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Oculus Rift + Omni + Dayz

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that ... looks awesome.

Edit: it's regular arma II they're using, but same concept.

Edited by Nihilum

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i pulled my wallet out and threw money at the screen.

:beans: :beans:

Edited by methr1k2dop3
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Or you could just continue to play it on your pc. In that comfortable chair you love, in your study rather than your lounge room.

Call me conservative but I feel very little attraction to this at all. It will just make gaming harder, and I'm sure there will be exploits.

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Or you could just continue to play it on your pc. In that comfortable chair you love, in your study rather than your lounge room.

Call me conservative but I feel very little attraction to this at all. It will just make gaming harder, and I'm sure there will be exploits.

i would use it for epic single player games.

i don't know about fast paced multiplayer action.

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It's not about whether its harder or not, its all about the immersion, its about literally putting yourself inside the game.

I don't see myself buying the treadmill for home, but I definitely see myself going down to the local VRcade with some mates and running around like idiots inside an almost tangible virtual world.

Regarding multiplayer, as someone using Rift+Omni (or even just Rift) you wouldn't want to be in the same servers are KB+Mouse+Screen people. It's like comparing PC multiplayer to console multiplayer. The same level of precision is just not there (which isn't necessarily a bad thing).

Edited by Kra

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yeah, imagine the 45 minutes of constant running to get to stary, also - what would you do for vehicle transitions? walk to car, get out of omni, sit in chair, enter car?

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A known tech and product. But yeah, it can also be used with only those glasses, so u can still play with mouse+keyboard if desired to.. =)

Edited by SoulHunter

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I ran across this omni-diectional treadmill the other day while druling over the occulus rift, this definatly needs more attention on the dayz forums - its quite amazing where things are heading!

heres someone playing TF2, while I don't think that this type of shooter is where this type of divice shines, I think TF2 has really good support for the Occulus rift which is probably why they are experimenting with it.

(thought I'd put the vid from the first link in here too)

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Unless Oculus tripled the resolution of the Rift, fixed the "screen door" problem and improved the optics so that the whole screen is in focus for each display panel since I got my hand's on a Rift last month; I call bullshit on all those videos. Don't forget the motion sickness it causes either. I don't get motion sickness, but I was ready to lose lunch after 10 minutes using the Rift Dev Kit.

Yes, the Rift is an amazing piece of technology and it may just deliver on it's promises some day if R&D is properly funded, but it's not playable today.

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Mo Farrah's agent announced that the long distance runner will cease training on a track and start playing DayZ on the Omni.

ps - be sweet if the base tilted to match hills, imagine chasing some fat kid up green mountain =)

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If I wanted to physically run up hills to shoot people, I'd have joined the Infantry 20 years ago...

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Mo Farrah's agent announced that the long distance runner will cease training on a track and start playing DayZ on the Omni.

Beat me to the punch line ;) ...be so damn funny when people clag and actually get tired from running! (then get eaten by z)

Edited by Trizzo
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This is obviously an idea for people who want more exercise while playing games than those who just want the traditional setup. Even in limited use it would be a pretty fun way to get some walking/jogging in.

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Unless Oculus tripled the resolution of the Rift, fixed the "screen door" problem and improved the optics so that the whole screen is in focus for each display panel since I got my hand's on a Rift last month; I call bullshit on all those videos. Don't forget the motion sickness it causes either. I don't get motion sickness, but I was ready to lose lunch after 10 minutes using the Rift Dev Kit.

Yes, the Rift is an amazing piece of technology and it may just deliver on it's promises some day if R&D is properly funded, but it's not playable today.

Sigh... idiot spreading a misinformed idea, that's new.

The one you got your hands on, if you even did, was a dev kit with a lower resolution 720p display. That was so they could churn out the massive amount of dev kits requested. The newer kits have 1080p screens, and that's only going to improve in the consumer version. Your motion sickness complaint isn't right either. You get motion sickness because you're physically not moving yourself but your brain is telling you that you are moving, often at high speeds -- this can be overcome by easing into the oculus little by little. It's actually a compliment when you think of the fact a bit of hardware and software is evoking true physical responses, like vertigo and motion sickness.

Motion sickness is pretty much eliminated when playing with the omni because instead of your brain just thinking you're moving yourself, you're actually moving yourself.

You have a very fast and loose definition of

"not playable"
by any standard. :rolleyes: Edited by Nihilum
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Omni- that's one way to add fatigue to DayZ. I'm sure after playing DayZ 4+ hours a day not only would you be able to enter the Boston marathon but also win it.

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was thinking this a week ago, just with the oculus rift it would be so immersive to play DayZ on it!

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At the very least I'm going to be picking up a retail oculus rift. If the support for the omni is there too seriously considering it.

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I honestly think if they buffed out all the kinks and such with these two products I would get it just because I know dayz sa will eat a lot of my time and this would be a great way to get a lot of cardio training in! Hell maybe when the real zed Apocalypse happens I will be able to out run the zombies! :)

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Are people really going to buy a huge ass treadmill to play games with? I'm excited for the Rift but the Omni just looks ridiculous.

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