA2 architecture.Full textThis blog post doesn’t contain any pictures, or videos, but I think it provides far more to be excited about. When I read many comments regarding the choice of engine, it can be very frustrating. Up there with the endless debates of what is or is not alpha, is the maddeningly uninformed arguments about what does or does not constitute a “new engine”. I see people say that DayZ is based on the ArmA2 engine, or Take on Engine, or even the ArmA3 engine. I have been joking with team members on the project, that if we were to focus on making shader updates and not change anything else, everyone would be proclaiming that it was a “new engine”.This week saw our lead programmer outline a dramatic plan to change the face of DayZ and how it will hit the world at the end of this year. Simply put, the application will move into a traditional client-server relationship which the server makes most of the decisions. This is the common architecture behind virtually every MMO currently out there, and it will be DayZ’s architecture when it releases. How is this possible? Well, thanks to an extremely fortunate set of occurrences much thinking and some development had already occurred; the crack team of programmers behind Operation Flashpoint have been thinking about these things for many years. Combined, again, with the unique string of events putting me in the position to have the idea for DayZ, and everything to come together… one could be forgiven for thinking it sounds like fate!Currently ArmA is running simulation calculations on all clients and on the server as well. Clients have the power to make changes to their world. When the world is as complex and changing as that which DayZ creates, it has created an environment where hacking and performance issues abound. This is not an issue with ArmA, this is an issue of the designer (me) making a design that far outreaches it’s foundations. It is a testament to the Real Virtuality engine that this is even possible. So, what we are doing right now is removing these operations completely from the clients and ensuring the server runs the world. DayZ does not require the complex array of player and AI interactions that ArmA does, so these are all gone. What we are left with is a very heavily optimized solution where the server “call’s the shots” so to speak.For those with some understanding of such endeavours the significance of these changes will already be readily apparent. For those who do not, it is simple. we’re not just locking the application and data down any more, but we’re making the server the umpire. We’re ripping out everything not required and replacing it with an optimized solution that has players (the survivors) and AI (the zombies). Our zombies don’t need to conduct flanking maneuvers, they don’t need to reload their magazines. They are simple, and our architecture reflects that. Achieving this will be tough, as we are already crunching very hard. If this heavy optimization is as successful as it would rationally seem to be on paper, then we will be limited on player numbers not by performance, but map design. To ensure we are right, we will be running an architecture test at some point, soon.(the title for this post is a quotation attributed to Alfred Korzybski, philosopher and scientist, and for those not able to understand the subtext - it is a light jab at those professing to know much about engines, and alpha’s, what exactly they all mean)Also one month later (November 2012) We got even more information:Devblog of November 2012 Dev Report: November 2012The current phase:Our development focus is 100% on core technology, the key architecture, and not on features (yet). A major stream developing assets also runs in parallel to the core development team.Due to the success of the development so far, and the interest in the project in general - we decided we want to do things properly. This means we have been very bold with our architectural changes. We are moving to the server-client MMO architecture model. We are making weapons and items ‘entities”, meaning we can support customization and variables assigned against items. As discussed previously, this is a massive departure from the previous engine. In many ways, once this phase is completed - one could effectively say that DayZ is running on a new version of the engine. While the graphics may look the same (for now), under the hood so much is being completely rewritten.Let me make this very clear, our foundation release (targeted for this year), is simply the beginning. We are committed to a period of development of at least 12 months beyond that. Our aim is to make this foundation strong, and use that time to improve the mechanics not through hacks, but through sound and quality development. Our initial build will test that this base architecture works.I want to confirm the following:Most settings will be forced server-side, such as gameplay and graphical settings (view distance, shadow distance, etc…). The exact nature of this and specific settings is very much subject to change, but this will be a significant departure from how it is currently with the mod.Release will be on steam, using many of steams key features such as delta patching, VAC, server browsing technology. Patches to steam can be deployed by the click of a button in our build pipeline thanks to new technology developed by Steam, that is making our process extremely easy and exciting. We are very pleased that Steam is working with us so actively to make DayZ a great game and supporting us with quality features. I met many at the team at Valve at PAX, and really want to get them playing the game and getting their feedback to help in development. I’m incredibly thankful to people like Chet Faliszek (creator of L4D) who has been very supportive and helpful to me.In using Steam for authentication, distribution, server browsing, etc… we are able to tap into their awesome resources in terms of scalability. The only hardware we then need to manage is the central database, which we already have some experience managing thanks to the DayZ mod. This means we can work towards avoiding the usual launch problems, by relying on the experience of Steam.The controls have been completely rethought, using inspiration and design lessons from games such as Minecraft to make the player more engaged with their environmentAnimations are being cleaned up to feel more responsive. This means trimming some transitions, so that you get quicker feedback from pressing the key to action (removing he “clunkiness” or “sluggishness”)Player clothing is being implemented including: headwear, jackets, trousers, footwear, etc..Weapons and items are now “entities”. This means they are more object oriented in structure, allowing weapon customization, degradation - the possibilities become endless. This is a major, huge, shift in engine architecture.The Server controls character actions, a player’s client sends its requests and the server decides if this is possible. Our lead programmer in the company, Ondrej Spanel, is working on this currently. I believe this is one of the most radical changes ever implemented in the engine since Operation Flashpoint was released, and turns DayZ from an FPS into a true MMO.A full-time map designer has also started work on ChernarusPlus now, redeveloping the world, placing new assets and buildings, fixing bugs, and creating new areas. This is in addition to the work done by Ivan and Maxell and will continue for the remainder of DayZ development.The UI has been completely reworked, focusing on simplicity. We have studied games that we believe are leaders in this area, such as Minecraft, and are focusing on providing functionality without fancy complexity in this regard.We have some outstanding former community members working on the project as paid members of the team. I hope to showcase their work and interview them on here for you, in the coming weeks and months. We are actively searching for more to bring them onto the team.The future:We are still working towards a target for an initial foundation before the end of the year. But we will slip this date if needed, we will not compromise the project for the short-term gain of meeting this date. The reasons for any slippage would be publicly discussed, and would most likely represent a failure personally on my part to plan correctly. We will be assessing the results of our major architectural changes at the end of next week, and reporting the results to everyone when we have assessed that.Screenshots, videos, etc… will unfortunately have to wait. As they say, loose lips sink ships.Again 1 month later on December 2012, We got new info and even some new neat screenies to look at :) They decided to delay Standalone to make it better game, I think they made the right decision.Devblog of December 2012 (Merry christmas DayZ Dev Team :D )Where is the Standalone Release?I suppose I should start with the question everyone wants to know… where is DayZ Standalone? Obviously, it’s not here. At Eurogamer I said that DayZ had to be out before the end of the year and that’s come and gone. I still stand by that comment, to achieve what we had originally wanted, we did have to be out by the end of the year - and we’ve failed to achieve that.Put simply, DayZ Standalone isn’t here because we had the chance to go from making a game that was just the mod improved slightly, packaged simply, and sold - to actually redeveloping the engine and making the game the way we all dreamed it could be. This blew any initial plans we had dictated to pieces.The plan going forwardThe plan from here is straightforward. We will be releasing a closed test imminently, during which approximately 500-1000 people will assist in ensuring our architecture is correctly functioning. This closed test will be focused purely on architecture, not the game design. Once we have confirmed fixes for issues arising from the closed test, we will then reschedule an internal date for our public release.What has been done?One of the most profound and major architectural changes has had its initial implementation completed, this is the overhaul of the inventory system. In fact, the inventory and item management system was completely removed and rewritten from the ground by Jirka, one of the original engine programmers. The work that has been completed on this groundbreaking, and it going to fundamentally change the DayZ experience.You scavenge for items now, as individual parts, picking up pieces rather than piles, looking for cans on shelves or under beds. The new system opens the door for durability of items, disease tracking (cholera lingering on clothes a player wears…), batteries, addon components, and much more. If you shoot a player in the head to take his night vision, you will damage the night vision. The changes to this inventory system are huge.An additional area of change has been to make the inventory system more intuitive along with a key focus on providing visceral feedback on your progress through what inventory you have. The use of drag-and-drop, 3D models rather than 2D pictures, and being able to add items/clothing to your character in 3D in the inventory screen - have all come out of months of design work and research. I’m extremely pleased with the results of Jirka and Hladas, two of the programmers who have been working on implementing the design ideas. I believe the changes to this inventory system will fundamentally change the nature of the DayZ experience.We are not at the point where we can release meaningful videos or screenshots of the system, but we have now confirmed the base architecture is working in game. Likely, the first that will come out about the inventory system will be during the closed test when people are actually using it.UI ChangesArmA community legend kju has been part of the DayZ development for some time, and is now one of your key development members. He has been working with our CEO (Marek) and me to develop the DayZ UI. We have been greatly inspired by Minecraft to make the UI simple and effective, rather than flashy and complex. All our art and code efforts are going into the game, the UI is being designed to be straightforward and functional just like in Minecraft.Art ProgressA huge amount of work is being completed on art. I’m including some more additional pictures taken from around Chernarus. We have some massive plans now that all interiors have been completed, as rather than moving them on to other projects we are now giving them exciting new things to create.One of the new artists on the team is a texture artist, and has been working on revising the textures for our new building interiors so they look more post-apocalyptic. Some of these changes can be seen in the work-in-progress pictures I have included.Map ProgressThe lead architect of the revised (and original) Chernarus map, Ivan Buchta, is still imprisoned in Greece on charges of espionage - and is a great loss to the team. Luckily, through letters, Ivan is able to provide some input and insight into the development of the map. Regardless, the continued imprisonment of him and Martin Pezlar has a significant impact on our ability to redevelop Chernarus.SCREENSHOTS!Matrushka spotted!And now couple of forum only Screenies!More info, screens and first video!Posted 4 Months ago on January-February 2013.Devblog of january.This is the first update when I have sat down and thought “where do I start?” There has been so much going on with the development this month that it is hard to fit it all in a post here. Through the month we have steadily moved from working on our architectural changes, through to preparing for our first public test. The risks and gambles we took last year, are now beginning to pay serious dividends for us.I’ll be covering the following in this update:Lighting and material improvementsVolumetric Cloud systemNew Server ArchitectureClothing/Inventory statusClosed Test StatusArt/World updatesCustomizing your characterCustomizing your weaponLighting and material improvementsOne of our Lead Artists, Mario Kurty, has been working with some of the ArmA3 artists to ensure that DayZ Standalone has the best visuals possible. The result is pretty striking when combined with some of the other improvements we have made in the engine. These improvements make the world really come to life, improving the visuals overall. A comparison screenshot is included and demonstrates the effect of this.Volumetric Cloud systemThis has now been fully configured for use within DayZ, used to great effect in Bohemia’s previous product Take on Helicopters (and coming in ArmA3 also). There are several pictures of this included in the screenshots for this blog update. Running around the world taking pictures, it was hard to resist really. It adds a real sense of realism when compared with the previous result.New Server ArchitectureOur lead programmer, Ondřej Španěl, continues his work on redeveloping our server architecture. Contrary to some who say DayZ will be releasing with no anti-hack mechanisms, one of the key things we are doing with development is entirely redeveloping how the engine works. I can’t stress enough just how fundamental this change is. DayZ’s game servers will function like servers in other MMO style games, that is the server will control the behavior and the sending of updates. No longer will your machine receive all the updates allowing their analysis by various cheats.We are exploring spawning all zombies and loot at the start of server initialization, again a huge departure from the previous mechanism. This solves many design and technical issues with the spawning and respawning of equipment, such as being able to metagame by telling whether players are in a village by seeing zombie’s have spawned.Clothing/Inventory statusThis has now been completed to a basic level, you can put on and drop various items of clothing. These items can have diseases on them, and they have durability and other attributes. We need to make some models that represent the clothes when they are on the ground (currently they look as they are when on the ground!) Once this is done, we will be releasing some video outlining what it looks like to change your clothes.Closed Test StatusWe have begun our internal closed testing (yes!) and have been working with Valve to ensure our new server browser system is working (we utilize Steam for this purpose rather than Gamespy as for ArmA2). The Server/Client architecture needs to be fully implemented before we will begin our public testing.We have not initiated our closed test that includes external people yet (such as streamers).Art/World updatesA huge quantity of changes are flowing into the world. New areas, a mass of new objects (such as wrecked vehicles, buses, etc…) that are all designed with DayZ in mind - such as having good areas for loot to spawn. It is really impossible to list all the changes here, from bug fixing to redesigning of buildings such as the general store, and onto entirely new buildings and areas. One of our texture artists has been going through existing work and making them look more damaged and used.Customizing your CharacterThe design has now really ramped up. This is really the entire focus of our efforts for the next few months, prior to starting on vehicle customization and finally on base building at the end of the year. The obvious starting point for us is to allow players to select the gender and race of their character. Beyond this, allowing ways for your character to become your own are key for us; from getting tattoo’s to finding unique clothing items, trying to deal with your own health aliments, etc…This is an area of very active development, we’re exploring all sorts of ways to make your character change in the world as you play. When you first create your character, the options will be simple. As you go along in the world, your character will change as a result of their interactions with the environment and the decisions you make, through items such as clothing choices.Social aspects are extremely important to us, and we’ve taken a number of idea’s and participated in the discussions on reddit and the forums about what we can do in this area. Expect more on these area’s in the next tumblr update. We want to support the organic development and operation of groups within the game, through the development of their own symbology in game (tattoo’s, markings on the world, on weapons, etc…). We feel that these redeveloped social experiences told through the game will be a compelling part of the standalone.Customizing your weaponWeapon attachments are a great bi-product of our entire redesign of every aspect of the inventory system. Nothing is available to show on this yet, currently the only attachment we have fully configured in the game is the magazine. You must load the magazine with ammunition and then it is considered an attachment to the weapon. The quantity and condition of your magazines will be particularly important in the standalone. Look after them!When is it releasing?We don’t know. We’re going to take our time. I feel fantastic about the situation, more than ever I feel like we’re doing something really interesting with this development. Now is not the time to rush things, but we do need to ensure our pace is kept up. Our development blog and getting players in and testing as soon as possible will be key in ensuring we succeed in making this a great game.Concluding wordsAt no point in development, have I been as excited as I am right now. The risks we took with the direction have paid off. The engine and approach of the game is now entirely DayZ’s own, it is striking out into it’s own territory as a project. This is very exciting for all the team.I do need to caution though, it is a bad idea to overhype the project. We know that there are many challenges that we will face from deciding to effectively write a new engine tailored to DayZ. But we are now entirely confident, that this decision will prove to have been the best decision we could make. Now we will be able to make the game that we’ve all always wanted.Screenshots of January 2013.Danger is not a pit... It's a lada.New zombie species called "Femme Fatale"Video! February Devblog.Let’s see some DayZ video! A quiet start for us with a video blog, we’re only detailing a few areas of progress in this weeks update. We show a peek at the new UI, some detail on the new clothing functions available in the engine, and take a tour round a few of the many new areas inside the updated Chernarus map.We’ve edited out our use of the Inventory system, which we’re keeping under wraps for the moment (covered out with hilarious images photoshopped by forum members on the official DayZ forums at dayzmod.com!)So where are we at?Development is continuing to progress in extremely positive ways for us. The architectural decisions we have taken are providing continued dividends with the development of our disease mechanics, and in the ability to create notes in the world.Inventory is fully synchronizing with the central database, including inventory inside clothing items. Essentially your clothing is like many little backpacks.We’re getting plenty of bugs coming in from our closed internal testing, and we haven’t moved to our closed external testing just yet. There is still no timeframe for when this will happen, but we’re committed to continuing with these development updates and blog posts.What is next?We’re working very hard on the inventory system even more, and it looks like the crafting system is close in next in our development. It would be fair to say that inventory and crafting are the key development objective currently, second only to the client/server architecture (makes DayZ more like an MMO), and new zombie AI mechanics (an ongoing task).We look forward to giving even more information, new exciting areas, features, functions, and updates in the coming blogs! We’re all confident it won’t be too long before you’ll be able to join in the development yourself. Edited June 18, 2013 by Aporis 7 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aporis 422 Posted June 16, 2013 (edited) At the same Month of February We still get more screens and a ton of info. Second Devblog of February.Ivan is back!The last two weeks have gone extremely fast for us. As many will have noticed, we didn’t do a devblog last week. While the aim is produce an update every week (scheduled for Friday), the reality is that development will always have priority over our devblogs - and there has been a huge amount of real work to do on the project!To celebrate Ivan returning to assist with the tean; Ivan, Matt, and myself held a design meeting in a rather unusual setting - we went from a hike around a lake area in the Czech Republic. We got some excellent idea’s - and we’re all thrilled with the great concepts Ivan has been bringing. We look forward to including Ivan on our next video blog.Project Team ExpansionOne of the biggest changes in the last week has been the expansion of the project, both in scale and scope as well as with personnel. We’ve been getting more and more people involved, both locally and externally. Many of these people are from within the community. We hope that these people will be able to assist us in really pushing the game to its limits.Multiplayer TestingOur internal closed testing has been continuing, and then pausing, as we identify and fix crashes and other issues. The vast amount of changes we have made require meticulous testing. We’re hoping to begin our first large-scale capacity testing next week (assuming we have a stable enough build). This will involve us working the server over with around 50 people initially, then working up to 150 and beyond to obtain metrics as to what limitations we will have.Architecture DevelopmentsOur lead programmer has been continuing the revision of the entire engine multiplayer to operate under the server-client MMO model. The results have been outstanding, and it is going to radically change the product. As these changes are made we are filter them onto the approach taken at other levels, ensuring everything is moved from being done at a client level to being done at a server level.We have been experimenting with some novel approaches such as not having loot spawned at the server level, but having it spawned at the database level - therefore negating the ease with which loot tables could be produced and allowing us to conduct a form of economic regulation to item spawns dynamically. I think the end result, however, will be a mixture of the two approaches due to performance requirements.Character DevelopmentThis is the absolute core of our current design efforts. As such, you can see some new screen shots of the new ethnic heads available for female characters. We want to allow characters to be fully customized and reflect the players story as they are going along. This has included some fantastic ideas inspired by the community. Until initial release, the vast majority of our efforts will be with expanding options for developing and customizing your character.Inventory systemBased on feedback and development, changes continue with this area. It’s starting to operate really well. Our programmer here, Jirka, will eventually move onto the crafting system. He has been wanting to move onto this for some time, as it is a personal area of interest for him.As part of the inventory system, we have started detailed work on the attachment system. Like the customization of characters, we want to allow maximum ability for the customization and development of a players weapons. As part of this, all weapons being introduced into DayZ are being redeveloped from scratch at extremely high detail. The work being produced so far is outstanding! This means that, on release, there will be less weapons in the standalone - but it allows us the ability to continue each week to release content updates with new weapons and items.World developmentMassive areas are changing here. Ivan Buchta having returned from his time in the Greek Prison has been a huge asset to the team, working with our world designer SenChi (designer of the Ironfront worlds) to redevelop Chernarus. I have included some low-detail screenshots taken by SenChi showing some of his developments.Art developmentNew clothing, items, weapons, buildings, “special areas” are all the foci of art development. We are greatly expanding our team of artists, as we have hundreds of new items we want to include in the world.This week’s blog is pretty light on detail and excitement, but the pace is such that pausing to write about it is taking too much time! Overall, each week is proving to be more exciting for us than the last.#AskDayZPart of a regular feature we will be doing is to take peoples questions on twitter (hastag: #AskDayZ) and facebook - Matt will select a few and we will answer them.Will we be able to host private (hive) servers? (Christian Haschek)Private servers will be supported. The issue of private hives (central servers) is still an open question. Initially the answer is definitely no, as we need to concentrate the database centrally so we can continue development and change it regularly. There is a wider issue of regulating both the economy of DayZ, in terms of controlling item spawn, and ensuring a balanced approach. I think it comes down to a question of timing, much like with the mod.There be any new features in the first version of the standalone or it will be the classic DayZ (Martin Rangelovwill)The experience will be entirely new. There is virtually nothing that has been directly ported from the mod, everything has been redone. This wasn’t our original intention (hence the December deadline) - but it has evolved this way. We’re all glad it has!End Game content - Other than the mad max mods to cars, what other endgame solution is there other than everyone becoming bandits, the forums have made mentions and suggestions of random events like raiding a c130 crash site or setting ambush to NPC convoys, What do the dev’s have in store for us? (Rhys Fiander )Endgame is an open question, and is something we will look at later once we have got the basics where we want them (player customization, controls, animations, zombies, loot spawn, attachments, disease, hacking, etc…). I’m personally not a fan of NPC’s but we have been keeping this available as an option for development. I kind of think using NPC’s is cheating in this context. I am sure we can come up with a more creative way of doing these kinds of events, working directly with the community.Dean: will you being adding other food and drink types (Ross J MacGregor)The list of planned items is huge. A reasonably small functional set will be available initially, then new items and weapons during weekly updates.Are you working on other ways to indicate hunger, thirst, temperature to achieve a more minimalistic HUD or getting rid of it completely and instead use sounds and such ? (Jesper von Hundhufvud)The current situation is “no HUD” and we hope to keep it this way, demonstrating through the use of sounds and animations. We do need to add options for those with hearing impairments and we will look at those options too.Did Dean get a date in the end or was it a romantic evening for one? WHY DID HE NOT TELL HER HOW MANY LAMBORGHINIS HE WILL HAVE?! (Regan Bamfield)It was a very romantic evening for me cleaning my sneaker collection (I’m a total sneakerhead), so no - I did not get my date in the end! No matter how many Lamborghini’s I promised!What will be the pricing on standalone? (Dylan Panda Belisle)It is still to-be-confirmed. However, to put it in perspective, I want a higher price than nearly everyone else in the company. So we’re not talking an expensive product. Released now, I am confident people are getting more than required value from the product.Will you continue pursuing/developing the humanity system? have you made/felt the need to make any changes? (Daniel Yacoubian)I think this will continue to be developed throughout the life of the product, it will be a very subtle art to get it right.Will the number of zombies be increased, or should we expect a similar amount? (Kyle O’Dowd)Yes, expect the numbers to increase as they are controlled directly on the server independent of player locations.@Lirik - Will there be character slots or will it be limited to one survivor?Initially, just one live character for each player account. We store a huge amount of data for each character, so we need to limit it.@Biddaman - From what we know about next gen consoles so far, would Dayz be possible to run on those machines?Personally, yes I believe it would be technically possible. Some of the consoles will be easier than others. There are some issues with requirements for publishers which are really annoying, and I have been frustrated in the past with some of the rules required that force some weird design changes in games (I don’t like tutorials!).@zSc0pe - Will there be changes with the chat? I would like to be able to type or talk to friends in game without the whole server knowingWe’ve started development of a basic radio system. If you’ve played Space Station 13, you’ll recognize this system. More to follow on that. And love the songs by the way!@jerry_hopper - Will the squadXML be overhauled,2 achieve more interaction ‘outside’ the gameserver? or will there be some API which taps in dayz?API is something we, longterm, want to look at for nearly everything - considering the outstanding creativity within the community. In particular I think it is best to allow the community to develop its own player profile statistic sites. But this is something that will come much later in the year.@Ray23estRay - If there will be any further map releases for DayZ in the future,will they be released as DLC content for money?We are starting our planning process for this, but we don’t have any idea how we would monetize it. There are issues with the DLC model we would want to avoid. We’re hoping we will be so successful in sales, that we can just release as a free content update.@TheBeehawk - What kind of vehicle customisation [sic] is planned?I have only basic ideas on this currently, essentially functioning similar to the weapon attachment system we have designed. If your car has a missing or damaged door, take the door off another car. But of course, if they are different colors, you’ll see that. Each part also has various damage states, so we end up with GTA-esque damage visuals.@Chernoeb Will there be different servers with different weapons. Example: One server has DMR’s while another server has no DMR’sNot initially. Either loot will be entirely controlled centrally by the central server, or it will spawn based on loot probability tables, or (most likely) a combination of the two.@poopthought - Do you have any malls, hotels, prisons or bigger hospitals planned for the standalone?Yes!@EvanLutes1999 - Will there be the old weapons from the mod, new weapons, or a mix of both?New weapons, based on the old weapons.IAsh - How many clothing varieties should we expect?Once released, expect new content every week. We are planning hundreds and hundreds of clothing varieties.And now to Screenies.3 Months ago on March 2013... GTFO Matt :-DDD Happend.#LOL This week the format is a bit different, we got behind the scenes and follow Rocket and Matt as they visit the Mocap studio at Bohemia Interactive, and work with the team to develop the new zombie animations for DayZ Standalone.Second Devblog of March 2013: Second gameplay video is here!!! Along with the info. :PWe’ve gone for a reasonably quick and dirty video blog this week, mainly because things have been very busy for us.Inventory SystemOne of the biggest improvement areas has been the inventory system, now almost ready for a public display. This new inventory system supports crafting, interchangeable clothing, degradation, tracking, weapon customization, and much more. It’s really a revolutionary system for us and we’re extremely proud of the results that Jirka (our programmer assigned to this) has achieved.CraftingNot touched on in the video, but what we will be showing soon is the basics of how users can interact with items in the world - this is the next step in development of our inventory system beyond where it is now. This is not a traditional crafting system, but one that encourages layers to explore the ways in which items can be crafted.Zombie pathfindingIn the video, towards the end, some before and after footage of work on the zombie AI pathfinding. Not only has this changed the role, threat, and speed of the zombies - but it has also yielded performance improvements. The increased accuracy of the zombies movement allows their movement to be slowed down to more sensible values, in line with those of the players themselves. We still have some other avenues to explore in this regard, but we’re very pleased with the results so far.Mass zombie spawning server sideNow all zombies are spawned directly on the server and their movement is governed directly on the server itself. This has allowed us to provide increased security and hack prevention mechanisms by disabling functionality at the client level. It also means that zombies no longer “pop” in and out of the world, previously used as a mechanism to tell if someone was in the area. It also paves the way for us to allow migrating zombies and zombies traversing open areas in search for their next meal.We still have some way to go in performance, the initial tests of 4000 zombies spawned reduced the server FPS to 4. After performance optimizations this increased up to 21. We’re now confident we can have the server FPS back up to 30+ with maximum numbers of zombies in the near future.Expanding health systemHealth is extending far beyond just blood, into a system that incorporates health, blood, and consciousness level. How these are all interrelating will be touched on in its own devblog in future. Some of the exciting developments coming include longterm play effects such as poor diet affecting your long term health levels. All this translates into the importance of a longterm plan for survival of your character, and we’re sure the role of medical specialists will become very important - hopefully emphasizing social interaction opportunities.Chernarus ExpansionThis continues at a huge pace. The two new villages in expand Cherno and provide it a true city feeling. Also expanding is the top (north) map area and the continued development of our large-scale features being added to the map. More to follow on this! (we can’t wait to show some more of this!)Loot spawningFinding loot now involves scavenging inside of vehicles, looking for items stuck between furniture, prying open car boots, or strewn in the wasteland itself. Consuming your bounty now results in rubbish, such as empty cans after consuming your beans. This is no mere gimick, because your trash can be used to track you.ConclusionThere is a great deal more that can be covered, but we’re really deeply in the thick of development at the moment and we just wanted to get something quick and dirty to all those waiting for standalone. We know that you want it released, and we know you want to know when this will be - but we’re 100% committed to making this a great game, and that means we are making sure to do things properly. We’re happy and confident about the progress, so it’s one foot after another and soon we’ll be at the finish line.Second Gameplay video here:http://cdn.memegener...00/38800411.jpg Game Dev climbed to everest on April 2013!! Gratz Mr. Hall! Highest Devblog update in the worldhttp://media.tumblr....IyV41qz4rgp.jpgDevblog from Everest base camp!I’ll start with a huge thank you to the DayZ development team who have continued development at a breakneck pace despite me being off living a lifelong dream to climb Mt Everest. Although the timing is poor for my sabatical, it is not something planned on a whim and involves non-refundable costs of up to $100k.So here I am, at Everest Base Camp, 5400 meters, writing what I am sure is the highest ever devblog from the ground! This is largely able to occur because of Matt Lightfoot, the youngish looking chap who is our tireless Production Assistant. Both him and others have continued to send me progress updates and approvals, which I am accessing via a satellite connection.Anyway, the important bit is the game. Ivan is now working a great deal directly on the project, and has been picking up the slack for some of the areas I needed to address which has been a huge help. Those from the community who wanted to get involved in writing are keen to get started, but the response is so massive that we are looking to put a structure in place to ensure community written books pass through some kind of editorial process. This community content, together with copyright expired books, will form the basis of hundreds or thousands of books that can be found and read in the world. There are no set timeframes for this, so please be patient.Programmer RoundupOndrej, our lead programmer, continues his work on moving DayZ into a server-client architecture, turing the entire architecture of DayZ into an MMO. Jirka is working on updating some of our steamworks integration, and fixing bugs associated with the massive inventory changes we implemented over the past month.Radio ImplementationBebul is working on our Radio implementation, allowing players to communicate using a basic radio, similar (but more simple) to the popular ACARS radio mod for ArmA2. Players pick up radios, and they can set a frequency and talk/receive text/voice from other players. The microphone or speaker can be turned on or off to allow players to use radios as a listening device. If the player has not crafted a headset onto the radio, then the output is public (either voice or text). The results are fantastic, and Bebul is now ensuring this all works properly in the all special cases during Multiplayer play.AnimatorsOur team is working their way through the animation backlog, involving new zombie animations for the new skeleton, test melee moves for our new melee system, new animations for the new animals (such as the deer), and then onto player animations for the new skeleton, custom designed to feel more like a civilian rather than the trained soldier of ArmA2.Internal ArtistsMostly they are working on creating the interior data required for the AI zombies to pathfind correctly inside buildings. New road decals have been created by Mario for the roads so it looks like they have a damaged look to them, to give the world more of a feel like “the Road”. One of our big special new buildings is in game, and we will surprise you with some new screenshots of this in the next devblog!External ArtistsOur team of artists recruited from the community have been hard at work. The new male character mesh is being prepared, in line with the new skeleton, as well as a new template for clothing skinning. The new M4A1 has been committed with proxies that allow our new attachment system to be utilized along with the crafting system. Also being worked on are a Gas Mask, Pilot Helmet, Mauser Rifle, pen/paper, mess tin, can opener - a huge amount of items are being developed while we wait for the programming tasks to be completed heading towards our first public release.The excitement from the team is tremendous with all these fantastic new items, allowing huge crafting possibilities.Map DesignSeven towns have been remade by SenChi, overseen by Ivan, to alter the look and feel better. Bugs are continually being fixed and we have purchased new satellite data to improve the detail of the base map (looks much better in the distance with this new data).ConclusionI realize some people are upset at my departure from the project for two months to climb Mt Everest, but hopefully from this you can see the large team Bohemia have assembled behind the development that are continuing to innovate and develop DayZ Standalone in the direction of the game we all want. This is going to take as long as it needs to, we want to release our initial alpha under the architecture it needs to avoid hacking and security issues - this is the only remaining task stopping us from releasing the alpha. But while this task is being completed, we can continue with other activities.The next devblog will feature some screenshots to demonstrate the progress, captured by Matt, but my satellite connection and tiny laptop cant cope with downloading the current build.So, this is the devblog I write from Everest Base Camp, at 5400 meters! Tomorrow I am off to the Khumbu Icefall for training in fixed lines and ladders, big thanks to the community for their continued patience, and everyone at Bohemia who is pushing hard towards our DayZ standalone initial release!1 Month ago on May 2013. More Devblog in Video Format! This is the first of our two part video blog, one from from PAX and the other from GDC. This was lovingly crafted by Bikeman (http://www.youtube.com/BikestMan), who was our camera man for the week.Later on the same month. Trip to Real Life Chernarus with several members of DayZ Team!http://24.media.tumb...90z0o1_1280.pnghttp://24.media.tumb...90z0o2_1280.pngGo and Check the full album at: http://goo.gl/Rgi3XVideo from the trip. Edited June 18, 2013 by Aporis 6 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aporis 422 Posted June 16, 2013 (edited) E3 and the amount of Videos is overwhelming OPEN AT YOUR OWN RISK!! Screenshots from E3 Build of DayZ Standalone, Looking good. Edited June 18, 2013 by Aporis 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aporis 422 Posted June 16, 2013 (edited) OH LOARD MORE VIDEOS! (NEW CONTENT) Lol this face :-DDD Now E3 interview by Gamebreaker.tv with Dean "Rocket" Hall Join Gary Gannon for an exclusive tour of the DayZ Standalone with the game’s creator, Dean “Rocket” Hall.That’s right! Gary’s at E3 and he managed to snag some one on one time with everyone’s favorite zombie mod creator Dean “Rocket” Hall. Dean is at E3 with the Bohemia interactive team showing the progress being made on the DayZ Standalone and he kindly agreed to not only give Gary a demo of the game but answer questions about it as well.It should be noted at this time that the game is very obviously in development build — on an entirely new skeleton from what many of you may have seen before. In fact, the team had just recently announced their intention to open it for more public alpha testing. Another important thing of note is that what Dean is showing Gary is not in multiplayer. Now.. With that little bit of housekeeping out of the way. Let’s take a look at the demo. The information in this post my be a tiny bit random as things were addressed as Dean came across them in the demo, but it’s really a lot of good information on what’s going on with the game now and the direction the team is going in with development. As a result of all this, I’m also going to just put highlights rather than try to document everything. Watch the video guys!So.. First up, Dean talked quite a bit about items and crafting, covering everything from how item slots on clothing work (You may not have any slots on a t-shirt and six or more on a pair of jeans, just like in real life.) to the Minecraft-esque crafting system allowing you to put small maps together into one big map or purify water.Other things of note for items and crafting:1000s of items to pick upFull length copyright free books will be added to the gameLoot spawn will be controlled – in some cases there may be only one of a certain item in the whole world.Economy will be dependent upon players making things.Environment will have Minecraft style interaction and gathering.Dean spent a lot of time discussing crafting and items, but he also discussed things like the general environment, zombie interaction and how injuries are displayed. At present 95% of all buildings in the world are enterable and the team has created some interesting buildings for people to use in whatever way they see fit.Zombies now jump. (Oh god… Why?)Injuries are visible and audible. Hear bones break and watch yourself limp away. An interesting side note is that the team is looking for ways to make these things obvious to the visually and hearing impaired.Dean also took the game into camera mode to show off the size of the world and the work that’s been done so far. It big! So that buying in alpha thing…You might have noticed that the pricing plans for the DayZ stand alone were announced a while back. Dean had a few things to say for those of you who may not be comfortable buying the game looking at it right now. If you’re not comfortable…. Wait. The team doesn’t want to disappoint and encourages everyone to wait until they feel comfortable with buying.Rocket and Bikeman interview on 5th of June 2013 All Suggestions With Confirmations from Rocket! This was wayyy tooo big to put it here. Just Hit Ctrl + F and type ">" and a searchword of the suggestion you want to see. THX for joe_mcentire for this :)http://www.reddit.co...from_rocket_co/NEW VIDEO! Showing New Locations, Animations and More! HERE IS ALL THE Features, that include: Confirmed, un-confirmed and being discussed SO FAR you've gotta check this out! ENVIRONMENTAll buildings enterable (confirmed)Develop the northern portion of the map (confirmed)Balance the “attractions” across the map (confirmed based on Rocket’s statements)Sewer system under a few a few of the major Towns (discussed by Rocket, nothing concrete)Additional ways to store items (Inventory system)Edible berries and mushrooms of which some are poisonous (discussed, possibly confirmed)Extreme weather and conditions (M.L has discussed the weather system being ported from TOH)New buildings (police stations, malls, amusements parks, hardware stores, mechanics garages, military surplus stores, clothing stores, prison, small med clinics for small towns, etc)(Rocket has spoke on some of these, prison confirmed)Functional windows (can’t be done until a new map, would have to redo all textures)Grass at farther distances away….essentially better character concealment from far away players.(Rocket has mentioned looking into it, nothing concrete)More animals (Deers, rats confirmed)Customizable houses. ie barricade windows with planks (Rocket has mentioned this, not confirmed)More islands (Utes has been added)Some form of painting/marking the world (Rocket is worried about vulgar markings)Seasons (Matt Lightfoot has stated that to be done properly, season will need a new map) TEAMWORKBetter group mechanics (some form of teaming up) (Being discussed, nothing notable yet)Wearing common clothing will help spot teammates better(Rocket has mentioned “clan tatoos” and other forms of identification) VEHICLES/MECHANICSHorses (Rocket loves the idea, but very hard to animate)Cannibalization of parts (confirmed)Helicopters MUCH harder to fly/maintain(Rocket has mentioned taking the mechanics from TOH essentialy making it much more difficult to fly) WEAPONS/MECHANICSChainsaws (Rocket has damn near confirmed, not working on it yet though)Quivers (confirmed)Punching (confirmed)Pushing (been discussed, not quite a confirmation)Bows (discussed, wants it, but has massive technical challenges)High grade weapons much more rare (pretty sure confirmed by Rocket)Various weapon conditions (confirmed)Hunting knife as weapon (confirmed)Tasers (confirmed I think)Non-lethal ways of-incapacitating players (confirmed)Cleaning kits (confirmed)More diverse civilian guns (confirmed)Clip/Mag combining (confirmed) WEAPON ATTACHMENTS(most of these items are loosely confirmed, this is pretty much his list that they’re working on)BayonetteFlashlightLaser pointer/IR PointerStock Cartidge/Magazine HolderUnderslung Grenade LauncherBeanbag Underslung – Non lethalTactical forearms (For multiple attachments)ForegripsScopes (4x,8x,12x, Acog, SUSAT, Red Dot etc.)SilencersMuzzle/Flash SurpressorsSupport mounts/Bipods etc.Straps/Holsters/SlingsAmmunition typesDifferent mag typesSome form of cammoing your weaponTape as make-shift adhesive for itemsCleaning kitsLonger/Shorter barrelsNVG scopes ZOMBIES/MECHANICSSurvivors will NEVER become zeds, this is an anti-idea (confirmed by Rocket)Massive hordes of zombies wandering aimlessly(Rocket has mentioned working towards this, no confirmation however)Better animations (confirmed) FOOD/MECHANICSMore emphasis on the hunting aspect rather than the looting of a market(Rocket has stated that he is personally doing this portion, the hunting stuff at least)Water better for your health/character than sodas (which comes with the risks of disease)(totally new health system which tracks what you eat/drink confirmed) HUD/GRAPHICSWhen knocked unconscious, your screen goes black w/ muffled sounds(Rocket has mentioned looking into this and that it’s added to his “list”)NO side chat unless you have a radio and you’re on a freq people are talking(Rocket said this is changing based on the new radio features)Add noise to the opening of a backpack (Stated that he likes it, not confirmed though)HUD Colorblind mode (Rocket has stated that it is on the table and will be implemented)Make the weapon lowered by default (Confirmed @ PAX, still a WIP though)Better inventory system (confirmed)No 1st person (not OP’s suggestion!)’ (Rocket has confirmed that both POV’s will stay)No 3rd person (Rocket has confirmed that both POV’s will stay)Add a use key, “E” opens a door….no more scrolling system(Rocket has stated that they haven’t decided on this function yet, leaving it open) NIGHTTIMEHeadlamps, can actually be attached to points in the world (confirmed)Generators for nighttime lighting that must be powered by flatbed gasoline trucks (towed flatbeds?) (Discussed by Rocket) ITEMSShortwave radio system with multiple channels (confirmed)Varied maps (from military high grade maps to civilian tourist maps)(Rocket has stated that they aim to do something with maps no one has seen before, so he’s leaving it hush hush for now)Varied watches/compasses (high grade military combine both in one) (digital & analog variants…..watches need AM & PM) (confirmed, Rocket has mentioned creating many variants)Pens/Pencils (confirmed)Portable Cookers (confirmed I think)Can Openers (confirmed)In-game mini games (Rocket has discussed this and would like to do something, not confirmed)Diary system (confirmed)Spray paint (Rocket is worried about how long it takes until players do vulgar things)Batteries (confirmed)Various NVG’s; from simple civilian to amazing military(NVG’s at least confirmed, not sure on variants) SURVIVORS/MECHANICSA survivor “background”…..not every person on the planet knows how to change an engine or fly a heli (has thought about it, nothing concrete here)Strip dead survivors of their clothing(pretty sure this is confirmed, he’s mentioned getting diseases from it)Fishing (Rocket has discussed, nothing confirmed)Male beards (that grow with in-game time) (Possibly confirmed)Persistent injuries and scarring (Mentioned, nothing confirmed)Vaulting while running (confirmed and on the a vidblog)Key binding options on the #’s. So I could assign #1 as bandaging and #2 as eating….and so on (confirmed @ PAX)Games to play during downtime (Discussed, nothing confirmed)Communications channel – Shout (has acknowledged, not confirmed)Communications channel – Whisper (has acknowledged, not confirmed)Cannibalism (Rocket said it will probably be in there, eventually)Trading System (being looked atPlayer tracking(“confirmed”….players leave can, some sort of “finger print system” in the future)Dog companions (confirmed)Autorun (for the love of everything please confirm this Rocket)See breathing when cold out (confirmed, not in initially release though) SURVIVOR CLOTHING/MECHANICSVarious masks to hide your face (confirmed)Various speeds based on shoe type (no shoes you’ll run slower)(Rocket has stated that shoes will have a major role, so well see)Clothing that protects from environment (think weather/disease) and player items (think flash bang/gas grenade) (confirmed to an extent)If shaded visor/glasses are worn, you actual screen is tinted and protects from inclements/player items (has discussed, haven’t quite seen a confirmation)Gasmasks (confirmed)Crafting (confirmed)Ballistic vests and helmets (confirmed)Hats types (boonie hats, regular ball cap, top hat, cowboy hat, beanie/skull caps, Russian hats w/ ear covers, fedora, etc) (some confirmed)Leg types (jeans, leather pants, khakis, shorts, cargo pants, camouflaged pants, motorcycle pants, etc) (some confirmed)Torso types (rain gear, camouflaged, t-shirt, long sleeve button up, polo, hoodies, cold weather pants, etc) (some confirmed) ANIMATIONSVomiting (possibly confirmed, Rocket has discussed)Pooping (confirmed)Waving (confirmed in vidblog) BALANCINGRemove spawn locations(Rocket has stated that keeping coastal spawn is ideal to give a reputation to northern areas)Increased sound range for guns(Rocket has stated that sounds are “easy to do” but will be hit up after initial release, getting big stuff out of way)Less ammo (Rocket has discussed)Vehicles more common, but gas hard to come by (Rocket “I like it”) ENDGAMEGenerators (large and small) for night time lighting(Rocket has discussed and looked into it; this article was/is his inspiration)Radio towers allowing people to broadcast messages to other towers (Radios confirmed)Base construction (above & below ground)(Below ground confirmed for future, above ground discussed only as boarding windows and such)Portions of the map that crossover onto other maps/servers (different “worlds”)(Rocket has stated that would be desirable in the future) MEDICAL/MEDICAL MECHANICSSplints (confirmed)Defibrillator (confirmed @ PAX)Improved health system (confirmed by Rocket)SKIP TO page 3 for more videos! i couldnt add anymore media files to these threads :( Edited July 3, 2013 by Aporis 11 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
joe_mcentire 2074 Posted June 16, 2013 THIS IS GOING TO BE A MONSTER....KUDOS Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dancing.Russian.Man 1631 Posted June 16, 2013 I would understand getting videos, tweets, interview links and whatnot -- all in one thread, but why the devblogs?They have their own, easy-to-find page as it is. It's way harder to find a single thread on a forum than a separate site. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aporis 422 Posted June 16, 2013 ^agreed but this is how i decided to make it, and this is how its going to stay unless an army of people decide otherwise. :PBTW it took me 6 hours to compile everything.Still All credit goes to Dean Hall, Ivan Buchta, Matt Lightfoot and everyone in Dev Team and Forum Team. Thanks. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fraggle (DayZ) 15720 Posted June 16, 2013 Well done fella. That's the kind of thing I would be doing if I wasn't so lazy, well done for getting everything in one place, especially the E3 stuff.Beans for you! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 139 Posted June 16, 2013 Thanks, I hadn't seen the one that showed the huge freight ship :D inb4 people make their base there and huge clan wars! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SoulHunter (DayZ) 233 Posted June 16, 2013 Its a very well made stuff but today's and some other interviews are missing :P Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OrLoK 16190 Posted June 16, 2013 Its a very well made stuff but today's and some other interviews are missing :PHello thereIf you know any that are missed why not point OP in the right direction?RdgsLoK Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
methr1k2dop3 323 Posted June 16, 2013 (edited) Fantastici won't have to take a google adventure every time i want to check out SA stuffs. :beans: :thumbsup: Edited June 16, 2013 by methr1k2dop3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aporis 422 Posted June 17, 2013 Thank you, i will add the latest stuff and please give me possible links so i can add them, and i will make this more compact by adding all the devblog posts itself to spoilers, so if you want to read them you can always click open and close when done. And will add specific dates to them. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SoulHunter (DayZ) 233 Posted June 17, 2013 (edited) If you know any that are missed why not point OP in the right direction?Heyyo,If you mean giving links by "pointing OP in the right direction" its not really anything special. Searching "Dayz StandAlone" on youtube by putting the filters "for last week" would do well enough.And seems like he has put the vid I was talking about anyway =) Other than that, as I already said before this is a very well made job which I also think should be pinned like other great stuffs =)ThanksBest Regards Edited June 17, 2013 by SoulHunter Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dajeroen 11 Posted June 17, 2013 You got my beans! Make sure to keep this updated :)! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aporis 422 Posted June 17, 2013 thanks you so much guys from the positive feedback! Going to add some more Screenshots and some vids if i find any :DAnd also one special, that now is still a mystery. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OrLoK 16190 Posted June 17, 2013 If you mean giving links by "pointing OP in the right direction" Hello thereSorry, I do tend to use local terms, I meant either offer links or explain which ones might be missing :)Stiil, as you said OP's found the missing one. :)All good.RgdsLoK Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
joe_mcentire 2074 Posted June 17, 2013 (edited) i find it hard to believe how this thread should stay in the top, if not pinned or constantly bumped... forum mod team?edit: maybe the newbies would talk about infos here... Edited June 17, 2013 by joe_mcentire Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aporis 422 Posted June 17, 2013 agreed, thats one of the reasons why i put it here, so people could talk of About the info's they are reading and watching here. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aporis 422 Posted June 17, 2013 What do you guys think as we got noted on E3 videos that on Standalone Military stage loot will be much, much more rare. Is this a good thing or a bad thing? Do you like People running around with Hunting Rifles and shotguns rather than Ak's and DMRs? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
joe_mcentire 2074 Posted June 18, 2013 (edited) I lately refer to the term (in)consistency. I personally came to an opinion that the game somehow lacks consistency: may it be zed-behavior, or the fact that we have so many rusted-down vehicles - remember the pic of the crashed airplane? - which imply that the outbreak started ages ago, still there are plenty of "fresh" zeds (although they should decease within a "relatively short" timespan i would have guessed --> again: inconsistency of zed's and the "Infection" in general imho).so loot also depends on a consistent world. if the outbreak were ages ago, we should be forced to hunt and tend to cannibalism ("The Road"). If it were just days ago we could find plenty of loot... Edited June 18, 2013 by joe_mcentire Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aporis 422 Posted June 18, 2013 (edited) I lately refer to the term (in)consistency. I personally came to an opinion that the game somehow lacks consistency: may it be zed-behavior, or the fact that we have so many rusted-down vehicles - remember the pic of the crashed airplane? - which imply that the outbreak started ages ago, still there are plenty of "fresh" zeds (although they should decease within a "relatively short" timespan i would have guessed --> again: inconsistency of zed's and the "Infection" in general imho).so loot also depends on a consistent world. if the outbreak were ages ago, we should be forced to hunt and tend to cannibalism ("The Road"). If it were just days ago we could find plenty of loot...This is actually pretty hard question, as the zombies have most likely already consumed most of the food how are they suppose to keep themselves alive, i dunno, but nobody knows how fast zombie dies to hunger, maybe in weeks maybe even in years like The Walking Dead. Old russian Car's tend to rust pretty fast, some of them must have burnt at the riots, and the rest of them due ocean athmosphere, rain water and possibly some moss or other plants do pretty good job in taking back whats nature's. And to the plane, it must have burst to flames at the crash ->paint burns and hull metals weaken -> no longer rust proof -> rain comes -> begins to rust.So the zombies remain as a mystery but rusty Vehicles are pretty well solved already.Maybe we find some clues about the infected ingame, who knows?... Edited June 18, 2013 by Aporis Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aporis 422 Posted June 18, 2013 (edited) HERE IS ALL THE STUFF THATS CONFIRMED SO FAR you've gotta check this out! ENVIRONMENTAll buildings enterable (confirmed)Develop the northern portion of the map (confirmed)Balance the “attractions” across the map (confirmed based on Rocket’s statements)Sewer system under a few a few of the major Towns (discussed by Rocket, nothing concrete)Additional ways to store items (Inventory system)Edible berries and mushrooms of which some are poisonous (discussed, possibly confirmed)Extreme weather and conditions (M.L has discussed the weather system being ported from TOH)New buildings (police stations, malls, amusements parks, hardware stores, mechanics garages, military surplus stores, clothing stores, prison, small med clinics for small towns, etc)(Rocket has spoke on some of these, prison confirmed)Functional windows (can’t be done until a new map, would have to redo all textures)Grass at farther distances away….essentially better character concealment from far away players.(Rocket has mentioned looking into it, nothing concrete)More animals (Deers, rats confirmed)Customizable houses. ie barricade windows with planks (Rocket has mentioned this, not confirmed)More islands (Utes has been added)Some form of painting/marking the world (Rocket is worried about vulgar markings)Seasons (Matt Lightfoot has stated that to be done properly, season will need a new map) TEAMWORKBetter group mechanics (some form of teaming up) (Being discussed, nothing notable yet)Wearing common clothing will help spot teammates better(Rocket has mentioned “clan tatoos” and other forms of identification) VEHICLES/MECHANICSHorses (Rocket loves the idea, but very hard to animate)Cannibalization of parts (confirmed)Helicopters MUCH harder to fly/maintain(Rocket has mentioned taking the mechanics from TOH essentialy making it much more difficult to fly) WEAPONS/MECHANICSChainsaws (Rocket has damn near confirmed, not working on it yet though)Quivers (confirmed)Punching (confirmed)Pushing (been discussed, not quite a confirmation)Bows (discussed, wants it, but has massive technical challenges)High grade weapons much more rare (pretty sure confirmed by Rocket)Various weapon conditions (confirmed)Hunting knife as weapon (confirmed)Tasers (confirmed I think)Non-lethal ways of-incapacitating players (confirmed)Cleaning kits (confirmed)More diverse civilian guns (confirmed)Clip/Mag combining (confirmed) WEAPON ATTACHMENTS(most of these items are loosely confirmed, this is pretty much his list that they’re working on)BayonetteFlashlightLaser pointer/IR PointerStock Cartidge/Magazine HolderUnderslung Grenade LauncherBeanbag Underslung – Non lethalTactical forearms (For multiple attachments)ForegripsScopes (4x,8x,12x, Acog, SUSAT, Red Dot etc.)SilencersMuzzle/Flash SurpressorsSupport mounts/Bipods etc.Straps/Holsters/SlingsAmmunition typesDifferent mag typesSome form of cammoing your weaponTape as make-shift adhesive for itemsCleaning kitsLonger/Shorter barrelsNVG scopes ZOMBIES/MECHANICSSurvivors will NEVER become zeds, this is an anti-idea (confirmed by Rocket)Massive hordes of zombies wandering aimlessly(Rocket has mentioned working towards this, no confirmation however)Better animations (confirmed) FOOD/MECHANICSMore emphasis on the hunting aspect rather than the looting of a market(Rocket has stated that he is personally doing this portion, the hunting stuff at least)Water better for your health/character than sodas (which comes with the risks of disease)(totally new health system which tracks what you eat/drink confirmed) HUD/GRAPHICSWhen knocked unconscious, your screen goes black w/ muffled sounds(Rocket has mentioned looking into this and that it’s added to his “list”)NO side chat unless you have a radio and you’re on a freq people are talking(Rocket said this is changing based on the new radio features)Add noise to the opening of a backpack (Stated that he likes it, not confirmed though)HUD Colorblind mode (Rocket has stated that it is on the table and will be implemented)Make the weapon lowered by default (Confirmed @ PAX, still a WIP though)Better inventory system (confirmed)No 1st person (not OP’s suggestion!)’ (Rocket has confirmed that both POV’s will stay)No 3rd person (Rocket has confirmed that both POV’s will stay)Add a use key, “E” opens a door….no more scrolling system(Rocket has stated that they haven’t decided on this function yet, leaving it open) NIGHTTIMEHeadlamps, can actually be attached to points in the world (confirmed)Generators for nighttime lighting that must be powered by flatbed gasoline trucks (towed flatbeds?) (Discussed by Rocket) ITEMSShortwave radio system with multiple channels (confirmed)Varied maps (from military high grade maps to civilian tourist maps)(Rocket has stated that they aim to do something with maps no one has seen before, so he’s leaving it hush hush for now)Varied watches/compasses (high grade military combine both in one) (digital & analog variants…..watches need AM & PM) (confirmed, Rocket has mentioned creating many variants)Pens/Pencils (confirmed)Portable Cookers (confirmed I think)Can Openers (confirmed)In-game mini games (Rocket has discussed this and would like to do something, not confirmed)Diary system (confirmed)Spray paint (Rocket is worried about how long it takes until players do vulgar things)Batteries (confirmed)Various NVG’s; from simple civilian to amazing military(NVG’s at least confirmed, not sure on variants) SURVIVORS/MECHANICSA survivor “background”…..not every person on the planet knows how to change an engine or fly a heli (has thought about it, nothing concrete here)Strip dead survivors of their clothing(pretty sure this is confirmed, he’s mentioned getting diseases from it)Fishing (Rocket has discussed, nothing confirmed)Male beards (that grow with in-game time) (Possibly confirmed)Persistent injuries and scarring (Mentioned, nothing confirmed)Vaulting while running (confirmed and on the a vidblog)Key binding options on the #’s. So I could assign #1 as bandaging and #2 as eating….and so on (confirmed @ PAX)Games to play during downtime (Discussed, nothing confirmed)Communications channel – Shout (has acknowledged, not confirmed)Communications channel – Whisper (has acknowledged, not confirmed)Cannibalism (Rocket said it will probably be in there, eventually)Trading System (being looked atPlayer tracking(“confirmed”….players leave can, some sort of “finger print system” in the future)Dog companions (confirmed)Autorun (for the love of everything please confirm this Rocket)See breathing when cold out (confirmed, not in initially release though) SURVIVOR CLOTHING/MECHANICSVarious masks to hide your face (confirmed)Various speeds based on shoe type (no shoes you’ll run slower)(Rocket has stated that shoes will have a major role, so well see)Clothing that protects from environment (think weather/disease) and player items (think flash bang/gas grenade) (confirmed to an extent)If shaded visor/glasses are worn, you actual screen is tinted and protects from inclements/player items (has discussed, haven’t quite seen a confirmation)Gasmasks (confirmed)Crafting (confirmed)Ballistic vests and helmets (confirmed)Hats types (boonie hats, regular ball cap, top hat, cowboy hat, beanie/skull caps, Russian hats w/ ear covers, fedora, etc) (some confirmed)Leg types (jeans, leather pants, khakis, shorts, cargo pants, camouflaged pants, motorcycle pants, etc) (some confirmed)Torso types (rain gear, camouflaged, t-shirt, long sleeve button up, polo, hoodies, cold weather pants, etc) (some confirmed) ANIMATIONSVomiting (possibly confirmed, Rocket has discussed)Pooping (confirmed)Waving (confirmed in vidblog) BALANCINGRemove spawn locations(Rocket has stated that keeping coastal spawn is ideal to give a reputation to northern areas)Increased sound range for guns(Rocket has stated that sounds are “easy to do” but will be hit up after initial release, getting big stuff out of way)Less ammo (Rocket has discussed)Vehicles more common, but gas hard to come by (Rocket “I like it”) ENDGAMEGenerators (large and small) for night time lighting(Rocket has discussed and looked into it; this article was/is his inspiration)Radio towers allowing people to broadcast messages to other towers (Radios confirmed)Base construction (above & below ground)(Below ground confirmed for future, above ground discussed only as boarding windows and such)Portions of the map that crossover onto other maps/servers (different “worlds”)(Rocket has stated that would be desirable in the future) MEDICAL/MEDICAL MECHANICSSplints (confirmed)Defibrillator (confirmed @ PAX)Improved health system (confirmed by Rocket)Check this out guys added all confirmations of the features so far! Edited June 18, 2013 by Aporis 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites