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Why is everyone I meet an ***hole?

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Most of the videos you saw where when the game had consequences for being a bandit / murderer in the form of a skin.

The way in which the skin was given was flawed. so they removed the skin rather than fix the way in which it was given... fuck knows why.

Once the consequences where removed almost everyone became an asshole.

Now all the assholes call anyone who comments on this a crying carebear.

to try and justify the fact that they are assholes.

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I have met more friendly survivors than hostile ones. The most potentially dangerous that I met was a group of four, and I say potentially because I hid in the bushes the entire time they were nearby.

I've only killed one survivor myself, and that was purely self-defense.

Otherwise, I got the drop on a better-armed survivor than me in Berezino but didn't shoot. When he spotted me, he shared his loot instead of gunning me down.

Later that day, a group of three got the drop on me by the hospital. They saluted me and kept me at gunpoint until I left. Quite a tense moment.

The rest, I've seen at a distance, or we were too busy shooting Zack to turn on each other.

It's all in how you play, and luck. Lots of luck.

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Hey Zantiago - that's a great story. What I love about this game is the incredible range of narratives it throws up.

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Hey Zantiago - that's a great story. What I love about this game is the incredible range of narratives it throws up.

I agree. With both statements.

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It's a gamble most of the time, i needed a piss & just thought w/e (In Stary Sober btw) and just AFK'ed in the store, came back with a guy in a ghillie suit looking at me with his gun faced at me.

He didn't shoot, i was frankly shocked.

We both went our seperate ways ^^ alive.

- But then i've also been in Cherno, said to some dude as he was coming up the stairs "Friendly, Friendly" he replied well, i came down, as soon as i hit the bottem shots were fired & i died, then i hear on his MIC as am hitting the floor "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA"

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I've actually been saved a few times. I once spawned in on the coast and was instantly aggro'd by a zombie train. Ran for about 500 meters and I hear multiple rounds and they all go down. Dude in a Ghillie suit stands up, salutes, and goes his own way leaving me going dafuq.

Another time I was ambushed by a bandit, on the ground passed out. He came to me and proceed to teabag me using a combo of crouch and stand. Then I hear a crack and see him go down behind the hour glass. A little later I am back at 12000 blood and a dude gives me a 1911 with three mags. Told me he was from some bandit hunting clan.

Most of the time, I am killed upon sight though.

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I came across three survivors in the forest with just hatchets. I had an m1014 and all the necessary survival gear. I ended up giving them a makarov with some ammo so they could properly defend themselves. They gave me food in return and we all went on our happy way.

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DayZ caters to the straight up dick in everyone.

Let me correct you:

GAMES cater to the straight up dick in everyone.

Its not DayZ that makes them nasty, its because they get jollies from being a dick, and they are hidden behind a screen and miles of internet cable.

It happens in every game,

CoD= spawn trapping

BF2= tracer darting your own tanks

WoW = people refusing to heal tanks

etc, etc ,etc etc,

Some people just like to log on to fuck you off. THATS IT. It just happens that DayZ has some sensitive souls playing it, so the bastards love it.

They want you to be upset. And a DayZ player will make a rage thread in seconds, i bet you every thread wailing on here was their killers reading it with glee.

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i have to admit, i tend to shoot first. For a long time when i first started playing i kept telling myself and my friends that i wouldnt kill anyone without them shooting first.

But then at least 9/10 people i give chances shot me (some even gloat about it in chat even though i could have easily taken them out first)

If i die and i'm a near fresh character in a common place ill usually give chances as long as i am not cornered and there is no word of bandits in chat.

When i have over 5 hours of work at risk ill either completely avoid a conflict (abort or run) or if given no other choice ill shoot first.

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GAMES cater to the straight up dick in everyone.

Its not DayZ that makes them nasty' date=' its because they get jollies from being a dick, and they are hidden behind a screen and miles of internet cable.

It happens in every game,

CoD= spawn trapping

BF2= tracer darting your own tanks

WoW = people refusing to heal tanks

etc, etc ,etc etc,


Yet, in those other games, death means virtually nothing. All of them is just a quick respawn/corpserun and you're exactly back to where you started. Also, those games have clans/guilds that can manage the general social aspect of how the game is run. Clans can kick and ban them from servers, and decent players realize that they don't act like that or they will get kicked.

DayZ doesn't have this. It's easy to strike out on your own, and most clans/groups APPLAUD the notion of getting the most kills. This is a relic from other FPS games, where kills reign supreme, and here in DayZ that mentality needs to die before we can move on to the actual "survival" aspect. So yes, games make dicks, but DayZ practically caters to them by doing nothing but beefing them up. Ask yourself: If I'm wrong, why are there NVGs in this game? Why are there scoped rifles?

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basically what never said

back in the days of split screen or only Lan multiplayer, if someone was being a dick, you had the option just to not let them player, or punish them in real life for being a dick which sadly online has removed this option.

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basically what never said

back in the days of split screen or only Lan multiplayer' date=' if someone was being a dick, you had the option just to not let them player, or punish them in real life for being a dick which sadly online has removed this option.


So this basically, right? (cut to the relevant part)

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Because as of yet there isnt a mechanic that allows you to portray yourself as friendly. At the moment if you bump into someone you both think "I better shoot because he will soon!"

Until there is a mechanic that allows people to see you as friendly it is just pot luck whether you get wasted or not.

You can quickly salute but this usually ends up being the last thing you do....

there was, and that was not having a bandit skin

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basically what never said

back in the days of split screen or only Lan multiplayer' date=' if someone was being a dick, you had the option just to not let them player, or punish them in real life for being a dick which sadly online has removed this option.


So this basically, right? (cut to the relevant part)

pretty much :D

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You obviously haven't met me' date=' lol XD Thankfully I haven't met any players that have noticed me. Now that I've got a weapon, I'm considering trying to be more social and maybe group up with people when I'm armed better (so I can defend myself if they try to betray me) either way, if by chance we ever do meet in game, I'm friendly.


no matter how geared you are it only takes one headshot...

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Sadly you can't trust anyone. Now of course if you are in TS or Mumble you can treat them with caution unless they are your friends, online or IRL.

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basically what never said

back in the days of split screen or only Lan multiplayer' date=' if someone was being a dick, you had the option just to not let them player, or punish them in real life for being a dick which sadly online has removed this option.


So this basically, right? (cut to the relevant part)

pretty much :D

Honestly? I missed out on the arcade era, but it sounds like it was an amazing time. Of course, arcades could technically happen today, with local multiplayer or heck, even setting up servers for gamers to play on together, in a cybercafe. Unfortunately, that wouldn't take off here, I live in the middle of nowhere and nobody here would justify it.

Sadly, if I want to socialize and interact with people these days, it means leaving my gaming behind. Sure I don't mind talking with my golfing group at college about stuff, but they have NO interest in getting a Champions Online alert going, or heck even playing something like CoD on the console.

The inclusion of online multiplayer in gaming brought about the anonymity that is what causes the problems we have today. With all new technology, problems arise, but gamers failed by not dealing with it and being indifferent to it when it started, and now Doug Douchebag and Restraining Order Rick are the mainstream audience that the "hardcore" community has as their face. Is there no wonder these problems have gotten out of hand and, rather than hope the community deals with it, game publishers have pushed it under the rug and focused on more casual games? Compare Wii-Sports to Call of Duty, guess which one gets the most bad publicity because of its vocal community?

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no one is an asshole with a winchester, a makarov and 3 clips.

people are assholes with nvgs, FALs and other top shit they don't want to lose

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I've noticed that mindless PVP is far less of a problem since the starting gear and global chat have been removed. None of the survivors I've encountered have shot on sight and I've been less inclined to as well. Starting out really does take some work now, and tbh most of the people I see don't have gear that I want anyway. The effort of killing them and dealing with the zeds is rarely worth it. Its better to just find the stuff yourself.

Unfortunately, claners are a problem. These guys face little challenge in the game and can farm up a stockpile of all the best gear (and vehicles) rather quickly. Which of course strips most of the fun out of the game, leaving them little to do besides running around at night with NVGs and rifles picking off loners bumbling around in the dark with a pistol.

Really the game is geared towards lone wolf play (maybe groups of 2-3) atm. I imagine more content for 5+ groups is in the pipeline - Build yer own fort? Sell supplies, fight off random bandit raids (Roving NPC bandit gangs attacking forts and zombie swarms climbing the walls?) IDK, but groups reduce the challenge of surviving so they need some sort of goal to meet.

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Why is it that people immediately brand you an asshole if you kill them? I don't get it. Rocket made this 'anti-game' with the intention of letting people play it the way they see fit, then when you exercise that right, you get people who tell you that you're playing it wrong because you don't want to team up and share supplies. At first I thought the whole carebear thing was just a funny term to troll people with, now i'm seeing just how much it applies these days. It's like playing tag with a bunch of grade school kids who want to randomly change the rules to benefit themselves.

Not to sound like a broken record, but learn to play the game properly before you complain. Take cover and attempt communication with the player before you try to team up, if they seem shady, get out of there. It's the same people who run around spouting FRIENDLY IN CHERNO WHOS SHOOTING IN CHERNO OMG HELP ME AT FIRESTATION IN CHERNO who come here bitching and moaning because someone didn't help them and instead feasted on their delicious blood beans.

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Sadly you can't trust anyone. Now of course if you are in TS or Mumble you can treat them with caution unless they are your friends' date=' online or IRL.


Why is it that people immediately brand you an asshole if you kill them? I don't get it. Rocket made this 'anti-game' with the intention of letting people play it the way they see fit' date=' then when you exercise that right, you get people who tell you that you're playing it wrong because you don't want to team up and share supplies. At first I thought the whole carebear thing was just a funny term to troll people with, now i'm seeing just how much it applies these days. It's like playing tag with a bunch of grade school kids who want to randomly change the rules to benefit themselves.

Not to sound like a broken record, but learn to play the game properly before you complain. Take cover and attempt communication with the player before you try to team up, if they seem shady, get out of there. It's the same people who run around spouting FRIENDLY IN CHERNO WHOS SHOOTING IN CHERNO OMG HELP ME AT FIRESTATION IN CHERNO who come here bitching and moaning because someone didn't help them and instead feasted on their delicious blood beans.


However like you stated there is no way to play it right, also there is no way to tell if someone is being shady.

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no one is an asshole with a winchester' date=' a makarov and 3 clips.

people are assholes with nvgs, FALs and other top shit they don't want to lose


I'm sorry but that's just not true. I've been killed by assholes wielding the 1866 or a Mak before, even if I was similarly or only marginally better armed.

Now that I have obtained a Mk48 and NVGs through bandit slaying, yes I will probably kill the guy with the Winchester on sight, because yes he will probably attempt to murder me and take my gear.

For every player I have had friendly/neutral interactions with, there have been at least five who shot at me, and then not even with high level weaponry, but with Winchesters, Lee Enfields, Makarovs and the like. The times I have been killed by high end weaponry are few and far between.

I'm just speaking from experience, but I would say everybody is just as likely to try and kill me, unless they're unarmed, in which case they post almost zero threat.

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Why is it that people immediately brand you an asshole if you kill them?

Why is it that people immediately brand you a carebear if you aren't gaming the system and farming kills?

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Why is it that people immediately brand you an asshole if you kill them?

Why is it that people immediately brand you a carebear if you aren't gaming the system and farming kills?

Gaming the system? Please elaborate. Theres also no such thing as farming kills, the game doesn't reward you in any way, shape or form for killing other players, other than the loot they carry, in which case that's just another form of scavenging.

Sorry but I firmly believe that every play style is a part of the experience. Whether it be solo'ing it and hunting for beans in the middle of BFE, or sitting ontop a building in chern and killing for fun, it all has it's place in the game. What better simulation of real life than to give people the means to be assholes?

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