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Why is everyone I meet an ***hole?

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I just recently started playing this game, but I haven't met a person yet who hasn't tried to kill me.

I've tried talking to them over the voice chat, and typing directly to them. I never get responses except for maybe them shooting in my general direction.

I understand this is a game of loss and frustration most of the time, but having EVERY person I meet try to kill me is crazy. I've seen videos and read things on here of strangers helping each other out and teaming up. What happened to it? Why does everyone just want to kill me for no reason?

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Do you hang around the coast/Cherno/Elektro by any chance? You're asking for it if you are. I have good gear and you're having a laugh if you expect me to trust a newly spawned player with a winchester. He's one click away from getting some of the best equipment in the game if I do trust him.

Try the Survivor HQ sub-forums and get on teamspeak or mumble with some friendlies. It's the best way to play with like minded people - because I kill anyone who isn't on my mumble server.

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You either have to encounter people at your level (if you are unarmed, they better be unarmed too) or be lucky. I took fire from a dude today and killed him in self-defense. A little later, his buddy came crashing through the woods yelling "Friendly" and explained that his teammate was being stupid. We exchanged words and left peacefully.

So it comes down a matter of luck and not looking like you can harm them.

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You obviously haven't met me, lol XD Thankfully I haven't met any players that have noticed me. Now that I've got a weapon, I'm considering trying to be more social and maybe group up with people when I'm armed better (so I can defend myself if they try to betray me) either way, if by chance we ever do meet in game, I'm friendly.

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Because as of yet there isnt a mechanic that allows you to portray yourself as friendly. At the moment if you bump into someone you both think "I better shoot because he will soon!"

Until there is a mechanic that allows people to see you as friendly it is just pot luck whether you get wasted or not.

You can quickly salute but this usually ends up being the last thing you do....

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What? I don't hate you! In fact I love you so very much.. The thing is, I love your stuff even more. It's like a love triangle between me, you, and your stuff.. And frankly your stuff is sexy.

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DayZ caters to the straight up dick in everyone. Only real men resist it and act like decent human beings, but people assume personality will go out the window in an apocalypse.

The truth is, DayZ suffers from people thinking it's some last bastion of hope for griefing and trolling, which is total bollocks. Also, the people go relatively unchecked unless they directly attack rocket, so there's this general "everyone can be a douchebag" air not only in the game but on the forums.

So yes, THIS is the face of the "hardcore" community, understand why they were ignored for so long? Casuals may have liked it easier, but at least they knew how to behave in a public forum. It's up to the legit gamers to take back the community and show that we can play and last in the hardcore world of DayZ without being exploiting and trolling cowards.

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Today I have actually met quite a few friendlies! Earlier I was saved by 3 people in a car who then bandaged me and drove me to Cherno (We ALL died after trying to help another, as well as did I mention this was in Elecktro/Cherno?). I have also, since the new hotfixes, passed people who were actually quite nice while looting. Usually they would say "Hows it going?" or something like that and leave or keep going.

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ran into 2 players just a while ago. both friendly. helped out for a bit. nice experience.

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i was walking down some stairs earlier and my legs just fucking broke out of nowhere. people dont hate you this game is just shit

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i was walking down some stairs earlier and my legs just fucking broke out of nowhere. people dont hate you this game is just shit

Then do pray tell, if this game is shit exactly why are you here?

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Maybe if you didn't suck so bad then people wouldn't be an ass.

Way to prove DayZ shares a mature, respectable community there buddy. Are we competing with other forums for "biggest dick" community or is it just a personal vendetta?

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I just recently started playing this game' date=' but I haven't met a person yet who hasn't tried to kill me.

I've tried talking to them over the voice chat, and typing directly to them. I never get responses except for maybe them shooting in my general direction.

I understand this is a game of loss and frustration most of the time, but having EVERY person I meet try to kill me is crazy. I've seen videos and read things on here of strangers helping each other out and teaming up. What happened to it? Why does everyone just want to kill me for no reason?


If you need someone to play with you are welcome to play with my friend and I sometimes. We film a lot of DayZ episodes for our youtube channel ( http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQDuuLTRNHMMK8-vhmgv3ww ) and have a mumble channel to speak to one another. We haven't had any guest appearances yet but we are open to them provided you play correctly. ie. crouch, crawl and try not to attract attention when it isn't needed.

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People kill other people for fun in today's world all the time. What makes you think people aren't going to kill other people in the fucking Zombie Apocalypse?

When the world is lawless and there's no one to protect the weak, only the strong survive. That is the way the lawless world works. Even from a historical standpoint, people only band together for their own security and personal well being, not because they care about people. And in order for that to occur, everyone in the group has to be USEFUL.

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Yeah. I tried being friendly the first three times I met people.

I shot zombies for a guy with a DMR. I got killed.

I blundered into a supermarket, saw a guy, typed 'FRIENDLY' in the chat, even dodged around the shelves trying to be non threatening, and he still hunted me down and killed me.

Saw a bunch of guys with NVG's, tried being friendly. Got shot for my troubles.

Now, I have one simple method for every single goddamn survivor I meet.

No talking. No interaction.

Just a double tap to the head.

Get used to it. In a weeks time, you'll be just like me.

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Yeah. I tried being friendly the first three times I met people.

I shot zombies for a guy with a DMR. I got killed.

I blundered into a supermarket' date=' saw a guy, typed 'FRIENDLY' in the chat, even dodged around the shelves trying to be non threatening, and he still hunted me down and killed me.

Saw a bunch of guys with NVG's, tried being friendly. Got shot for my troubles.

Now, I have one simple method for every single goddamn survivor I meet.

No talking. No interaction.

Just a double tap to the head.

Get used to it. In a weeks time, you'll be just like me.


Probably not. I've met a few people with equipment similar to mine and they were friendly. Actually exchanged equipment and looted a area together. I even gave him some food since I had some for spare.

Another noob I found I gave him some ammo for a glock that I found in a control tower.

People can be pretty friendly, but at the same time always be careful. You don't have to be a total douche in this game to survive.

Note that I said 'total' douche. Sometimes you have to do some assholish things to go by but you don't really have to shoot every single player you come across. Sometimes that is unnecessary or possibly stupid since they could have a larger group around covering for him.

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My interactions with people tend to be when I am nearly dead, and unable to care whether that random soul shots my last thousand health, or asks to share.

For example: I was in Cherno, crawling around a building looking for food, as I was starving to death. My health was under 3000, and my guns were pretty much full on ammo. I had plenty of water, but no food, blood bags or even a map.

As I was leaving the building, the back door swept open and a person crawled in, I typed, "Hello" in the Direct Comm and waited to see what he would do (I expected him to fire at me, but I was almost dead, so I wouldn't have been angry).

"Got morphine?" He asks, and I now know he isn't crawling to be sneaky. After I traded some words, we traded food for morphine and I applied one of his blood bags to him.

As far as I can tell, players are more likely to be friendly when they are forced into it, but it is a good idea to move on as soon as possible, as that same player that saved my life went 50 feet and blasted another player in the face. I think he left me alive due to nothing more than luck (he ran into me, an almost dead player with morphine).

Some players seek out friendlies, others seek out targets, but most sit in a grey area where they just want to survive, and are willing to kill on sight to protect themselves. One of my friends is already like this, firing at anyone that approaches after we told them to stop.

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cause everyone is used to shooters. i haven't met one person who shot me between the eyes. i never killed a player. someone is dying i help them up and the thank me in bullets. i can't exchange words before they stab me with bullets. I'm dying and someone looks through my bags and say "nothing i want" and shot me. well..my name is "mclovin" the only perk to it is that they laugh for a brief second before giving me a bullet. >:( the game is nice i love it. and if someone gave me a chance to say "hey im friendly" and give them any healing or support they need. but i guess that won't happen for awhile. i would love to help any soul i can and kill the undead alongside trusted people but eh, shot a guy getting out of a building but i don't care anymore. cause if i left him alive he would of shot me anyways.

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I'm not an asshole! You can come play with me! ...unless you have beans...



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i'd have to say spawning with a gun immediately gives a player a sense that he can go around shooting everyone and everything for easy loot or there's the situation where newer players have been tormented and back stabbed so many times that they turn into what they hate because they pretty much have to, i would consider playing with friends and only friends during your time playing day z, people you can honestly trust are the people who are going to surely stick by your side (unless they accidently miss the shoot and your in the line of fire) but lately i have found tons of people who are friendly ever since the patch came out that took away your pistol until the point when they find a gun and feel more supreme then you are..

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DayZ caters to the straight up dick in everyone. Only real men resist it and act like decent human beings' date=' but people assume personality will go out the window in an apocalypse.

The truth is, DayZ suffers from people thinking it's some last bastion of hope for griefing and trolling, which is total bollocks. Also, the people go relatively unchecked unless they directly attack rocket, so there's this general "everyone can be a douchebag" air not only in the game but on the forums.

So yes, THIS is the face of the "hardcore" community, understand why they were ignored for so long? Casuals may have liked it easier, but at least they knew how to behave in a public forum. It's up to the legit gamers to take back the community and show that we can play and last in the hardcore world of DayZ without being exploiting and trolling cowards.


I was gonna reply, but why bother when I can quote something which says pretty much what I was gonna say anyway. +1

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Yesterday I was a fresh spawn at cherno. I ran inland towards the east, where two barns were located. as I run off the hill, I see a guy fully equiped looking at me. I guess he noticed I was just a spawnee, and let me be. I ran into the barn, found a weapon, but didn't turn to confront him. We parted ways without any problems. I guess you need to be lucky.

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I read the thread title and thought he was talking about the forums for a moment.

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