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[RS] Revolutionary Sharpshooters - Recruiting - [TS3]

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TS name: Medic

Why we should recruit you. I'm usually a medic, I can fly and scavenge pretty well too

Age. 18

Location US

Expericence playing DayZ. 10 Months

Give an Honest rating of your self. 1 - 10* 8.5

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TS name: Medic

Why we should recruit you. I'm usually a medic, I can fly and scavenge pretty well too

Age. 18

Location US

Expericence playing DayZ. 10 Months

Give an Honest rating of your self. 1 - 10* 8.5

Feel free to join our TS to complete recruitment

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Looking for people that are going to be active and willing to play and be a good person in the community once you apply please join the TeamSpeak 3 Server at: Revolutionary.ts3dns.com

If you need assistance just ask were willing to help. Feel free to PM me.

-RS Mod

Edited by ltbess

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  • TeamSpeak Name. Komando

  • Steam Name.(Optional)Domsdayz

Why we should recruit you. (Anything your specifically good at etc...)I have played DayZ almost since the beginning. It is just not the same anymore without a group of people to play with. Origins is one of my favorite mods, and I am new to the 1.7 patch. I am skilled with most weapons, especially medium to long ranged weapons. I can fly a heli and a plane(cannot land though) I am quick to react and is more of the silent type. I share if not give my whole inventory to fellow mates. I respect superiors and fellow members.  


Location [Example: US, UK]US PST

Experience playing DayZ. July of of 2012 so basically one year.

Give an Honest rating of your self. 1 - 10) 8

Edited by D3LTA 3CHO3

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TeamSpeak: (No current teamspeak account, willing to create one) + I think new sign ups have to wait until the website has unblocked it.
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/sRxDarkside/
Age: 17 (18 this year)
Location: UK
Experience: I have some experience, but I always work well in a team. And a fast-paced learner. And a good Zombie Killer. I have good listening skill of which is vital in a group like this. I am familiar with DayZ, not a beginner, but not a master.
Why you should Recruit me: I'm not loud, and not annoying. I talk when I need to and also get the job done when I need to. I can pretty much be online all the time, and I am also experienced with DayZ.
Rating: 3 (Practice makes perfect, but once I get upto speed ill be more than adequate).

Thanks  :thumbsup:

Edited by iLeeum

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  • TeamSpeak Name: Phrosst
  • Steam Name.(Optional) =KG= Phrosst
  • Why we should recruit you. (Anything your specifically good at etc...): I am a team player with excellent communication. I love to play as a sniper/recon/overwatch, I am good with a sniper. 
  • Age: 21
  • Location [Example: US, UK]: US PST
  • Expericence playing DayZ: Played for a long time now. I mostly play with other people but my friends dont play this anymore so I am seeking new people to play with.
  • Give an Honest rating of your self. 1 - 10*: I will say 8 because I am good but not perfect. Heres a Little story. Back when my friends played. I was running up the coast, on chernarus, toward berezino to meet up with a friend. I reached Otmel, I think it is, and I saw a boat and by this time my friend was about 500 M away and I asked him if he saw a boat near the island and he said says however we were looking at 2 different boats and not long after that 2-3 guys, dont remember, came out to the boat that I was watching. I had a DMR and sniped all of them, they were roughly 500 M. I hear gun shots near me, someone was shooting at my buddy. I tracked him down to find him sniping with a winchester LOL. Anyway, I kill him with my m1911.  I wanted to tell this story because I thought it would help my chances of getting in. 

*(1 being you just started playing Arma 2, 10 being you are one of the best DayZ players to live)

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  • TeamSpeak Name. Komando
  • Steam Name.(Optional)Domsdayz
  • Why we should recruit you. (Anything your specifically good at etc...)I have played DayZ almost since the beginning. It is just not the same anymore without a group of people to play with. Origins is one of my favorite mods, and I am new to the 1.7 patch. I am skilled with most weapons, especially medium to long ranged weapons. I can fly a heli and a plane(cannot land though) I am quick to react and is more of the silent type. I share if not give my whole inventory to fellow mates. I respect superiors and fellow members.  
  • Age.14
  • Location [Example: US, UK]US PST
  • Experience playing DayZ. July of of 2012 so basically one year.
  • Give an Honest rating of your self. 1 - 10) 8




TeamSpeak: (No current teamspeak account, willing to create one) + I think new sign ups have to wait until the website has unblocked it.

Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/sRxDarkside/

Age: 17 (18 this year)

Location: UK

Experience: I have some experience, but I always work well in a team. And a fast-paced learner. And a good Zombie Killer. I have good listening skill of which is vital in a group like this. I am familiar with DayZ, not a beginner, but not a master.

Why you should Recruit me: I'm not loud, and not annoying. I talk when I need to and also get the job done when I need to. I can pretty much be online all the time, and I am also experienced with DayZ.

Rating: 3 (Practice makes perfect, but once I get upto speed ill be more than adequate).

Thanks  :thumbsup:




  • TeamSpeak Name: Phrosst
  • Steam Name.(Optional) =KG= Phrosst
  • Why we should recruit you. (Anything your specifically good at etc...): I am a team player with excellent communication. I love to play as a sniper/recon/overwatch, I am good with a sniper. 
  • Age: 21
  • Location [Example: US, UK]: US PST
  • Expericence playing DayZ: Played for a long time now. I mostly play with other people but my friends dont play this anymore so I am seeking new people to play with.
  • Give an Honest rating of your self. 1 - 10*: I will say 8 because I am good but not perfect. Heres a Little story. Back when my friends played. I was running up the coast, on chernarus, toward berezino to meet up with a friend. I reached Otmel, I think it is, and I saw a boat and by this time my friend was about 500 M away and I asked him if he saw a boat near the island and he said says however we were looking at 2 different boats and not long after that 2-3 guys, dont remember, came out to the boat that I was watching. I had a DMR and sniped all of them, they were roughly 500 M. I hear gun shots near me, someone was shooting at my buddy. I tracked him down to find him sniping with a winchester LOL. Anyway, I kill him with my m1911.  I wanted to tell this story because I thought it would help my chances of getting in. 

*(1 being you just started playing Arma 2, 10 being you are one of the best DayZ players to live)


Please all join the TS, it was down for a while but it is back up now.

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I tried joining the TS server, but it keeps "Error" or "Failed to Connect". Any ideas?

Should be back up now

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  • TeamSpeak Name: InF3RNo
  • Steam Name: inf3rno_spain
  • Why we should recruit you: I'm good with FPS games, I know this is different, but I'll do the best I can, also, I won't cry when I die and I don't complain about that, it's something normal in games.
  • Age: 24
  • Location: Spain
  • Expericence playing DayZ: I played some months ago for some hours, but I didn't have internet to continue playing, yesterday I got 30Mb optical fiber and I can start playing again
  • Give an Honest rating of your self. 1 - 10*: 2, I don't get clear with the game mechanics yet but I'm a fast learner.

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  • TeamSpeak Name. Bustapunk

  • Steam Name. Bustapunk

Why we should recruit you. eh, i'm a chill guy who enjoys playing dayz and have a few laughs

Age. 16

Location [Example: US, UK] Finland

Expericence playing DayZ. Started last summer, been on couple clans but they died off.

Give an Honest rating of your self. 1 - 10* 7-8

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  • TeamSpeak Name: InF3RNo
  • Steam Name: inf3rno_spain
  • Why we should recruit you: I'm good with FPS games, I know this is different, but I'll do the best I can, also, I won't cry when I die and I don't complain about that, it's something normal in games.
  • Age: 24
  • Location: Spain
  • Expericence playing DayZ: I played some months ago for some hours, but I didn't have internet to continue playing, yesterday I got 30Mb optical fiber and I can start playing again
  • Give an Honest rating of your self. 1 - 10*: 2, I don't get clear with the game mechanics yet but I'm a fast learner.





  • TeamSpeak Name. Bustapunk
  • Steam Name. Bustapunk
  • Why we should recruit you. eh, i'm a chill guy who enjoys playing dayz and have a few laughs
  • Age. 16
  • Location [Example: US, UK] Finland
  • Expericence playing DayZ. Started last summer, been on couple clans but they died off.
  • Give an Honest rating of your self. 1 - 10* 7-8


Please join the TS to complete recruitment 

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I am still interested in the clan, I am trying to complete the recruitment. But when I try to join the TS it says "Failed to connect".

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  • TeamSpeak Name: pcworld

  • Why we should recruit you. (Anything your specifically good at etc...) I'm a friendly guy.love playing dayZ and am a real survivalist.

Age. 16

Location [Example: US, UK] ireland

Expericence playing DayZ. i usually play alone but have been playing with a clan that i just didnt enjoy i play alot of survival and live for few weeks.

Give an Honest rating of your self. 1 - 10* 6


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  • TeamSpeak Name: Turtily

  • Steam Name: turtily

Why we should recruit you: I have played dayz for 2 years now and I'm experienced. 

Age: 18

Location: California, USA

Expericence playing DayZ: Like I said, been playing for 2 years and have alot of experience.

Give an Honest rating of your self: 7

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  • TeamSpeak Name. AlkwardzSeaturtlz

  • Steam Name.(Optional) AlkwardzzSeaturtlzz

Why we should recruit you. (Anything your specifically good at etc...) Sniping, being stealthy, communicated enemy positions, setting up ambushes

Age. 17

Location Us, East Coast

Expericence playing DayZ. 1 year, started in june of last year

Give an Honest rating of your self. 1 - 10* 8

Edited by AlkwardzzSeaturtlzz

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  • TeamSpeak Name: Jangalang
  • Steam Name.(Optional): Jangalang
  • Why we should recruit you: I'm very well versed in DayZ, Arma 2, and Arma 3. I know the maps, how to range targets, and the ins and outs of cities. I'm adaptable ;)
  • Age: 19
  • Location: California, US.
  • Expericence playing DayZ: Since it's release date.
  • Give an Honest rating of your self: 10. I'm very tactical and aggressive

PS: The Teamspeak server is unavailable.

Edited by Jangalang

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All above accepted join the TS

Edited by ltbess

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  • TeamSpeak Name: Jangalang
  • Steam Name.(Optional): Jangalang
  • Why we should recruit you: I'm very well versed in DayZ, Arma 2, and Arma 3. I know the maps, how to range targets, and the ins and outs of cities. I'm adaptable ;)
  • Age: 19
  • Location: California, US.
  • Expericence playing DayZ: Since it's release date.
  • Give an Honest rating of your self: 10. I'm very tactical and aggressive

PS: The Teamspeak server is unavailable.





  • TeamSpeak Name. AlkwardzSeaturtlz
  • Steam Name.(Optional) AlkwardzzSeaturtlzz
  • Why we should recruit you. (Anything your specifically good at etc...) Sniping, being stealthy, communicated enemy positions, setting up ambushes
  • Age. 17
  • Location Us, East Coast
  • Expericence playing DayZ. 1 year, started in june of last year
  • Give an Honest rating of your self. 1 - 10* 8





  • TeamSpeak Name: Turtily
  • Steam Name: turtily
  • Why we should recruit you: I have played dayz for 2 years now and I'm experienced. 
  • Age: 18
  • Location: California, USA
  • Expericence playing DayZ: Like I said, been playing for 2 years and have alot of experience.
  • Give an Honest rating of your self: 7





  • TeamSpeak Name: pcworld
  • Why we should recruit you. (Anything your specifically good at etc...) I'm a friendly guy.love playing dayZ and am a real survivalist.
  • Age. 16
  • Location [Example: US, UK] ireland
  • Expericence playing DayZ. i usually play alone but have been playing with a clan that i just didnt enjoy i play alot of survival and live for few weeks.
  • Give an Honest rating of your self. 1 - 10* 6


Please Join the TS it should be back up!

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  • TeamSpeak Name: TKM

  • Why we should recruit you. (Anything your specifically good at etc...) I'm very good at sniping and communicating. 

Age. 16

Location [Example: US, UK] US

Expericence playing DayZ.I have played DayZ for just about 3 years. Had Arma 2 before DayZ. 

Give an Honest rating of your self. 1 - 10* 8

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TeamSpeak: Keaton

Im good at retrieving, doding zombies. Stealth. I take my time and get stuff done.

Age, 18 


Played Day Z for 1 year but have been playing Arma 2 for about a year as well when it first came out.

rating: 9 

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