Chaingunfighter 917 Posted June 18, 2013 (edited) I still think the game is too easy, the loot still feels too common and the zombies are very easy to outmaneuver. Edited June 18, 2013 by Chaingunfighter Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tajjuk 65 Posted June 18, 2013 On 6/14/2013 at 6:38 PM, NovaDose said: You're playing it wrong. I know this is a game where you "choose your own adventure" but I'm here to tell you that the adventure you are choosing is just going to get you killed over and over and over again. The two things I see being thrown around in the complaint threads are:1) Not enough loot2) Zeds are too dangerous, and I keep getting infectedFirst things first, I'm going to tell you what most of you are undoubtedly doing. You spawn after dying from infection and run to cherno or elektro. There you start searching for a gun right away. Hopefully you run into a player you can kill on sight and loot for some decent starting gear. If you don't get killed on sight first, and manage to loot someone and get a gun you head off to NWAF for PVP and military loot.Here's what I do (fresh spawn) run through cherno or elektro as fast as I can. Get a melee weapon. Focus on finding a knife, axe, matches, water bottle, compass and map. After that I get the fuck away from KOS-city (which ever one that is). From that point on I can play in the low player density areas to upgrade my starting gear. I never use a rifle on a zombie; only a pistol (makarov ammo is everywhere, and a head shot kills) or a melee weapon. I don't run through anywhere expecting to lose the zombies through a building. Everywhere I go in a city I crouch and take it slow, dealing with each zombie as they come instead of letting them chase me. Most importantly, I never get hit by a zombie. I kill them before they get close, or run the fuck away. Because I never get hit, I never get infected; that said I never use antibiotics, therefore I always have at least two boxes on me just incase.Notice the difference? If you are one of those people whose always infected then you obviously aren't playing like I am. I digress; moving on.1) There is plenty of loot. You are just playing in areas that are way too high traffic. Get the fuck out of cherno and stop hunting players. This isn't COD…there are plenty of towns. Just because a spawn is considered "low value" doesn't mean you can't find good shit there. In fact, the contrary…because that village full of low value spawns is likely never looted, the likely-hood of finding something good is much higher than the grocery store that 50 people have ran through in the last area.2) Stop getting hit! Read above. If you are constantly pulling aggro and constantly being chased you are obviously to aggressive and drawing attention to yourself. The run and gun mentality of battlefield is going to do nothing for you but keep getting you killed.My final point: Adapt. When this game first came out, people thought it was far too difficult. About a year later, people where complaining that it was too easy and needed to be harder. Now it's back to being too hard. Stop bitching, get back in the game, and adapt. The methods you are using and have been using no longer work, so change them. I'm a survivor, you should be too. In an apocalypse you couldn't count on their being the medicine you need in the hospital every time you visit it, could you? Basically if the game is too hard for you in it's current state then maybe you should switch back to a traditional FPS or practice more. I'm doing fine, I have no complaints, and most importantly I'm still alive. I played for almost 6 hrs last night on a server with 20 people and I'm still breathing. So what am I doing that you aren't? First of all I'm adhering to the suggestions in this post instead of picking them apart and critiquing them and telling me why I'm wrong like you are about to. Hope this helps!LOL.That's all I did when i read your post.Have legitimate concerns about the game you are apparently doing it wrong? Didn't know there was just one way to play Day Z.Good job at calling everyone who doesn't agree with you sh*t btw as well. :rolleyes:It would help if you actually read what most people were complaining about. Read RN_Max's critique it closely matches my complaints with this patch and many others. Sneaking simply doesn't work because the zombies are bugged to hell, They agrro from anywhere, through anywhere, without reason. Hell they even predict where you are going.and intercept you even if you haven't somehow managed to aggro them, or they will randomly just appear in front of you/behind you again for no real reason.If you think that's acceptable AI behaviour that's your opinion. I think it's poor game design, I'm not 'bitchin' as you so poorly put because the game is hard but because the game doesn't work to any logic any more..I'm not going to apologise for wanting some logic and plausibility in the games I play, having terrible AI like this patch has brought just makes the game less immersive IMO. As for the infection and the knockdowns well, enough has been said on them and they are looking at tweaking this area but again not sure how this has added anything to the game, it's just made the game very annoying, if that what everyone is wanting then we have achieved it. Annoyance, boring repetitive annoyance. You 'helpful' (LOL) suggestions in summary is to avoid all zombies and pretty much everything else. So erm do nothing. Great Advice there. 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ken Bean 175 Posted June 18, 2013 (edited) On 6/18/2013 at 5:26 AM, methr1k2dop3 said: Difficult zombies and no loot is great. I like the challenge.but see here is the thing..Zombies port around you, hit through walls, hit you from 5-7 ft away, have irregular run patterns, 20 of them will spawn when you walk into a building and follow you in.THE ONLY THING that a makes these zombies "difficult" is that they are buggy as hell. <-- and thats why im gonna roll back to 1.7.6If zombies were more fluent and put together then sure bring it on.I know Arma is what's holding back more fluent zombies so maybe this isn't for the mod.Here is my story, names have been changed to protect the identities of the victims.Spawned in kamenka.dead bambie in the road.Crawl all the way to the road avoiding zed aggroGet there.Right when i go to loot, a special zombies ports right behind me hits me and gives me infection.he begins to run around me while i'm trying to shoot him.Miss every shot, not because i'm a bad shot but because damn zombie is running around like a maniacAggro more zombies.6 zeds on me i double tap W and try to lose them.Running through the forest and running around buildings they followed me ALL the way to Balota, or maybe i lost them but pulled more along the way im not sure i couldn't lose them to go back into stealth mode, was a zed on me 100% of the time.Finally get into building at airfield and lose them.Hive i'm on has a barracks so i enter ze barracks with one zombie on me and none around.When i get to the back of the building 10 zombies start entering the building..I'm bout that lifekill like 4 of them.Then one hits me through the wall knocking me out.ALT f4 and here we are now.Yeah, Zeds now are fast and persistent. It's possible to lose them though. Easiest way to get rid of them is in buildings. A barn will do the job. The other way is to run into a dense tree line and to crouch as soon as you enter. You also can make sharp turns. I lost aggroed Zeds by using two trees and running from one to the other, switching to crouch mode and back, but you may need to try longer. Those infective monkey Zeds seems to be more difficult to get rid of. I once had two of them chasing me for 10 minutes. Upright Zeds are a bit easier to lose and also have the habit to die falling from time to time, a good slope can be enough. Quite funny actually.I'd suggest you not to switch back but to try survive. I know, its frustrating but after I died maybe 10 times and starting from scratch, I feel like getting the trick. With my current char I now played almost 4 hours and basically have everything I need, which is knife, hatchet, tool box, matches, binoculars, 1 water bottle, a makarov and some ammo, a map, an alice pack, camo clothing ^^ and last but not least, a tent, which I found just in time before I got infected. If you rest at a tent, there's a chance to get rid of the infection, which worked after a dozen trials.Now I was a bit hunting with my trusty hatchet, since I was quite low on blood, and have maybe 10 pieces of meat. So now I'm gona find a nice place to stay and to stock some food. If I have the tent full, I'm going to seek my fortune. in a radius around the tent which allows me to go back and maybe treat an infection. I need some medical supplies anyway, I don't have anything to cure a broken bone.Yes, it is very difficult with those zeds. If they nailed you in a house with only one entry, you are lucky if you have a hatchet. They constantly spawn new and follow the noise if you are shooting. Also don't face them in the open, they are faster than you, just run from one side to the other, leaving low chances to hit them. But it is fun, really feels like a survival game. One needs to think more, rashed playing no longer works, better think twice, better don't take unneccessary riscs, gearing up now is a major part of the game - which is more fun after all. Edited June 18, 2013 by Ken Bean 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
boatie 34 Posted June 18, 2013 (edited) On 6/17/2013 at 11:47 PM, bfisher said: I had come back to the public hives after a long absense. Basically I had an M16, ALICE pack, at least a half dozen mags, NV goggles, rangefinder, a bunch of meat, water bottles, GPS, all the tools and supplies I would ever need.That is, all the tools and supplies except for antibiotics.Long story short, I was repeatedly donkey punched by zombies, got infected and eventually died running through Vybor and Stary Sobor desperately trying to find antibiotics.Ah well.What I did find when I respawned was that there seemed to be a lot more cooperation in Cherno an Electro. I got funneled into a church by a hoarde of zombies along with three other random players (including a bandit). Everyone was in pretty bad shape. Low ammo, infected, bleeding, low supplies. While I was beating back 20 zombies with a crowbar, the bandit died. Some hero showed up with an M4 and finished them off, so I grabbed the bandits revolver and a bunch of us went scrounging for loot.So I think maybe having less loot and really really dangerous zombies that can not only knock the shit out of you but give you a lingering infection might not be a bad thing. It did sort of make it so you couldn't waste ammo on killing other players for no reason. And honestly, I don't mind getting killed by a sniper when it forces three strangers with a hodge podge of ineffectual weapons to try to team to gether to take him out. It's a heck of a lot better than every idiot firing an AS50 from 1000 m away at each other.That said, antibiotics really do need to spawn more frequently. (or at all...I haven't seen any since the patch).The problem with this is that, if instead if a hero showing up, if there is a bandit on the firehouse roof, you are all boned. Right now, if you a douche sniper on a high building in any of the main cities, 1.7.7 is a gift from the gods. Other than a hacker, people cannot take you out from a lower point (because they would aggo super zeds) and no matter how hard the zeds, they can't do anything to the sniper either. Edited June 18, 2013 by boatie Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dagwood 680 Posted June 19, 2013 (edited) Been following this thread for the past few days and I've played 2 hours or so on the new patch. It's definitely harder. No joke about that. But everyone in my usually crowded server throwing in the towel and calling it quits? It's not BROKEN, just painfully harder.I got into this game 6 months ago because I heard it was the hardest shooter I will have ever played. The average life was around 15 minutes, nobody could be trusted and it would actually get my heart pounding.And even with the clunky engine and woefully obvious mod-symptoms I fell in love. Even with the hackers and massmurdering gates and such we all stuck with it. What's different now?We've all been lulled into a false sense of proficiency. After a few months we were able to figure out all the loot spawns, the zombie agro and associated tricks for losing them, and so on and so forth. I'm getting off track here.... My point is that we all need to remember that the all mighty Creator of this "game" called it an anti-game. It is not supposed to be like any other game. It's a high res ram hack with more to lose. And we've all stuck around this long because the sense of accomplishment is like no other shooter I've played to date. This "broken" patch is going to be figured out in time and we'll all be better gamers with some white hairs when we do. Winter is coming Edited June 19, 2013 by Dagwood 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cadian412 31 Posted June 19, 2013 On 6/19/2013 at 2:04 PM, Dagwood said: Been following this thread for the past few days and I've played 2 hours or so on the new patch. It's definitely harder. No joke about that. But everyone in my usually crowded server throwing in the towel and calling it quits? It's not BROKEN, just painfully harder.I got into this game 6 months ago because I heard it was the hardest shooter I will have ever played. The average life was around 15 minutes, nobody could be trusted and it would actually get my heart pounding.And even with the clunky engine and woefully obvious mod-symptoms I fell in love. Even with the hackers and massmurdering gates and such we all stuck with it. What's different now?We've all been lulled into a false sense of proficiency. After a few months we were able to figure out all the loot spawns, the zombie agro and associated tricks for losing them, and so on and so forth.I'm getting off track here.... My point is that we all need to remember that the all mighty Creator of this "game" called it an anti-game. It is not supposed to be like any other game. It's a high res ram hack with more to lose. And we've all stuck around this long because the sense of accomplishment is like no other shooter I've played to date. This "broken" patch is going to be figured out in time and we'll all be better gamers with some white hairs when we do.Winter is comingPeople had some valid complaints though, but there's already a hotfix that fixed a lot of the problems and made it playable again in my opinion. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tajjuk 65 Posted June 19, 2013 ^ Which some people are now complaining about lol Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jubeidok 495 Posted June 19, 2013 I agree with the OP. The lowest common denominators prefer to have their software do the thinking for them, making it near impossible to adapt to change. Problem solving is no longer a fundamental aspect of games, beyond finding exploits that is. Now for some random points regarding peoples responses...I find the aggro argument particularly funny. You used to be able to fart in a Zombie's direction and lose him. Now it actually takes some thinking and persistence.You have guns, use them. Overcome your fear of players and use the guns that you just spent the last hour trying to aquire. Stick and move.If you fire a few shots off on one side of town, by the time you circle around to the other side of town it will be nice and quiet.How long does it take to get to lvl 60 in a game like WoW? Are the forums filled with posts where people whine about not having the time it takes to get to lv 60, so please reduce the amount of time it takes to get to lvl 60? This isn't a quick fix popcap game you play while you have dinner cooking in the oven. It's a grinding, time waster type of game like an MMO. If you don't have the time, it's not the game for you.A lot of you are playing the game for the wrong reasons. The responses to 1.7.7 and the constant modding of the mod in private hives leads me to believe that a lot of you are playing the game in an attempt to be part of the "In" crowd.If you play this game strictly to kill other players, you are playing the worst, most boring, and slowest deathmatch ever made. Why?They can only infect you if they get within arms reach.Maybe they broke through the stucco and drywall?No one ever complains about the bugs that make things easier. I'm on a hay bail, I'm king of the world!Notice how many bad stories start with; We went to Cherno/Elektro and..... You know the expression, don't feed the troll? It means don't keep using the bridge and keep giving it your money. Stop using the bridge and the troll goes away to find another bridge.I don't crawl around and take it slow and I still survive. Might be because I shoot zombies, might not. Probably is.It's still too easy. I'd like to see infection be more like a 10 min countdown. You got 10 minutes to find the cure before it takes hold, no slowing, no blood drain. Save the last bullet for yourself.This whole idea of community game development needs to stop. It will never work. Take an EA sports game for example, you can no longer expect to be playing the same game 3 months after release. Sometimes from week to week even. They release game, get a wave of complainers, make a change to appease the complainers, new wave of complaints, new changes. It's an endless cycle and you never know what game you're going to be playing any more. Developers need to have a vision, stick to and deliver that vision, and then let the players decide if they like it or not. Period.Looks like all the whining worked, as we now have - return of the pathetically feeble zeds. You can now go back to sitting down in the middle of an aggro'd hoard for some tea and crumpets, get up and run off to go heal yourself. No worries. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tek (DayZ) 95 Posted June 19, 2013 On 6/19/2013 at 4:29 PM, JubeiDOK said: I agree with the OP. The lowest common denominators prefer to have their software do the thinking for them, making it near impossible to adapt to change. Problem solving is no longer a fundamental aspect of games, beyond finding exploits that is. Now for some random points regarding peoples responses... You have a problem with your logic.Being that zombies are terribly bugged due to the mod/engine, it is ILLOGICAL to increase the difficulty to a point that makes the game unplayable. When you get hit from extreme distances by zombies, have zombies warp on you (and through buildings), agro for no apparent reason, have such a random path to you as to make tracking difficult, you have a problem that is compounded by increase in difficulty. Part of the difficulty now is dealing with the buggy nature of zombies.My answers in red to your bullet points.I find the aggro argument particularly funny. You used to be able to fart in a Zombie's direction and lose him. Now it actually takes some thinking and persistence. It still requires thinking, planning, and patience in everything you do to avoid zombies AND players.You have guns, use them. Overcome your fear of players and use the guns that you just spent the last hour trying to aquire. Stick and move. And let everyone and their mother know you're near by? Including zombies? I only shoot when required, and I try to keep it down to a minimum.If you fire a few shots off on one side of town, by the time you circle around to the other side of town it will be nice and quiet. Unless you have a silenced weapon, you'll just have a line of zombies following you to the other side of town.How long does it take to get to lvl 60 in a game like WoW? Are the forums filled with posts where people whine about not having the time it takes to get to lv 60, so please reduce the amount of time it takes to get to lvl 60? This isn't a quick fix popcap game you play while you have dinner cooking in the oven. It's a grinding, time waster type of game like an MMO. If you don't have the time, it's not the game for you. WoW is the wrong game to compare this with. WoW dumbed down MMO's to the point of making MMO's damm near irrelevent.A lot of you are playing the game for the wrong reasons. The responses to 1.7.7 and the constant modding of the mod in private hives leads me to believe that a lot of you are playing the game in an attempt to be part of the "In" crowd. Wrong reasons? Really? And you have the right to tell people the reason they are supposed to play? I play this game because I enjoy it. I play for a variety of reasons, the foremost being to have fun.If you play this game strictly to kill other players, you are playing the worst, most boring, and slowest deathmatch ever made. Why? Why? Because I feel like it? Because this game is an open world sandbox game where twitch skills do not reign supreme as they do in COD and BF. In this game it is about your decisions, tactical savvy, ability to out think your opponent, positioning, recognition of advantages and disadvantages, ability to execute your plan to ensure success. I have to use all my senses and instincts in this game to be successful, where in COD/BF I just have to have the best system with best reflexes.They can only infect you if they get within arms reach. And yet, bugged zombies hit you from beyond arms reach.Maybe they broke through the stucco and drywall? For people wanting realism, do you think this is realistic? For them to just bust through this stuff using their arms, legs, and head? I don't see them carrying sledgehammers around.No one ever complains about the bugs that make things easier. I'm on a hay bail, I'm king of the world! I'm all for bug fixes, of any kind. If they found a way to fix the buggy zombies in the mod then I would be ok with increasing the difficulty to a much higher point.Notice how many bad stories start with; We went to Cherno/Elektro and..... You know the expression, don't feed the troll? It means don't keep using the bridge and keep giving it your money. Stop using the bridge and the troll goes away to find another bridge. By the vary nature of Chernarus, Elektro/Cherno are magnets. However, in my opinion, you need player interaction to make the game thrive. Whether that be friendly, neutral, or hostile interactions, just the fact that there is interaction is what helps add depth to the game. However, Chernarus forces that interaction to take place in small area. That's why I like Panthera and Lingor so much. The interaction is spread around the map.I don't crawl around and take it slow and I still survive. Might be because I shoot zombies, might not. Probably is. I don't go slow through towns either. Because I know the threat is going to be other players, rather than zombies, regardless of difficulty. I go as fast as I can through towns, while trying to aggro as little as possible. Even in SA, the greatest threat will still be another player. Why? Because the human mind will always be greater than a programmed AI.It's still too easy. I'd like to see infection be more like a 10 min countdown. You got 10 minutes to find the cure before it takes hold, no slowing, no blood drain. Save the last bullet for yourself.This whole idea of community game development needs to stop. It will never work. Take an EA sports game for example, you can no longer expect to be playing the same game 3 months after release. Sometimes from week to week even. They release game, get a wave of complainers, make a change to appease the complainers, new wave of complaints, new changes. It's an endless cycle and you never know what game you're going to be playing any more. Developers need to have a vision, stick to and deliver that vision, and then let the players decide if they like it or not. Period. I partly agree with this. There have been a lot of games that I enjoyed when they came out, but due to the incessant crying by carebears and crybabies, the games were nerfed into oblivion. SWG and POTBS for example (MMO's) If devs would stick to their vision and designs, things would go better. But it's this attitude of "have to cater to the crybabies so they don't leave" that hurts them more in the long run. However, in this game, since it is a mod, there needs to be some input, at the very least just constructive criticism that the devs can digest.Looks like all the whining worked, as we now have - return of the pathetically feeble zeds. You can now go back to sitting down in the middle of an aggro'd hoard for some tea and crumpets, get up and run off to go heal yourself. No worries. Maybe if the zombies weren't bugged from the outset of the mod, the difficulties could be increased to your liking without worry about zombies magically hitting you from 10m away through walls. 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BearGravy 53 Posted June 19, 2013 It's funny how a long time ago people where saying they want the game to become hard, and if you can't deal with it man up, now it seems a lot of people are complaining because it's too hard. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ken Bean 175 Posted June 20, 2013 On 6/19/2013 at 10:37 PM, Tek said: There have been a lot of games that I enjoyed when they came out, but due to the incessant crying by carebears and crybabies, the games were nerfed into oblivion. SWG and POTBS for example (MMO's) If devs would stick to their vision and designs, things would go better. But it's this attitude of "have to cater to the crybabies so they don't leave" that hurts them more in the long run.What is so difficult to understand that they have a bug in and that they try to find the right balance?Well, go on on "carebears and crybabies won" but reality is that there will be another update anyway.Do you really think, that the mod as it is now, stays so forever?They call it alpha for a reason. There have been plenty of updates. I didn't hear someone saying "It's final now.". Did you? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nL.Jason 8 Posted June 20, 2013 We just gotta get used to it , there have been several major changes to the game we didnt like , but we got used to it , and nobody is complaing now. I understand its stupid and dumb there is like no loot at all at crash sites or barracks at airfields. If they dont redo this we'll get used to it. simple as that.Have a very nice day :thumbsup: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bca quattro 44 Posted June 20, 2013 (edited) On 6/19/2013 at 10:37 PM, Tek said: You have a problem with your logic.Being that zombies are terribly bugged due to the mod/engine, it is ILLOGICAL to increase the difficulty to a point that makes the game unplayable. When you get hit from extreme distances by zombies, have zombies warp on you (and through buildings), agro for no apparent reason, have such a random path to you as to make tracking difficult, you have a problem that is compounded by increase in difficulty. Part of the difficulty now is dealing with the buggy nature of zombies. i played alot in 1.7.7 and the only realy bug happening was that all known and ever happening bug that the infected can hit you through walls. just stay away from the outside walls and they wont reach you. beating up a dead horse wont bring it to life!i never got hit from 10 meters away by not one single infected. maybe bad server-administration with to long serverruns and or lag?!My answers in green to your bullet points.I find the aggro argument particularly funny. You used to be able to fart in a Zombie's direction and lose him. Now it actually takes some thinking and persistence. It still requires thinking, planning, and patience in everything you do to avoid zombies AND players. it does not. because the Infected lose aggro to fast now again. it was good like it was in 1.7.7. it was good that loosing your tale was more difficult and not only running arround the next corner or through a small bush.You have guns, use them. Overcome your fear of players and use the guns that you just spent the last hour trying to aquire. Stick and move. And let everyone and their mother know you're near by? Including zombies? I only shoot when required, and I try to keep it down to a minimum. This is a "Zombie"-Apocalypse gmae and you dont kill "Zombies" becuase of other players - does that makes any sence to you? its not the game thats broken - its the playerbase!If you fire a few shots off on one side of town, by the time you circle around to the other side of town it will be nice and quiet. Unless you have a silenced weapon, you'll just have a line of zombies following you to the other side of town. not if you can aim and pop the heads off - dead "zombies" won't follow you!How long does it take to get to lvl 60 in a game like WoW? Are the forums filled with posts where people whine about not having the time it takes to get to lv 60, so please reduce the amount of time it takes to get to lvl 60? This isn't a quick fix popcap game you play while you have dinner cooking in the oven. It's a grinding, time waster type of game like an MMO. If you don't have the time, it's not the game for you. WoW is the wrong game to compare this with. WoW dumbed down MMO's to the point of making MMO's damm near irrelevent. oh wow, you totally missed the point! its about the whining not the game itself! you could use any other game with levelup. In BF3 the whining worked - they offered "Shortcuts" to buy to get everything unlocked... thats what whining about hard games or hard features brings us to... no challange, no satisfaction - only casual shit. and i dont mention Bf3 is a Hard game. A lot of you are playing the game for the wrong reasons. The responses to 1.7.7 and the constant modding of the mod in private hives leads me to believe that a lot of you are playing the game in an attempt to be part of the "In" crowd. Wrong reasons? Really? And you have the right to tell people the reason they are supposed to play? I play this game because I enjoy it. I play for a variety of reasons, the foremost being to have fun. ill answer this with the following pointIf you play this game strictly to kill other players, you are playing the worst, most boring, and slowest deathmatch ever made. Why? Why? Because I feel like it? Because this game is an open world sandbox game where twitch skills do not reign supreme as they do in COD and BF. In this game it is about your decisions, tactical savvy, ability to out think your opponent, positioning, recognition of advantages and disadvantages, ability to execute your plan to ensure success. I have to use all my senses and instincts in this game to be successful, where in COD/BF I just have to have the best system with best reflexes. so you are playing DayZ for deathmatch. thats real the wrong reason to play DayZ. you can all this using instincts and senses and blah have with ARMA2 and its addons with lots of other players who are playing war. dont you think this would fit your gamestyle more instead of ruining that game for all who try to play seriously in a surving-zedapocalyptic game? They can only infect you if they get within arms reach. And yet, bugged zombies hit you from beyond arms reach. bad server, lags? never expierenced that and played uncounting hours...Maybe they broke through the stucco and drywall? For people wanting realism, do you think this is realistic? For them to just bust through this stuff using their arms, legs, and head? I don't see them carrying sledgehammers around. Its on of the easiest things to brake through stucco - if you need a hammer for that... sure - youll get hurt a bit and maybe bleed but you wont take serious wounds... and an rage-infected wont care for a bit loss of skin...No one ever complains about the bugs that make things easier. I'm on a hay bail, I'm king of the world! I'm all for bug fixes, of any kind. If they found a way to fix the buggy zombies in the mod then I would be ok with increasing the difficulty to a much higher point.Notice how many bad stories start with; We went to Cherno/Elektro and..... You know the expression, don't feed the troll? It means don't keep using the bridge and keep giving it your money. Stop using the bridge and the troll goes away to find another bridge. By the vary nature of Chernarus, Elektro/Cherno are magnets. However, in my opinion, you need player interaction to make the game thrive. Whether that be friendly, neutral, or hostile interactions, just the fact that there is interaction is what helps add depth to the game. However, Chernarus forces that interaction to take place in small area. That's why I like Panthera and Lingor so much. The interaction is spread around the map. ok, mention if DayZ would be reality - would you realy go to cherno or electro if not 100% foced to? i would leave big cities complete alone because only the death will be there to get found. and here you see the best that the "Zombies" are to week - becaus of how many casual-gamers are running arround there looking for deathmatch! if the "Zombies" would be real threads - no one would go there just for "fun"!I don't crawl around and take it slow and I still survive. Might be because I shoot zombies, might not. Probably is. I don't go slow through towns either. Because I know the threat is going to be other players, rather than zombies, regardless of difficulty. I go as fast as I can through towns, while trying to aggro as little as possible. Even in SA, the greatest threat will still be another player. Why? Because the human mind will always be greater than a programmed AI. And again - do you realy think other humans would be killing each other for nothing in such a world? the danger of "zombies" never where some few - it was always the mass of them. and as long as players in this mod have the feeling that player are more lethal than a town filled with "Zombies" they are to week. regardless if they are bugged or not. if bugged they are even deadlier!It's still too easy. I'd like to see infection be more like a 10 min countdown. You got 10 minutes to find the cure before it takes hold, no slowing, no blood drain. Save the last bullet for yourself.This whole idea of community game development needs to stop. It will never work. Take an EA sports game for example, you can no longer expect to be playing the same game 3 months after release. Sometimes from week to week even. They release game, get a wave of complainers, make a change to appease the complainers, new wave of complaints, new changes. It's an endless cycle and you never know what game you're going to be playing any more. Developers need to have a vision, stick to and deliver that vision, and then let the players decide if they like it or not. Period. I partly agree with this. There have been a lot of games that I enjoyed when they came out, but due to the incessant crying by carebears and crybabies, the games were nerfed into oblivion. SWG and POTBS for example (MMO's) If devs would stick to their vision and designs, things would go better. But it's this attitude of "have to cater to the crybabies so they don't leave" that hurts them more in the long run. However, in this game, since it is a mod, there needs to be some input, at the very least just constructive criticism that the devs can digest. Well - the best indicator here is the Poll in another thread. there was so much biching about 1.7.7 in the forum but the poll showed that the complainers where a minority while twice as much people enjoyed the new version. in my eyes this leads us to one conclusion: Devs - stick to YOUR vision and keep it alive!Looks like all the whining worked, as we now have - return of the pathetically feeble zeds. You can now go back to sitting down in the middle of an aggro'd hoard for some tea and crumpets, get up and run off to go heal yourself. No worries. Maybe if the zombies weren't bugged from the outset of the mod, the difficulties could be increased to your liking without worry about zombies magically hitting you from 10m away through walls. the nerfing of the Zeds are a code-fail, not intended and its worked on to be fixed. they will be as hard as in 1.7.7. in the next fix just with slighly reduced infection rate. and again, no one got hit 10m away of a "Zombie" on our server that is often restarted and good maintained. Edited June 20, 2013 by quattro_ger Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rn_max 202 Posted June 20, 2013 Ah, more polarised pissing and noise generation. Somehow I doubt it will help decide who is more right, but it is quite apparent who is pissing the hardest all over the forums like an angry little dog. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sanchez1jose 0 Posted June 20, 2013 Can't we all just be friends :| Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rn_max 202 Posted June 20, 2013 No ... its the apocalypse and some people are dependent on its seriousness ... even in the face of universal derision :P Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zfleming12 395 Posted June 20, 2013 One thing that amazes me is how folks fail to remeber how this is a ZOMBIE apocalypse game.Key word= ZOMBIE 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bca quattro 44 Posted June 20, 2013 On 6/20/2013 at 6:56 PM, zfleming12 said: One thing that amazes me is how folks fail to remeber how this is a ZOMBIE apocalypse game.Key word= ZOMBIEcoorect - the half playerbase - well to continue the poll of an other topic 1/3 of the playerbase is thinking this is deatmatch and the in this case so called "zombies" are just for the playerindication so they only need to scope in when "zombies" arrive.well - ITS NOT! this game is about player-interrection, ok, yes - but i cant imagine that the inention of rocket was KillonSight! - and i cant imagine that rocket and all the other devs like Razor are putting all that effort in that prject just for another silly deathmatch-game! i just hope that this COD-Generation will go further on to the next "in-Game" and the enthusiast will stay. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tek (DayZ) 95 Posted June 20, 2013 On 6/20/2013 at 6:56 PM, zfleming12 said: One thing that amazes me is how folks fail to remeber how this is a ZOMBIE apocalypse game.Key word= ZOMBIEYou know what this game REALLY is?A SURVIVAL game in... oh my... a Zombie apocalypse. You have to survive from.... well... zombies... yourself... your environment... and.... *gasp*... PLAYERS! Who would have thought? I know, I know... it's too much to take in right now, the fact that you have to survive from other players. You know... the ones who want to steal your guns, your beans, your can of mountain dew. Just so that they can survive in this survival game set in a zombie infested world.If all we had to do was survive from zombies, and not other players, then the ONLY weapon you would need is a hatchet. That's it... end of story. You would not need any other weapon to defend yourself. If this was just about surviving zombies, then why even have guns? Why even let us shoot at each other for that matter?It's a survival game. From zombies to players, to rain giving you hypothermia, to infections, to broken bones. Survival from peoples own stupidity. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tajjuk 65 Posted June 21, 2013 ^ Yep it's a multiplayer for a reason, because AI can never bring to the table what players can. Do you lot really think people watch all those Day Z youtubers for them hacking down 50 zombies with a hatchet? Nope it;s the interesting and varied encounters with other humans that make this game what it is. Players will always outsmart and work around zombies and they will always still kill other players doesn't meant the game is deathmatch. in fact If you think the game is like that I would reckon your should learn how to not get shot and how to interact better with other players. the game is what you make of it, that's why it's sandbox. There are guns yes but no one says you have to use them against other players. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bca quattro 44 Posted June 21, 2013 (edited) what interrection - all interaction left in the game is KoS wow great interraction!there is no more interreaction because everyone starts shooting directly they see other players. thath just deathmatch and has nothing to do with immersion.the part of to be a MP-Mod was innteraction - but somehow that just turned into brainless Deathmatch what destroyes the game.ikf you want to interrect with other players via KoS why dont you play HL-Deathmatch?and only because a game is played much dont shows it has good gameplay: Cod, BF3... and on puplic server DayZ with its KoS-kiddies Edited June 21, 2013 by quattro_ger Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tajjuk 65 Posted June 21, 2013 I don't shoot people on sight, many other don't, all the friends I have don't either. I joined a completely new private hive the other day and encountered a guy with a DMR in a ghillie and he didn't shoot me on sight. He chatted to me for a while and told me where some decent loot was. A little while later someone gave me a lift back to my mates in a bus. A little while after that someone stole my car. I met up with mates and all 3 of us headed north where we met another group that joined up with us for a while. That was all within one evenings play on a busy server. We heard some shots but not one actually ever shot at us and we met a quite a few players. | hardly ever get shot on sight because I make it difficult to do that to me, plus I've managed to kill players doing just that with far lesser weapons than they have. The game is what you make off it, that's the whole point it's sandbox. I have never experienced this 'deathmatch' you allude to. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jubeidok 495 Posted June 21, 2013 (edited) Why are KoS discussions occurring in this thread? This thread isn't about that age old argument. You're either here cause you died repeatedly on 1.7.7 and blame it on anything/everything but yourself or you're here cause you agree with the OP because you we're able to survive on 1.7.7. Edited June 21, 2013 by JubeiDOK Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
need matches 84 Posted June 21, 2013 LOL. I like how all the "hardcore" players told those of us who could see the patch's problems, to go play or whatever.Now who's crying?Stop calling those of us who pointed out 1.7.7's limitations and immersion breaking additions "crybabies". Obviously you aren't taking the time to read some of the excellent posts in this thread regarding issues.So stop whining and go play 1.7.7! 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tek (DayZ) 95 Posted June 21, 2013 On 6/20/2013 at 9:36 AM, Ken Bean said: What is so difficult to understand that they have a bug in and that they try to find the right balance?Well, go on on "carebears and crybabies won" but reality is that there will be another update anyway.Do you really think, that the mod as it is now, stays so forever?They call it alpha for a reason. There have been plenty of updates. I didn't hear someone saying "It's final now.". Did you?There is a huge difference between people changing the design/vision of a game and fixing bugs. Crying and forcing change how something was designed in a game because someone does not like it is what I was talking about with that particular statement.Zombies are bugged, they weren't designed to warp through walls. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites